Drooping leaves root bound maybe?


New Member
All my girls are doing great except 1
Fox farm ocean forest
Fox farm nutrients ( I’ve been very light with them)
Ph 6.5-6.6
Mars hydro Ts3000
4x4x6 tent
This the only girl I have in a 5Gal fabric pot and I’m up to watering her more than I water the others drooping started yesterday and she’s bright green my others aren’t either she’s in week 2 of flower


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Zero percent chance that's root bound. Did you notice the drooping after the watering? Plants will droop and then the leaves will raise, it's part of transpiration and the rest of the process of drawing water from the roots to the leaves.
Yes I watered her after I seen the drooping figured she was thirsty checked her soil and she was and she’s been like that (drooping) for 24 hours as of today
The plants that are dark green are the ones more then likely the one with problems....little too much Nitrogen giving them that dark green color. Leaves move around ALL the time. The plant in the first picture looks more then fine. How often are you watering it and when you do how much are you using?
Being as tho I’m still a newbie I’m scared to over water so each 5Gal pot would get a little more than a half falling of water but like I said she’s the only one giving me this issue imma ride it out and see what happens though
Too much water can cause this as well...I personally wait til they start to droop before watering them. Lift the pot and see how light it is. If Super light...try to remember how that feels so you can gauge how much water is left by how heavy the pot it.