This isnt a classifieds ad for creepey gay dude magazine......
But to all your other posts guys n gals, *tear*...truly an amazing display of human compassion, lol. I love hearin that the attraction to someones personality is still intact, and its not all about how good lookin someone is, or how much money they make. Seriously, its nice to know that theres more than one woman out there who thinks like that.
Personally, im 6'0, weigh 285, and id like to think im a great guy. Not TOO TOO much of an asshole, but at the same time i aint no fuckin metro guy that carries manpons in my he-purse neither. Im just a well rounded-round guy.I was backpacking in Europe a few years back - just came up on a nice little piece of cash, n decided to do something with myself, and i met a really nice chick from New Zealand in my travels. We spent a good two weeks together, and i had to be on my way, n she told me that she had family out in Cali, and maybe she would see me sometime soon. I didnt exactly get my hopes up, cuz she was amazing n well, i was me, lol. SO, i came back to the states, and decided to do a little traveling around america before i went back home, n she called me outta nowhere, n told me that she was in Cali, n wanted me to come visit her. So i did, n we spent another week out there, and i thought we hit it off pretty well. So i left, thinkin good thoughts, and was happy with our encounter, n i thought that was going to be it. SO i went home, and prepared for a Knee surgery that i was having the next month, from an accident that i had been in the previous year. Had the surgery, and was in the hospital recovery room for a week before they would release me to go home. The day before i went home, she calls me again. She came out to where i lived, and wanted to fuckin visit me for a few days before she continued on her own trip, out to another state where she had more family.
So we spent another 4 days together, lol - her helping me recover while i was bed bound - truly she saw me at my worst man, it was horrible. So she left, no big deal. a Week later shes on her way back through, headed back to Cali, and then out of the Country again, to her home in New Zealand. So i tell her to come back out, because im getting back on my feet, and i wanna spend more time with her. This time she plans on staying for a week or two, but i make her extend her stay to 4 years so far, lol. Now, she knew up front that i was spending all my spare money on my trip, and was temporarily out of a job. She had a little bit of money, but nothing that would make anyone say that I was scamming HER for her money or anything dumb like that. Just two people hitting it off.
So, shes my wife now, and lemme tell you, she is the most amazing woman ive ever met, and seriously, shes absolutely beautiful. Shes already a resident of the country, because her step dad is american, and he adopted her, so the gov't is processing her citizenship as we speak, so not using me for a green card or anything like that either. Just plain old love man. I couldnt believe that a chick this awesome and beautiful could ever fall for a guy like me, but i would say that im living proof that love is blind, and simple attraction could be aswell, as long as you know how to carry yourself. I aint showin a pic of me, so i dont incriminate myself, but ill show you her, cuz shes not officially in anyones books yet. They didnt take her Biometrics yet for her citizenship, so its safe, lol.
yyyyyyyep...thats right. You can call it me wanting to show off my wife if you like, so what, maybe i do. I personally would call it just wanting to show people that no matter who you are, or what your about, as long as your not a complete douchebag, you can achieve anything, and its possible for ANYONE to fall in love with ANYONE. You never know whos around the corner, so try not to act like a fuckin tool ALL the time, lol