Unpopular opinions

Instagram and Facebook. The social disease of the modern day.

Yellow shit is cornmeal.

that explains the meal in the name, and the yellow explains the pea....

dehydrated bananas are pretty good.

Serious question... what's that yellow shit?


lol these people don't joke about bacon. I leaned that when I asked @raratt what he was going to do with his olympus mons sized pile of bacon.
Peameal bacon

Peameal Bacon Chub
Peameal Bacon Chub

Peameal bacon is a wet-cured, unsmoked back bacon made from trimmed lean boneless pork loin rolled in cornmeal. It is found mainly in Southern Ontario. Toronto pork packer William Davies, who came to Canada from England in 1854, is credited with its development. Wikipedia

No, I will not eat this food - Gif | Cute kitten gif, Funny cat videos, Cat  pictures videos
Why listen to the same song over and over again for years and years. Nostalgia? Trying to listen to new music is just... Well it's something.
I like to listen to podcasts or an audio book. See if my stoner brain can retain some info. The only time it seems like I listen to music is in the shower.
Oh shit, it's 2020, I can't be known as a waster. I am going to smoke a joint and try to forget about..........wait, what were we talking about?
I appreciate joints, but they just are the least efficient way to smoke I think.
I appreciate joints, but they just are the least efficient way to smoke I think.
That I cannot argue, it is a fact. I still like them but you are definitely correct. Lately I am enjoying pressing rosin and mixing it to make vape pens.