LOL, peoples houses burn down every day over electrical issues so it is quite possible. Could just as easily happen with any electrical product though. Honesty I have never heard of a grow light burning down someone's house but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. I personally would not trust my safety or my families with a product from any company that cannot even get their ad right but that's me. The fire gif was just a joke and would always be until it is not. As for 96 watts, that is what is printed on the driver in both pics for the 1000 and 2000 as they call them. They are calling these lights 1000 watt and 2000 watt. That is a lie and since they are being dishonest about that how can you trust that they are not showing the 2000 driver and the 1000 would only be 48w? Look I am not trying to sell you anything, as I mentioned I might even try one if in the USA but here in Canada that is just not worth it even with the huge discounts.