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Here is a pro tip to buying almost anything not manufactured in the US. The rest of the world uses metric sizes and not imperial.

So most "3 gallon" plastic pots or grow bags are actually 10 liter pots, bc that is the standard size everyone else uses and what is made at scale. 10 liters is only 2.64 gallons. You can find 12 liter pots (3.17 gallons) but they are pretty hard to come by.

You will notice this on lots of stuff including grow tent sizes and really anything that is normally sold in metric but is being repackaged for sale in the US. they just fudge the numbers bc we are too dumb to use metric for everything lol.
Good point
Damn, Im afraid to buy anything, might have a coupon pop up any god damn minute lol
im telling you, if you're getting a cheapo tent especially a larger one you want the style with the split opening. if the zippers fail you can easily replace them or just put velcro on the flaps. if you're going to get one with a big oval front opening you should at least get a vivosun for marginally more money. I have 2x4 vivosuns and the zippers are decent quality. I would still opt for the split opening on a larger one especially if its lower end.
So you've came around now and hopped onboard the HLG train huh?

Weren't you just dissing them the other day, lol?

I wasnt dissing them, i used their model as an example and everyone got all pissy. The only reason i would consider even buying one is that they are going to be 20% off which is fairly steep discount Even then they still dont have all the features that i wanted, you have to "DIY' it. If Mars does a sale, i would take that in a heartbeat. Techs moving too fast, in a year youre board is going to be falling off to newer technology. Hope im wrong tho.
does that include that 2000w light? oh and how much is the coupon for again?
The light is "UPBUD 2000w Full Spectrum Dimmable" the specs written on the driver in one of the pictures say 96w output from the driver. The coupon you click on was $30 and the code gets 50% off. The total for me was $49 before tax.