This isn't over.


Well-Known Member
Canada should learn from what's going on in the US and take action.
And we should also re-examine our past. All governments formed from white, European colonialism have a history of propagating racial injustice.

I don’t think anyone from Canada, Holland, GB or any other country is in a position to offer advise. It’s not my intention anyway, when I comment. I’m just a guy who smokes a lot of chronic and has a lot of opinions.


Well-Known Member
And we should also re-examine our past. All governments formed from white, European colonialism have a history of propagating racial injustice.

I don’t think anyone from Canada, Holland, GB or any other country is in a position to offer advise. It’s not my intention anyway, when I comment. I’m just a guy who smokes a lot of chronic and has a lot of opinions.
We all have a stake in the future and the tools people use to attain that future, liberal democracy, the better it works the better we live. America is the arena and the rules are well known, it is social warfare for the shape of the future. I call it warfare because one side declared it on their own constitution and their guy ran directly against liberal democracy, the constitution, the rule of law, the founding ethos of the nation and common fucking decency. It was a straight up choice between good and evil, freedom vs fascism and many failed the test of citizenship and morality.

Jesus, who with a heart and brain could not at least take an interest in the greatest, most dangerous tragicomedy on earth. If you're a Canadian getting this lunatic out of office and America back to whatever sanity and stability it had before the shit storm in vital! The economic world and system centers on America, they must change before everybody else can progress in some regards.

We are both in for a fucking shit kicking this winter and we're about a month away from vaccine distribution in both countries. Unless Trump fucks things up for everybody, people over 65 and the vulnerable should be vaccinated by February, get those people covered and the mortality rate plummets, even if the infection rate increases. School kids can't be vaccinated and school staff and teachers can be vaccinated by August. By spring enough of the population will be immune to see a big impact on the spread, by summer most things should be open and life getting back to whatever normal will be.
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Well-Known Member
And we should also re-examine our past. All governments formed from white, European colonialism have a history of propagating racial injustice.

I don’t think anyone from Canada, Holland, GB or any other country is in a position to offer advise. It’s not my intention anyway, when I comment. I’m just a guy who smokes a lot of chronic and has a lot of opinions.
Dude, it's good. I've learned to love both you and @DIY-HP-LED . Sativied too. All are good people.

When it comes to people who live in other countries and tell me what to do about Trump, especially after we thumped him and his neonazi delegation at the polls but even before then. After we stopped Republicans from doing their worst, when I was part of the coalition that faced down his brown shirt brigade, Proud Boys, in the streets of Portland and we were fighting his Homeland goons to a standstill. All while the 2020 election was looming. Hearing lectures about Trump from people who aren't living it, feels like I'm overweight and am doing all the right things to lose it -- changed my diet, am getting exercise and have made some progress on the scale. Yet out of the blue, a skinny good looking relative gets in my face and tells me I should do something about being fat.

So, yeah, the intent is good and the message is not wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Dude, it's good. I've learned to love both you and DIY. Sativied too. All are good people.

When it comes to people who live in other countries and tell me what to do about Trump, especially after we thumped him and his neonazi delegation at the polls: It feels like I'm overweight and am doing all the right things to lose it -- changed my diet, am getting exercise and have made some progress on the scale. Yet out of the blue, a skinny good looking relative gets in my face and tells me I should do something about being fat.

So, yeah, the intent is good and the message is not wrong.
Friends care about you and want the best for you, we are all part of communities from our family's right up to our countries and even beyond. The point about your allies and friends is we are united in common cause, the preservation and extension of liberty, liberalism transcends borders and even time, it is it's promise that frightens many, equality for all under the rule of law. It is more than a constitution and bill of rights, they are the foundations, it is independent courts, free and fair elections and all the other institutions we have created to make more perfect unions among ourselves. The forces of greed, hate and fear, are aspects of our human nature, that implead this process.

Humans naturally organize themselves into caring communities, unless something gets in the way. It is by communities we conquered the natural world, it took villages as well as individual brains, cultures and knowledge passed down from one generation to the next for over two hundred thousand years of evolutionary pressure, mostly from each other. The competition for statues, mates and resources was on an individual level, with in communities and among communities. We killed off our closest rivals as most species do and became homogeneous, save for geographic variations and adaptations.


Well-Known Member
Dude, it's good. I've learned to love both you and @DIY-HP-LED . Sativied too. All are good people.

When it comes to people who live in other countries and tell me what to do about Trump, especially after we thumped him and his neonazi delegation at the polls but even before then. After we stopped Republicans from doing their worst, when I was part of the coalition that faced down his brown shirt brigade, Proud Boys, in the streets of Portland and we were fighting his Homeland goons to a standstill. All while the 2020 election was looming. Hearing lectures about Trump from people who aren't living it, feels like I'm overweight and am doing all the right things to lose it -- changed my diet, am getting exercise and have made some progress on the scale. Yet out of the blue, a skinny good looking relative gets in my face and tells me I should do something about being fat.

So, yeah, the intent is good and the message is not wrong.
There are three main things I have discovered that reduces human suffering:

Buddhism and today it's emerging secular equivalent, before the era of science, Buddhism did the most for the most to reduce suffering, mainly for individuals

Science, not much of an explanation required there, less suffering for everybody and a future full of promise. Science and Buddhism are on good terms too, the only religion/philosophy I have ever found this to be true for. Buddhism is not dogmatic, come see is the attitude and the Buddha discovered causality 2600 years ago.

The other thing that has had a big impact on human suffering and holds promise for the future is liberal democracy.

Needless to say I'm big on all three, drones I just do for cheap thrills, nobody is perfect.


Well-Known Member
Well, it may not be over yet. It might be closer to being over today. Also, today I have to send my respect to Republican lawmakers in Michigan, who met with Trump. This was held after Trump and his legal team pressed Republican lawmakers in Michigan and other states to ignore the vote and elect EC voters who would select Trump over Biden despite Biden clearly defeating Trump at the election polls on November 3.

They are at least saying the right things. This, from CNN:

"Members of the Michigan state legislature's Republican leadership who met with President Donald Trump at the White House Friday afternoon said they "have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan."

The Michigan lawmakers -- who visited the White House at the invitation of the President -- didn't say anything to suggest they were going along with Trump's long-shot effort to overturn the results of the election he lost to President-elect Joe Biden.

"As legislative leaders, we will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding Michigan's electors, just as we have said throughout this election," Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield said in a joint statement after the meeting.

A person familiar with Friday's meeting said the session was cordial as the group explained to the President the process for certifying the election and assigning electors in their state. "Michigan's certification process should be a deliberate process free from threats and intimidation," the lawmakers said in their statement. "Allegations of fraudulent behavior should be taken seriously, thoroughly investigated, and if proven, prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And the candidates who win the most votes win elections and Michigan's electoral votes. These are simple truths that should provide confidence in our elections." "

It's not 100% good. They still talked about "investigating allegations of fraud" with no mention of the need for evidence before investigating those allegations. We'll see what happens next. Still watching. But, hey, at least I'm hearing the right things from them.

Still no movement at the national level, still getting noise and chaff from other states (Lamar Alexander, for example). Nonetheless, I still point at what Michigan's Republican leadership are saying and for once, just once, find them saying exactly what I would hope a leader in this country would say.

It's not over. Today, we are closer it to being over. I can now cite a Michigan Republican leader and agree with him. That's progress. We have so far to go before its really over. Maybe more than a decade before it will really be over. Still, I'll take this as a positive, however small.


Well-Known Member
And these clowns are gonna go into courtrooms crawling with covid over frivolous cases, yeah...

I wonder if he kissed his dad, Jesus what a shit show.

Rudy Giuliani's Son Potentially Exposed Most of Trump's Legal Team to COVID During RNC Press Conference

A campaign lawyer for President Donald Trump said that most of his legal team may have been exposed to COVID-19.

During a conference call Friday morning, Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis said that the legal team was likely exposed—after Andrew Giuliani, Rudy Giuliani's son, tested positive for the virus on Friday, Axios reported.

Later that afternoon, Ellis tweeted that she and Rudy Giuliani, who is President Donald Trump's personal attorney, had so far tested negative for the virus, and that the rest of the legal team will continue to "follow the advice and protocols of our doctors."

Andrew Giuliani, a White House staffer, is thought to have exposed members of the legal team at a press conference, which featured his father, at the Republican National Committee (RNC) headquarters in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.

On Friday morning, the younger Giuliani tweeted that he was experiencing mild symptoms and following recommended protocols to prevent spreading the virus further.

"This morning, I tested positive for COVID-19. I am experiencing mild symptoms, and am following all appropriate protocols, including being in quarantine and conducting contact tracing," Andrew Giuliani wrote.

He is the latest of many Trump administration and campaign officials to have become infected with the coronavirus. Over the course of the pandemic, there have been three separate White House outbreaks.

The news of Andrew Giuliani's positive test comes as his father, Rudy Giuliani, continues to lead Trump's legal battles in an effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.


Well-Known Member
This illegal voting is getting out of hand! 6 million more votes against Trump this time around. He has neither the moral or legal argument. How can all this bullshit be helping Mitch and the republicans in Georgia? This is coming to a head as states certify votes over the days and weeks. Georgia certified and Michigan and Pennsylvania are about to, the GSA head will ascertain and Trump will fire her. Trump still won't allow access to the departments, including HHS, national security and especially the DOJ, that will be problematic for Trump, he might want to be in attendance on that briefing to hear what is said, I'm not even sure it will happen. If the DOJ transition does happen and Barr does it, it will mean he was playing Donald for a sucker and will throw him under the bus there, because they will want to see the secret indictments from the SDNY

Biden's margin of victory over Trump surpasses 6 million votes

(CNN)President-elect Joe Biden's margin of victory over President Donald Trump surpassed 6 million votes on Friday, as ballots continue to be counted across the nation.

Trump has refused to accept defeat in the 2020 election, despite Biden's decisive win in the Electoral College and the popular vote. The former vice president has won nearly 80 million votes, which is more votes than any US presidential candidate in history by a considerable margin. Trump has received nearly 74 million votes.
RELATED: CNN's live presidential election results

CNN and other outlets projected Biden won the race nearly two weeks ago, when Pennsylvania's 20 electoral votes put Biden above the 270 needed to become president. Biden ultimately is projected to get 306 electoral votes while Trump gets 232, the same amount Trump beat Hillary Clinton by in 2016.

The President has refused to concede the race, making false claims about widespread voter fraud with no evidence and attempting to undermine the democratic process. Judges have repeatedly dismissed flimsy lawsuits claiming fraud, pointing out there has been no proof.

Americans voted by mail in record numbers this year to protect themselves from exposure to coronavirus in the middle of a global pandemic. Experts had warned for months that there would be a lengthy vote count and that a result may not be known on the night of the election, or even days afterward.

The President and his allies are attempting to cast doubt on the entire voting process and have refused to cooperate in a transition of power. General Services Administrator Emily Murphy has refused to formally start the presidential transition, blocking the Biden team from accessing millions of dollars in taxpayer funds and other resources. Biden's team has warned the delay has real-world consequences to national security and their coronavirus response.


Well-Known Member
It is interesting to note Berman the SDNY DA was fired over the Turkish banking thing, a foreign matter and with in the presidents purview, Barr might be covered there. Perhaps the hope was to get his guy running the SDNY and eventually kill the stormy Daniels case, if trump won or just let the clock run out. If things didn't go to plan, Bill could fall back on the foreign affairs angle and keep the indictments sealed and Donald in the dark, maybe even bullshit him, Donald is pretty stupid and I'm sure Bill knew it before he even met him. If there are secret indictments Bill's ass is covered there by the DOJ memo. I can't see why there are none, Joe's AG will want to know and Mitch will be calling him wondering too!


Well-Known Member
The book was an eye-opener for me, but the Socratic method wasn’t ’dialectic’ - that was Hegel, many years later. Structurally, the Socratic method was to stimulate thought by posing questions - which he was clearly good at; and maybe not fair to blame Socrates for the misuse of his teachings by his students, but not judge the book by me - or by the supposed Christianity of its Jewish author.

For what it’s worth, I agree with Socrates about the unexamined life not being worth living, and about the importance of the Delphic admonition, “Know Thyself”. Still, it is true that students of Socrates ruled various city-states as tyrants, (mis)used what they learned from their master to do it, and they had to be overthrown in bloody revolts - several Greek tragedies about them IIRC.

And I can solidly assure you the John Birch Society wing of US “conservative” craziness keeps Plato’s Republic very close to their hearts - right next to their dreams of a return to a less-free, more top-down society in which servants know their place and serve ‘joyfully’: I used to listen to them talk about it, it was they who encouraged Plato upon me - and yes, I was once among them.
It’s all Greek to me


Well-Known Member
David Plouffe Calls Trump’s Legal Fight ‘The Biggest Grift In American History’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe says that the president is “the most unpatriotic person in the country’s history” and warns that Republicans backing his legal fight are threatening the underpinning of our democracy.
i'm so glad we have pundits to finally put it all together for us.


Well-Known Member
Dude, it's good. I've learned to love both you and @DIY-HP-LED . Sativied too. All are good people.

When it comes to people who live in other countries and tell me what to do about Trump, especially after we thumped him and his neonazi delegation at the polls but even before then. After we stopped Republicans from doing their worst, when I was part of the coalition that faced down his brown shirt brigade, Proud Boys, in the streets of Portland and we were fighting his Homeland goons to a standstill. All while the 2020 election was looming. Hearing lectures about Trump from people who aren't living it, feels like I'm overweight and am doing all the right things to lose it -- changed my diet, am getting exercise and have made some progress on the scale. Yet out of the blue, a skinny good looking relative gets in my face and tells me I should do something about being fat.

So, yeah, the intent is good and the message is not wrong.
I understand where you’re coming from completely and it’s one of the reasons I sometimes avoid a thread.

To use your excellent analogy, I don’t see Canada as the skinny person but rather another overweight person that also needs to go on a diet and get some exercise.

Just so you know where I’m coming from.