Yikes, you sound a bit like the CCP responding to criticism on China. As if I hit a nationalistic nerve because I dared to criticize the holy constitution.
Equating monarchy to Trump’s desired autocracy is just wrong, as you know. That’s of the same level as saying the US is a constitutional republic but not a democracy.
There’s nothing rational about the “they said the same things when ...” stuff. As if unasked and bad advice hundreds of years ago means anything now. As if the ”other western countries” form a hundreds of years old entity that should be distrusted and ignored. If that’s your thing, you might enjoy Russia.
It’s ok to fuck up now and then but when it’s the most powerful and thus potentially the most dangerous country in the world, with a military presence in our backyard, you can’t expect others not to comment on it. Especially when we’ve seen it before. Don’t expect non-Americans to keep their opinions to themselves as if it doesn’t concern them, because it does. So in advance, you are most welcome, please pass it on to Biden
I’m obviously not suggesting you go monarchy, as you know too, or go multiparty for that matter, I was illustrating the close margin isn’t as close as it seems and that that would be more obvious in case there were for example 4 parties.
Born, raised, and harvested.