The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Dry trim will have a lot of small pieces of plant matter in it already, add to that a lot of people will create more by smashing as much as they can into the bag before freezing and you have a recipe for disaster.
I usually give trim washings to the wife for making edibles.
IMHO, you will have much better results using fresh frozen whole plant. Buck off anything that doesn't have visable trichs and trim off the tips of the sugar leaves.
I was sent privately a link to a piece bubbleman did and starts on page 86 of the pdf
I ask if we could share and here it is. In a way it put me in a position that I usually try to avoid but for all of you I will comment and give my point of view on somebody's techniques
I will give it a day or two for you guys to catch up. I am still under a High Times clouds.
AMAZING as you will see in Sub next weed nerd
Just spent an unpleasant half-hour reading IC, and Sam insulting Frenchy most bizarrely (no luck with the Bubbleman link)...’cause sifted trichome heads are “hash”, but *hash* is nothing, I guess? What an embarrassing display of misplaced expertise....

I’ll just stay here, & learn from the man
So if you guys are sick of smoking billions of dead skin cells from this rolled hash and want to make the holy grail of bubble hash, follow these steps

1. Dry your trim for about 3-4 days to reduce the overall volume of your trim.
2. Do NOT use bunk trim. If the heads on your trichs are not raised up, dont even bother
3. Wrap your 5 gallon bucket in reflective insulation. Trans thermal spots around the outside of your bucket cause inconsistencies making it harder to dislodge trich heads from stalks
4. Add plenty of ice and distilled water. Flouride and chlorine degrade the terp profiles of your strain
5. Stir for 2 minutes, let rest for 30 seconds. Repeat all the way to about 12-15 minutes
6. Pull bags, scrape with plastic putty knife
7. Mat your hash patty to soak up all of the moisture
8. IMMEDIATELY take that pressed patty to a lemon zester or fine cheese grater (use nitrile gloves)
9. Spread hash out evenly on parchment paper (DO NOT USE WAX PAPER)
10. Let clusters 'set' and dry for a few hours before storing to cure

If you over stir or stir too agressively, you risk bringing plant particulates or even worse... resin stalks into the final product. What you want is heads only. If you use crap trim going in, you can expect crap coming out. My bubble is terp'd out to the max and leave absolutely no residue when dabbing. Every second that you let your hash patty sit there wet, the more it will oxidize and give that ugly brown color. You have to be very quick to dry this shit. And most importantly, run a deep cure on this. That means, leave in ~5% moisture and burp every other day. I dont need to enter this in some contest to know whether or not its the holy grail.

....and thats WHATS UP





Traditional knowledge & practiced expertise vs. modern hubris & erasure...thanks, but no thanks
This is the first temple ball I made tonight from my outdoor Argyle (Nordle) plants. Weighs in at 108 grams. It's extremely soft though and will not hold its round shape at room temperature and pancakes pretty fast unfortunately.


I have more bubble hash currently drying that I just washed yesterday, plus a lot more frozen material to process. It's the busy time of year - temple ball season! I bring my washing machine outdoors on the deck in the backyard, and do it all outdoors when its cold out on weekends this time of year in Eastern Ontario. I use the hose and a column of cut off buckets exactly like Frenchy and just let it wash below the deck as it flows through. No drain required outdoors and no super AC needed either this time of year. lol Hose water is pretty cold already too.

The strain is a 50-50 CBD/THC variety BTW, so interesting for a hash I think? I actually like it, but not so much the terpene profile. lol
Hello everybody,

I have a question regarding the consistency of my medicine.
After pressing (hand and hot bottle) I decided to 'cannoli' in order to let any excess moisture (after initial 36h dry) evaporate before before rolling it into balls and storing it.

After an addtional 24 hours I wanted to roll my cannolis into a ball. The mix (picture top) had the same consistency (sticky) and was easily rolled into a ball. The NL (picture bottom) fell apart into a sandy powder, similar to the state it was in after initial dry.

What could cause this? I have had other IWE which were more difficult (less sticky) to press, but once pressed, the balls stayed sticky. Too dry maybe?

Thanks in advance for your help...


@xinix420 in my experience you can't have it too dry. I've had issues with my bubble hash sticking together because it still contained moisture though. But in your case, this "sandy" thing would concern me a little. If it's sandy in texture, then likely those trichome heads were not really broken or else you have more trichome stems in there than heads. The later of course would be a quality issue, even though it doesn't seem to be from looking at your NL 2.3 sample in your photo.

I have found that smaller trichomes from immature plants and certain strains are more difficult to bottle press and take a little longer than others.
@Northwood Thank you very much for your input! A little more information...

I had 3 Northern Lights (Sensieseeds, fem, 45-50 Fdays) outdoors with not a lot of sun (bad orientation of the garden). I harvested them after 40, 50, 60 Fdays, the two first being early due to botriti. In my opinion, the first two plants were indeed on the earlier side of the harvest window (checked the trichs with microscope).
My friend had the same seeds and harvested after 40 days due to botritis. His hash was very similar to mine, but does not fall apart. He has let it dry longer than I did before pressing. We both dried on cartboard, which I read is not ideal.
My friend only has the 220micron and the 75micron bag, so we could not really sieve and choose the optimal spectrum, but that goes for both of us. Maybe indeed this bag only caught stems (for me).
I hand pressed both for 15 minutes, then I used the hot bottle technique (Frenchy) which changed the texture into a nice light brown cannoli. My microscope doesn't show a lot of trichomes anymore (it did before pressing). My friend only used hand press for 15 minutes.
The NL cannoli also lost it's shine and became dull af 24h, whereas the Mix didn't.
The Mix (chocolope, skunk) came from another friend and was harvested early in the window due to botritis. It was sieved with the same setup and dried equally long. His genetics are different though.

I find this very interesting. Try to rule out some of the variables and learn something from the community :)

Next year I will buy additional bags to his basic setup (120-90-45), that will at least give some additional information.

Would you suggest to mist spray to re-introduce some humidity?

In the meantime I am catching up with this great thread :)

Give thanks, big up,

@xinix420 I would not recommend adding more humidity. My personal end goal is to have one impervious ball of homogenous resin - like soft silicone putty, only a bit stickier and messier. lol

How much pressing do you do with your bottle? I can spend more than an hour pretty easily with a single piece. It's work, and it must be done slowly and with patience for best results. I know that Frenchy rolls his on cellophane, but I find parchment paper will repel oils/resin, while moisture is absorbed and evaporates from the other side of the paper. I store it like he does in food-grade cellophane though.
Still working my way through the thread but a couple things kinda boggle me: f’rinstance, dry sift a water/bag collection are just different methods of accomplishing the same task - collecting trichome heads - but there seem to be very different attitudes among the practitioners of the two methods: dismissive remarks about kif, as if not all trichomes are trichomes or something, and the idea that seems prevalent among the water/bubble(?) crew that considers loose dry trichomes are somehow magically ‘hash’ and not just a (cleaner?) form of kif. I’ve been smoking hash for 50+ years, and none of it was loose trichomes: it had ALL been worked *into* hash. Am I reading this right?

I’m not trying to diss the trichome preferrers - I know some folks for whom bubble hash / free trichomes are all they’ll smoke - it just seems, I dunno, like eating grapes instead of making wine. I’m trying to understand: it seems to be at the core of the friction between Bubbleman and Frenchy & their respective adherents...maybe I’m just trying to understand it as more than just completely different definitions of hash, but I suspect bro-science at work in both camps.

I *do* know that Frenchy’s worked trichome approach: it looks like *hash* to me...and I’ve always wanted to sample some Temple Ball: full disclosure....but what do I know!?
@Northwood thanksfor your advice.
I collected the trichomes in my palm and handpressed for about 15 minutes. Once I had a sticky smelly patty, I bottlerolled for 30 minutes on parchment paper. Per Frenchy's advice, I rolled it 3 times (both sides, all directions, folding). Unfortunately I did not take any pics of the result. I ended up rolling this very sticky pancake into the cannoli.
I spent an equal time on the 'mix' prior to that to practice. Since that turned out well, I repeated the same process.

I tried repressing the NL yesterday (no humidity), but it has more consistency of Maroccan hash/dry sieve. It sticks bit falls apart with enough pressure. Very potent though (:
For the NL I noticed change in smell, color and stickiness after pressing, but it went back to the original state somehow.

Hello everybody,

I have a question regarding the consistency of my medicine.
After pressing (hand and hot bottle) I decided to 'cannoli' in order to let any excess moisture (after initial 36h dry) evaporate before before rolling it into balls and storing it.

After an addtional 24 hours I wanted to roll my cannolis into a ball. The mix (picture top) had the same consistency (sticky) and was easily rolled into a ball. The NL (picture bottom) fell apart into a sandy powder, similar to the state it was in after initial dry.

What could cause this? I have had other IWE which were more difficult (less sticky) to press, but once pressed, the balls stayed sticky. Too dry maybe?

Thanks in advance for your help...


It has been my experience that when my hashish doesn't stick together well it is because of contaminants. Northwood has said that he has seen this due to moisture. Either or both could be the cause. Thirty six hours doesn't seem like enough drying time to me but I don't know how you dried so maybe. I dry in small Rubbermaid containers with a small sachet of silica desiccant beads and a hygrometer. My goal is to have the rh below 35% in the container for over a week. In fact, I have some in containers that is at 2 and a half weeks now and I am just now deciding how I want to use it.

Since Bagginski mentioned the other guy, Marcus the "bubbleman" Richardson I will admit that my style is a little bit of both methods, although definitely more Frenchy than Bubble man. By that I mean that whereas Bubbleman separates by micron size and is only going to wash a couple of times, Frenchy separates by wash number (ripeness) and says there are 2 ways to tell when you're done, either the quantity collected is to low or you are getting to much contaminants. Myself, I will separate the first couple of washes by micron size and pull out some full melt bubble hash for dabbing, usually in the73 bag but sometimes the 90 or even 120 bag. The rest above 45 microns is used for making my smoking hashish. The 25 bag along with the last wash where I start seeing some green that I just can't wash through is given to the wife to make edibles. (Waste not want not).

The run that is drying now was still 95-98% melt full spectrum (45u to 159u) on the 5th wash but on the 6th wash there was a lot of green.

One other thing, you only mention 2 bag sizes. In my washes I still see a lot of contaminants even in the160u bag so I throw that in with the 25's and last wash.
Still working my way through the thread but a couple things kinda boggle me: f’rinstance, dry sift a water/bag collection are just different methods of accomplishing the same task - collecting trichome heads - but there seem to be very different attitudes among the practitioners of the two methods: dismissive remarks about kif, as if not all trichomes are trichomes or something, and the idea that seems prevalent among the water/bubble(?) crew that considers loose dry trichomes are somehow magically ‘hash’ and not just a (cleaner?) form of kif. I’ve been smoking hash for 50+ years, and none of it was loose trichomes: it had ALL been worked *into* hash. Am I reading this right?

I’m not trying to diss the trichome preferrers - I know some folks for whom bubble hash / free trichomes are all they’ll smoke - it just seems, I dunno, like eating grapes instead of making wine. I’m trying to understand: it seems to be at the core of the friction between Bubbleman and Frenchy & their respective adherents...maybe I’m just trying to understand it as more than just completely different definitions of hash, but I suspect bro-science at work in both camps.

While I haven't been smoking hash quite as long as you, only 44 years, I get where you are coming from. Back in the day the only thing we called hash was old school pressed hahsish. It seems now all methods of trichome collection achieved through mechanical separation is considered hash, which is why I usually add the ish when talking about pressed hash. I've even seen some calling rosin hash. When I first started making my own hahsish I started with dry sift and and made some very nice old school hash. After learning about ice water hash and studying both methods I realized how much easier it was to collect clean trichome heads with ice water it was a no brainer for me.

According to Frenchy, the act of heating, pressing and aging the collected trichomes creates some 50+ new compounds. Most of which are not found in nature. One of those is a terpene that has been deemed hashishene which is said to come from myrcene and gives us that old school hash taste.
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Cheers! I kinda botched the last bit of my comment, I was trying to say that of the “two schools of hash”, the Frenchy school of worked hash is more my jam. I plan to find out the hard way, I’m planning a landrace grow specifically to practice making hash. Some of my very best stoner experiences have involved ‘old school’ worked hash: I figure it has at least as much place in my life as dabs
Not a fan of loose trichomes? Me either. Let me introduce you to Tripp's unobtainium.

This consistency is not how bubble hash is ever seen. This has only been achieved with one variety. Others have come close but never quite there. This is from the 73u bag 2nd wash (first wash is all gone) of Vanilla tart from tga Subcool (rip).

Edited to add;
This is 73u-159u, the first wash was even more translucent. Vanilla aroma with a somewhat caramel flavor.
Those flavors and aromas carry over to the hahsish too. At 30 days the hashishene was quite strong still, but at 45 days it had mellowed into the background allowing all of that caramely vanilla flavor to shine.
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Some great stuff here!! Question about putting fresh trim into the fridge. Any idea how long you can leave it there? I have some i put in freezer some that I’ll dry and some in the fridge. Was hoping to get to the fridge stuff this weekend. Thanks.
Here's the final result of a 3 month cure of my Bodhi Hindu Hash temple ball ( above picture) definitely darkened over time. The bud I washed was over a year old. The hash consistency is very sticky, unlike the other temple balls I've rolled which were a bit drier. The taste is great, just a little difficult to work with.

@Mohican I saw your all sativa ball you pressed and posted up over in tnt, looked killer. What's the high like with pure sativa hash? I'd imagine it's closer to an OG temple ball ( Nepalese)? were sativas mainly grown in that region? Most of the hash I've made is from hybrids and it completely knocks me on my ass. No daytime hash smoking for me. A speedy hash would be interesting.

I'm guessing Nepalese hash was not sativa. Probably too long of a flowering time for that region?
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Those flavors and aromas carry over to the hahsish too.
It's pretty crazy how well aroma does carry over to bubble.I have a plant that smells like onions when you first pop the lids, like Sunday's pot roast bubbling in the crockpot. That carried over to a ball I made a couple weekends ago, but has already started to mellow, like you mentioned.