This isn't over.


Well-Known Member
Trump isn't done with this yet. If he has to make a choice between marshaling a bunch of stupid, gun-toting idiots to support him and accepting his defeat, well...

Amazing that anybody watching the forceful butt-fucking by coronavirus that the country is dealing with as Trump dithers, tweets and golfs could still support him. Just amazing. My mind boggles. I guess I now know how monarchies managed to stay in power as long as they have - a lot of people really want that shit.
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My prediction is he's setting up for a 2024 run. He'll tweet incessantly for the next four years after convincing the fanatics the election was stolen over the next two months. He'll also claim Corona virus success after the vaccines arrives, just like he claimed Obama economy as his in 2016.
He will leave the white house, but not before hardening as much division as possible.
Worst thing is Biden is trying to pull a god damn mother fucking Obama and pretending Republicans will work with him. They wont. Nothing will get done except by executive order. Taking the Senate in 2022 is the only hope for a Democratic agenda.
My prediction is he's setting up for a 2024 run. He'll tweet incessantly for the next four years after convincing the fanatics the election was stolen over the next two months. He'll also claim Corona virus success after the vaccines arrives, just like he claimed Obama economy as his in 2016.
He will leave the white house, but not before hardening as much division as possible.

Agreed. But I would just add he is hoping he stays out of jail and can set up for a 2024 run. And right now is just spinning a bunch of plates (long shot trolls) hoping he can keep his con going.

Worst thing is Biden is trying to pull a god damn mother fucking Obama and pretending Republicans will work with him. They wont. Nothing will get done except by executive order. Taking the Senate in 2022 is the only hope for a Democratic agenda.
Agreed too. I am not sure what else Biden can do in the meantime to not screw up the Georgia race for the 2 senators in January to get Kamala Harris control of the senate. If they can pull that off, and do a good job, 2022 they hopefully can pick up some more senate seats to give the nice safe senate for the Democratic party for a very important 2024 race.

That is why the Republicans are perfectly fine dumping a major mess (economic, homelessness, societal injustices, broken immigration system, alliance repair, and the actual work of getting the nation together to fix the pandemic all on Biden's lap. They will sit back and troll Biden like they did with the Tea Party until 2024.
Biden is already talking about no federal investigations in the name of sweet, sweet harmony. Sometimes I want rip the heads off the leaders of the Democratic party in frustration.
At least SDNY will go after him with gusto.
Exactly, and what happens once those investigations bust open an entire federal conspiracy?

Biden and all the Democrats and Republicans (who are not caught being in on the scam) get to pretend like they didn't know/couldn't say all this because Trump has been obstructing congress and having Barr classify everything that Trump wants/needs classified so they can't talk about it in public.

Biden doesn't need to go down Trump's 'lock him up' rhetoric when individual-1 already hung himself.

Or I am wrong and another rich white guy gets away because he worked the system that was already set up by people that knew the exact situation one of them would eventually end up being in.
Trump isn't done with this yet. If he has to make a choice between marshaling a bunch of stupid, gun-toting idiots to support him and accepting his defeat, well...

Amazing that anybody watching the forceful butt-fucking by coronavirus that the country is dealing with as Trump dithers, tweets and golfs could still support him. Just amazing. My mind boggles. I guess I now know how monarchies managed to stay in power as long as they have - a lot of people really want that shit.
I like the analogy presented by your film :)
It's a fucking nightmare/horror show right now for sure
Do you like ghost stories?
I fucking love them :)
This one is really, really good

My prediction is he's setting up for a 2024 run. He'll tweet incessantly for the next four years after convincing the fanatics the election was stolen over the next two months. He'll also claim Corona virus success after the vaccines arrives, just like he claimed Obama economy as his in 2016.
He will leave the white house, but not before hardening as much division as possible.
Worst thing is Biden is trying to pull a god damn mother fucking Obama and pretending Republicans will work with him. They wont. Nothing will get done except by executive order. Taking the Senate in 2022 is the only hope for a Democratic agenda.
I don't think Trump is ever going to put himself into another election. He may try to seize power, but it wont be through an election.
I like the analogy presented by your film :)
It's a fucking nightmare/horror show right now for sure
Do you like ghost stories?
I fucking love them :)
This one is really, really good

The Haunting has always been one of my favorites. Scared the crap out of us as little kids. It is still frightening to watch. As is the Trump shit-show.
its called the truth...might be too strong for a snowflake
Wait was I right, is your cult logic 'Q'?

If so I will dial back the trolling if you want to actually talk and not just troll. Because I don't know anything about what you believe (because from what I understand all the nonsense is just used to funnel people into that black hole. And would be interested if it is something you actually believe.
Biden is already talking about no federal investigations in the name of sweet, sweet harmony. Sometimes I want rip the heads off the leaders of the Democratic party in frustration.
At least SDNY will go after him with gusto.
I'm thinking those two senate seats stay red, sadly.
Take that with a grain of salt, it's not up to him really, not his job and he knows it. Others will be eager for this work, more if you win the senate. Time to use Donald against them by putting the heat on him.
Biden is already talking about no federal investigations in the name of sweet, sweet harmony. Sometimes I want rip the heads off the leaders of the Democratic party in frustration.
At least SDNY will go after him with gusto.
I'm thinking those two senate seats stay red, sadly.
We don't really know who Biden is. His political image is one of a go-along and hope for the best type of politician. I can't recall a time when he said anything harsh about an opponent. So, yeah, it would seem that he'd prefer to let bygones be bygones.

On the other hand, he also says he'll let the Independent Department Of Justice to conduct it's own review and make the call. Best of both worlds has Biden doing his own job while the investigation runs its course.

I'd prefer if he would keep his hands off the investigation into Trump's crimes. It also comes down to who runs that department. A wild card in all of this is Kamala Harris. At the very least, she should be consulted on what to do. Maybe give her a role in oversight, that's what I'd like to see.

Meanwhile, as @Unclebaldrick says, it's not over yet. Trump is still trying to get hundreds of thousands of votes cancelled. He is still a threat to our Democracy. It won't be over until Biden is sworn in and then the election cycle for 2024 will begin. The same anti-democratic forces who support Trump will start running against the Democratic Party's leaders. After Trump if finally pushed out of power, 2024 will the next crossing point for this country. This election was part of a journey and not an ending.
I don't think Trump is ever going to put himself into another election. He may try to seize power, but it wont be through an election.
He is going to prison, Joe's AG will move forward with the secret indictments over the Stormy Daniels case, by Trump's own former appointees. There had better be secret indictments or Bill Barr will go to prison, I suspect he was playing Donald all along, doing the showy but legal things, or things he figured he could get away with. Bill knows that those indictments will be question #1 for Joe's new AG and their team. It's ok the bury them because Trump was POTUS and the DOJ memo, it is not OK to obstruct justice or destroy evidence. Billy has been playing Donald for a sucker for the most part, if he wasn't he's going to prison along with Donald.