Trump will give up by Monday, 11/16/2020

Honey, he clearly kept some personal wealth. You must live in a world of delusion if that isn't clear to you
He's gonna be holding super spreader events again soon as part of the coup count con, they might be charging admission, Donald needs the cash and there are 72 million suckers to fleece. You can attend in a covid hotspot near you.

You do think covid is real and not a hoax like Donald said? You didn't drink any Clorox did you?
He's gonna be holding super spreader events again soon as part of the coup count con, they might be charging admission, Donald needs the cash and there are 72 million suckers to fleece. You can attend in a covid hotspot near you.

You do think covid is real and not a hoax like Donald said? You didn't drink any Clorox did you?
Actually he is sending 8 -12 email solicitations to those on his mailing lists daily. All have the auto payment box pre checked in the fine print for continued draining without sheep noticing. Just a thief exploiting the ignorance and laziness of his useful idiots and their bank accounts.
Actually he is sending 8 -12 email solicitations to those on his mailing lists daily. All have the auto payment box pre checked in the fine print for continued draining without sheep noticing. Just a thief exploiting the ignorance and laziness of his useful idiots and their bank accounts.

Trump is joining Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders in fleecing his supporters ?

cupcake, he's a billion in debt. you better buy some more MAGA thongs, pronto!!
Uh huh. Why not 1000 billion in debt. You will believe anything the news says hey?

If you have serious debts you can't cover your lifestyle quickly vanishes. Dude is over 70 and still seems to have some to spend.

Maybe you could point me to the bank he's using. I'd like to sign up there
President Dump is trying to change America before he leaves. Why we allow lame dick presidents to make decisions when they’re no longer in charge of a country...its beyond stupid.

the people don’t want him. Sit down and shut up and wait for this ride to be over.

Joe is going to have to waste time fixing all of this plus remove all of Trump morons he picked. Joe has his work cut out for him.

At least Joe will get 8 years to do it. What kind of president doesn’t get re-elected? You have to be terrible.
The real ‘deep state’ at work, screwing the nation on the way out - as always...yay “Republicans “
All he's doing now is trying to make a mockery of the American political system.
He's going to have to concede eventually, or his Marine honor guard is going to drag his fat ass out of the WH in January.
The really fucked up part is that he's not allowing Biden to move ahead & fix all his fuck up's & that has deadly consequences.
He's a egomaniacal fuckup & what's really sad is that so many other fuckups in this country, and we apparently have a shit load of them, identify with him & love him.
Fucking bizarre/sad shit, right?
Nah, he doesn’t have to concede, and I don’t expect him to: sore loser is sore
You know what?
I usually restrain my self on this site, but for you & in response to your fucking idiotic/troll statement, I'll make an exception.
You are a stupid/dumb as fuck individual and I am going to fuck with you FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep on posting shit & I'm gonna make your limited fucking brain cry out in horror & blood come out of your fucking ears.
Keep talking shit if you like abuse, because I'm more than fucking happy too make your dreams come true.
He serves a useful function, as a fuck toy...
You know what?
I usually restrain my self on this site, but for you & in response to your fucking idiotic/troll statement, I'll make an exception.
You are a stupid/dumb as fuck individual and I am going to fuck with you FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep on posting shit & I'm gonna make your limited fucking brain cry out in horror & blood come out of your fucking ears.
Keep talking shit if you like abuse, because I'm more than fucking happy too make your dreams come true.

You're a goof bro. I'm sorry that you've been inspired to such hatred on such little evidence. I pity you actually
You know what?
I usually restrain my self on this site, but for you & in response to your fucking idiotic/troll statement, I'll make an exception.
You are a stupid/dumb as fuck individual and I am going to fuck with you FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep on posting shit & I'm gonna make your limited fucking brain cry out in horror & blood come out of your fucking ears.
Keep talking shit if you like abuse, because I'm more than fucking happy too make your dreams come true.
Oh also, don't call me James you cunt, that's reserved for friends/intelligent people, and you are neither
Comes to the hood talking trash and gets the shit beat out of himself, it's an old story...

You're a goof bro. I'm sorry that you've been inspired to such hatred on such little evidence. I pity you actually
So why don't you lay out yer manifesto son and let's see where ya stand on the issues of the day like BLM, the transition and the fact that Trump lost the election, where you started trolling a respected member.

As far as I'm concerned you are a sock and unworthy of respect or consideration.
Member · 28
Joined Aug 14, 2020
The so called respected member is trolling himself. I've made simple statements to which the responses were autistic screeching and unsubstantiated claims when challenged. No manifesto required, but disagreement with OP isn't ground for the hate. You all sound like very tolerant and welcoming people!