Lockdowns work.

Gives an idea how differently placers fight covid. South Australia has had a infection break out from a quarantine hotel. I'ts only days old and the state gov has imposed a 6 day lock down to help slow spread and conduct contact tracing.

Yes I’m not sure who got to our Premier but it seems money trumps life pun intended. Our numbers are now higher than they ever were and schools are open with the announcement today they will not close them. Resterants still open here. Bars still open here.......sad.
How did you know?


You're a philosophy major, aren't you.

You're getting warmer.

California Governor Nuisance got caught breaking his own stupid rules at a fancy snob dining place. Gee what a surprise.

I've heard he tried to cover that fuckup with a lie that "it was outdoors", until the pictures came out...he was indoors.

Wonder when the California sheep are going to dump Nuisance and Aunty Pelosi ?
Our morons per capita is probably about the same as the States. Lots of morons here let me tell you, lots. Lol
I seen the fucks protesting without masks on TV, I would have interned the lot of them on the spot live on TV, in a van and gone to camp covid. I have no tolerance for bullshit where human life and suffering are involved. There are public health laws, use them.
2.5 seconds for our last recorded case yay Doug Ford. Now that we’ve locked down 2 regions my girlfriends hair salon will be booming ...... welcome all! Hurry the fuck up, get here and infect us before we start closing, it’ll be a small window., about a week before Christmas I figure.
We are not much different than the Americans, except we had a federal response, we have "red" provinces too, the usual suspects.

Here is the covid news from a "blue province"

Nova Scotia reports 16 new cases of COVID-19
New restrictions for restaurants, gyms, long-term care facilities begin Thursday

Nova Scotia is reporting 16 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, bringing the number of active cases in the province to 102.

The new cases are all in the central health zone, the Nova Scotia Health Authority said in a release. The health authority's labs completed 1,621 tests on Tuesday. One person with COVID-19 is in hospital.

Late Tuesday night, the health authority issued 21 more potential exposure notifications. The active exposure sites in the greater Halifax area are listed here.

Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil and Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Robert Strang announced many new restrictions for the Halifax area Tuesday as they reported 37 new cases of COVID-19 — the highest number of new cases announced since the spring.

The restrictions include stopping dine-in service at bars and restaurants and closing gyms, libraries, museums and casinos for at least the next two weeks. Masks will also be mandatory in common areas of multi-unit dwellings like apartments and condos.
2.5 seconds for our last recorded case yay Doug Ford. Now that we’ve locked down 2 regions my girlfriends hair salon will be booming ...... welcome all! Hurry the fuck up, get here and infect us before we start closing, it’ll be a small window., about a week before Christmas I figure.
Any rapid testing? My niece runs a hair salon too, dunno if she is affected, as far as I know there are no cases on Cape Breton, but I take that with a grain of salt and I'm hunkered down as best I can until inoculated and then another month. Looks like they won't be starting vaccinations until January, the feds are not even sure when the supplies will arrive. I'll take the side effects and I'm pretty confident in the product, covid kills, not just you either, if I end up growing a set of horns, I hope it's a nice rack.
Any rapid testing? My niece runs a hair salon too, dunno if she is affected, as far as I know there are no cases on Cape Breton, but I take that with a grain of salt and I'm hunkered down as best I can until inoculated and then another month. Looks like they won't be starting vaccinations until January, the feds are not even sure when the supplies will arrive. I'll take the side effects and I'm pretty confident in the product, covid kills, not just you either, if I end up growing a set of horns, I hope it's a nice rack.
Rapid testing....... ya right lol. Just saw a TO line up that was 3.5 blocks long. Not sure about here but I think it’s by appointment only and two days wait.