Trump will give up by Monday, 11/16/2020

"Both parties are corrupt"?

Your post contained a long list of accurate and fair reasons for Republicans being corrupt but you just had to toss that in. Why? Even after being drubbed in this election, Republicans show they were willing to sell out to a lying, law-breaking, "do me a favor", wannabe dictator in order to stay in power. What did Democrats do to deserve being lumped in with them?
All politicians are corrupt IMO, especially the establishment ones that have been there for decades. The ones that go in there with a clean conscience "i'm going to fix thing" get chewed up alive by the corrupt politicians, you can't survive and be above board in a place where the status quo is to lie cheat and steal.

Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, PC, NDP, Bloc Quebecois (I am Canadian had you not noticed) are all corrupt. When I vote I try and vote for the 'least' corrupt that is supposed to represent my ideals, knowing though that the whole thing is corrupt and rigged.

Obama did some good things but he also did some brutal things, that immigration camp bs stuff he started, trump made it worse seperating families but the Democratic party is not innocent.

Also this is all just my opinion, I'm no politician and if you havnt guessed yet I'm pretty jaded, fuck humans lol
"Both parties are corrupt"?

Your post contained a long list of accurate and fair reasons for Republicans being corrupt but you just had to toss that in. Why? Even after being drubbed in this election, Republicans show they were willing to sell out to a lying, law-breaking, "do me a favor", wannabe dictator in order to stay in power. What did Democrats do to deserve being lumped in with them?
Yhey damn welled kiled Seth Ric#!
All politicians are corrupt IMO, especially the establishment ones that have been there for decades. The ones that go in there with a clean conscience "i'm going to fix thing" get chewed up alive by the corrupt politicians, you can't survive and be above board in a place where the status quo is to lie cheat and steal.

Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, PC, NDP, Bloc Quebecois (I am Canadian had you not noticed) are all corrupt. When I vote I try and vote for the 'least' corrupt that is supposed to represent my ideals, knowing though that the whole thing is corrupt and rigged.

Obama did some good things but he also did some brutal things, that immigration camp bs stuff he started, trump made it worse seperating families but the Democratic party is not innocent.

Also this is all just my opinion, I'm no politician and if you havnt guessed yet I'm pretty jaded, fuck humans lol
Or it is just waaaaaaaay easier for the handful of very real megalomaniac mega wealthy to trick people into thinking that through a barrage of nonstop spam for decades trying to convince you of the 'both sides' narrative while they plug in their corrupt politicians enough to keep their demographic in power.
All politicians are corrupt IMO, especially the establishment ones that have been there for decades. The ones that go in there with a clean conscience "i'm going to fix thing" get chewed up alive by the corrupt politicians, you can't survive and be above board in a place where the status quo is to lie cheat and steal.

Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, PC, NDP, Bloc Quebecois (I am Canadian had you not noticed) are all corrupt. When I vote I try and vote for the 'least' corrupt that is supposed to represent my ideals, knowing though that the whole thing is corrupt and rigged.

Obama did some good things but he also did some brutal things, that immigration camp bs stuff he started, trump made it worse seperating families but the Democratic party is not innocent.

Also this is all just my opinion, I'm no politician and if you havnt guessed yet I'm pretty jaded, fuck humans lol

Your opinion about Democrats is baseless. At least it is from what you have written
All politicians are corrupt IMO, especially the establishment ones that have been there for decades. The ones that go in there with a clean conscience "i'm going to fix thing" get chewed up alive by the corrupt politicians, you can't survive and be above board in a place where the status quo is to lie cheat and steal.

Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, PC, NDP, Bloc Quebecois (I am Canadian had you not noticed) are all corrupt. When I vote I try and vote for the 'least' corrupt that is supposed to represent my ideals, knowing though that the whole thing is corrupt and rigged.

Obama did some good things but he also did some brutal things, that immigration camp bs stuff he started, trump made it worse seperating families but the Democratic party is not innocent.

Also this is all just my opinion, I'm no politician and if you havnt guessed yet I'm pretty jaded, fuck humans lol
Humankind is pretty corrupt generally speaking, so why should a politician be exceptional?
You just hope & pray essentially that the person you vote for is one of a kind, a decent/honest/caring individual.
They do seem too be in short supply lately, especially in the Republican party, but that's all we have.
Politicians are representative of their constituents, unfortunately most are fucking idiots, especially the Trump/Republican supporters.
As an old saying goes "we is, what we is"
Fucking sad, right?
Humankind is pretty corrupt generally speaking, so why should a politician be exceptional?
You just hope & pray essentially that the person you vote for is one of a kind, a decent/honest/caring individual.
They do seem too be in short supply lately, especially in the Republican party, but that's all we have.
Politicians are representative of their constituents, unfortunately most are fucking idiots, especially the Trump/Republican supporters.
As an old saying goes "we is, what we is"
Fucking sad, right?
The way the law is structured and written has a lot to do with the level of political corruption, limiting the influence of money is only the start. The certainty of getting caught deters crime, though mandatory minimum sentences generally don't work, for this bunch and white collar crime, they work amazingly well. Europe and Canada have lower level of political corruption than America for several reasons, the primary one is the limitation on money and on election campaigns, about 60 days typically and the way the law is written. We still have corruption at all levels of government, it is endemic, but like the pandemic there are ways to control the spread and even vaccinate, but you will never stamp it out.

Your only hope is to elect honest people of integrity who truly believe liberal democracy is the only way forward for humanity and are committed to it, democracy and liberty that is. If it takes more than just elections to do it, so be it, it is the founding ethos of the nation and it was made material by the constitution and the bill of rights. Now is a time of social war, you didn't start it, it was and is being waged upon you by rightwing billionaires for the most part, the usual suspects and their think tanks we're are so familiar with. The vast rightwing media and propaganda machine that creates an alternate reality by spinning facts out of all recognition and outright lying and other gross manipulation of their audience. They have created and army 72 million strong by the last count, made up of your relatives and friends, who's biases and conditioning they reinforce and direct by artful means. Many of these folks have in effect become political terrorists and their weapons are the lunatics they elect and then throw at the machinery of government.
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The way the law is structured and written has a lot to do with the level of political corruption, limiting the influence of money is only the start. The certainty of getting caught deters crime, though mandatory minimum sentences generally don't work, for this bunch and white collar crime, they work amazingly well. Europe and Canada have lower level of political corruption than America for several reasons, the primary one is the limitation on money and on election campaigns, about 60 days typically and the way the law is written. We still have corruption at all levels of government, it is endemic, but like the pandemic there are ways to control the spread and even vaccinate, but you will never stamp it out.

Your only hope is to elect honest people of integrity who truly believe liberal democracy is the only way forward for humanity and are committed to it, democracy and liberty that is. If it takes more than just elections to do it so be it, it is the founding ethos of the nation and it was made material by the constitution and the bill of rights. Now is a time of social war, you didn't start it, it was and is being waged upon you by rightwing billionaires for the most part, the usual suspects and their think tanks were are so familiar with. The vast rightwing media and propaganda machine that creates an alternate reality by spinning facts out of all recognition and outright lying and other gross manipulation of their audience. They have created and army 72 million strong by the last count, made up of your relatives and friends, who's biases and conditioning they reinforce and direct by artful means. Many of these folks have in effect become political terrorists and their weapons are the lunatics they elect and then they throw at the machinery of government.
Well said.

We have two basic problems resulting in the corruption. Our laws actually being as "interpreted". Not as written. The battery laws protecting the criminals. Not the victims. Do the bible thumpers forget an eye for an eye?
Greed is promoted and idolized. Get rich through whatever means and the masses will honor you. I don't get it.
Time to prosecute both sides of the aisle to the fullest extent and start a precedent. Highest titled slave in history, "I want to look forward. Not backward."
We go to lail stealing a piece of bread.
Wake up people.
Humankind is pretty corrupt generally speaking, so why should a politician be exceptional?
You just hope & pray essentially that the person you vote for is one of a kind, a decent/honest/caring individual.
They do seem too be in short supply lately, especially in the Republican party, but that's all we have.
Politicians are representative of their constituents, unfortunately most are fucking idiots, especially the Trump/Republican supporters.
As an old saying goes "we is, what we is"
Fucking sad, right?
The reason for my hardening attitude on media etc, is I'm zeroing in on the real enemy and starting to treat some of their voters as victims, but it is difficult, because many are willing victims. This last election the republicans under Trump ran against democracy and the constitution of the nation in the thrall of a dangerous wannabe dictator and tyrant, the exact thing your founding fathers feared and structured the government to prevent. Shit, it was the original intent of the electoral college to prevent the likes of Donald from gaining office. They are enemies of the constitution, rule of law and democracy, their platform in the last election was non existent, whatever Trump says. They are enemies of humanity and they created a monster that is in danger of consuming even them, if the monster doesn't, the reaction to it might be fatal for them. I'm not the only one reaching these conclusions, it's not hard to see, you must destroy or cripple the domestic disinformation network by whatever means necessary as a matter of national security.
The way the law is structured and written has a lot to do with the level of political corruption, limiting the influence of money is only the start. The certainty of getting caught deters crime, though mandatory minimum sentences generally don't work, for this bunch and white collar crime, they work amazingly well. Europe and Canada have lower level of political corruption than America for several reasons, the primary one is the limitation on money and on election campaigns, about 60 days typically and the way the law is written. We still have corruption at all levels of government, it is endemic, but like the pandemic there are ways to control the spread and even vaccinate, but you will never stamp it out.

Your only hope is to elect honest people of integrity who truly believe liberal democracy is the only way forward for humanity and are committed to it, democracy and liberty that is. If it takes more than just elections to do it, so be it, it is the founding ethos of the nation and it was made material by the constitution and the bill of rights. Now is a time of social war, you didn't start it, it was and is being waged upon you by rightwing billionaires for the most part, the usual suspects and their think tanks we're are so familiar with. The vast rightwing media and propaganda machine that creates an alternate reality by spinning facts out of all recognition and outright lying and other gross manipulation of their audience. They have created and army 72 million strong by the last count, made up of your relatives and friends, who's biases and conditioning they reinforce and direct by artful means. Many of these folks have in effect become political terrorists and their weapons are the lunatics they elect and then throw at the machinery of government.
Well stated :)
The reason for my hardening attitude on media etc, is I'm zeroing in on the real enemy and starting to treat some of their voters as victims, but it is difficult, because many are willing victims. This last election the republicans under Trump ran against democracy and the constitution of the nation in the thrall of a dangerous wannabe dictator and tyrant, the exact thing your founding fathers feared and structure the government to prevent. Shit it was the original intent of the electoral college to prevent the likes of Donald from gaining office. They are enemies of the constitution, rule of law and democracy, their platform in the last election was non existent, whatever Trump says. They are enemies of humanity and they created a monster that is in danger of consuming even them, if the monster doesn't, the reaction to it might be fatal for them. I'm not the only one reaching these conclusions, it's not hard to see, you must destroy or cripple the domestic disinformation network by whatever means necessary as a matter of national security.
Mass media is the delivery means for the stupidity.
Our founders actually constructed a faux democracy guaranteeing absolute control and profit. Washington, DC is a sovereign entity. Not U.S.A. Control through a foreign government separate from the states. It still baffles me the truths people never see. Like lawyers swearing an oath to the Queen. WTF?
Hiding in the bunker in the Whitehouse is a Trump move

I'm not a Trump fan, but it's a good thing the idiot didn't start any wars and is making tentative noises to bring troops home from guarding the empire. you support empire?