Health Checkup


Well-Known Member

im wondering if the light green color of the plants are normal? The bottom growthis more of a forest green and the top seems a hint of yellow

thank you,


Well-Known Member
Maybe some help on the autos?
Grow info:
Soil is biobizz light mix. I added 1/4 of recommended tbsp per gallon of Gaia green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4; 70/30 % blend

30 days since sprout. When will I need to top dress?

common symptoms of deficiencies during flowering?


Well-Known Member
Had the same issue, Ive resigned myself to feeding cal-mag 1tsp per gallon with every feeding.

Very good chance im wrong but Ive heard this is a common issue with those on municipal water lines or if ph is incorrect (im a noob and may be totally off base).
Took about 2 weeks of cal mag with feeding to see the new growth return to normal - leaves already affected never recovered but seemed to halt the yellowing