What has Trump done to this country?

The Trump administration just argued in court that it can assassinate US citizens with no oversight:

When pressed by the court, the government asserted that it has the absolute right to order the assassination of an American citizen, any time, anywhere, including within the United States, and then claim that it is a state secret and its actions are unreviewable by any Court. Some of the judges indicated shock that such a wide power could be claimed, a claim never before made.
As long as the government contends the evidence is too secret to share then the Americans caught in the crosshairs are out of luck. And the rest of us just have to trust the President’s judgment with no role whatever for the courts.


I was thinking a bit longer term, about what America might be like a few years down the road and then a decade after this has digested socially and a generation most affected by their education in Trump University is voting. Who will chronical, write the history and teach it, whose narrative will be presented on TV, in documentaries, news shows, mini series, movies and books? A liberal narrative, an honest one too, simplified and summarized for sure, but taught to generations of Americans by largely liberal women.

The 72 million who supported Trump are a disappointment, but they are the sum total of the problem in political terms, that's pretty much all of em folks. They have been identified, quantified and qualified by this past election, now analyze the data, draw some conclusions, test them and start whittling away at this base by settling grievances for the reasonable and gradually strangling the disinformation universe for the racists and political terrorists, those who want to burn down the house.

As examples
Making the AM broadcast band convert to digital and relicensing stations along with reintroduction of the equal time doctrine with teeth. Regulate the fuckers and make them accountable for their pandemic content, use it to remove them from the public airwaves as a public menace. The same treatment should be applied to TV and cable outlets after public hearings and the presentation of evidence (and there is lots of video). New law can make social media companies over a certain size threshold subject to FCC regulations too.

The premise is: The truth is a basic human right and a constitutional right and necessity for citizens who elect their governments. There is only one truth and honest people can agree on facts and reality, they may disagree on the interpretation, but we have always done that, it's called politics. America or another country cannot survive with half of the population believing in a false narrative of reality supported by nothing more than bullshit. Both sides are not equal and there are not good people on both sides here, one side is lying.

People believe what they want to believe and will seek out those narratives that support their delusions and biases, Fox is not delusional enough now, they are retreating further into the nuttyverse with more extreme propaganda sources. News serves to inform and enlighten the consumer, to educate, propaganda serves the purposes of those who create it, manipulates and uses the consumer for their own ends. Enemy states use propaganda and so do domestic enemies as well, just look at the content and ask yourself, if it is useful or helpful.
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The Trump administration just argued in court that it can assassinate US citizens with no oversight:

When pressed by the court, the government asserted that it has the absolute right to order the assassination of an American citizen, any time, anywhere, including within the United States, and then claim that it is a state secret and its actions are unreviewable by any Court. Some of the judges indicated shock that such a wide power could be claimed, a claim never before made.
As long as the government contends the evidence is too secret to share then the Americans caught in the crosshairs are out of luck. And the rest of us just have to trust the President’s judgment with no role whatever for the courts.


They could do Donald using the same law, why not, he will be a big enough pain in the ass. It can be done, but they would have to be on the battle field against US troops or part of a terrorist operation overseas and out of reach, otherwise they just snatch them and squeeze them. It's kinda a grey area of the law these days as the world grows more complex, civilized and globalized. Military rules of engagement are flexible and constantly evolving over time and with technology, PR is a big consideration too.
What is that twit's IQ?
I've read that based on analysis of his decisions and other factors professionals estimate it around IQ 78. Not sure but his niece Mary Trump who is a psychologist appears to agree with the estimate. Donald would never sit for an IQ test even in prison, maybe when he was younger and in school, but we don't know that. Donald has made lots of public decisions and if you list and analyze them there are ways to estimate Donald's smarts, IQ tests are merely a series of questions and a scoring system of cognitive ability. A look at Donald's calls in the past few years, now that we've got behind the scenes a bit more indicates Donald is a moron, his TV appearances confirm this conclusion.

If Donald breaks 80 on an IQ test, I'd give him a grand for every point he scores, hard to cheat on an IQ test, if yer in prison, are like Donald and have someone standing over you. It would be like playing checkers with Donald (chess would be beyond him), he would lose, but would upset the board before storming away calling you a cheat etc.
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What is that twit's IQ?
I wonder how Donald does at golf, he cheats there too, but must lose on occasion. I figure golf is a physical challenge and not a cognitive one, Donald avoids cognitive challenges like sin. I think he can stand losing at golf, but not on something involving smarts or popularity. Accidentally becoming POTUS (his plan failed here too) exposed an unprepared Donald who could not see the implications of what he was getting into. He was always a bully and a blackmailer, a conman who stole the carefully crafted base of the republican party, Mitch and the boys had a good con going for the wealthy, until Obama came along. The reaction to Obama was immediate and extreme, this tea party bullshit running cover, the party filled completely with racists and bigots and they drove out the RINOs, Mitch lost control completely when they nominated Donald, they all became his instant slaves and their enthrallment has even grown deeper. Now the only thing that can remove Donald's tiny hands from the party base is to make sure he's in prison, secretly of course.

Donald is now a liability to them in Georgia and he will continue to be one for them long into the future, even if he is muzzled and in prison. The base of the party has been poisoned to death, don't let their recent rally at the polls kid you, they are on the way out, election cycle by election cycle, they will go the way of the whigs. Power abhors a vacuum and they will be quickly replaced by another conservative alternative party with, money, common sense and brains.
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I wonder how Donald does at golf, he cheats there too, but must lose on occasion. I figure golf is a physical challenge and not a cognitive one, Donald avoids cognitive challenges like sin. I think he can stand losing at golf, but not on something involving smarts or popularity. Accidentally becoming POTUS (his plan failed here to) exposed an unprepared Donald who could not see the implications of what he was getting into. He was always a bully and a blackmailer, a conman who stole the carefully crafted base of the republican party, Mitch and the boys had a good con going for the wealthy, until Obama came along. The reaction to Obama was immediate and extreme, this the tea party bullshit running cover, the party filled completely with racists and bigots and they drove out the RINOs, Mitch lost control completely when they nominated Donald, they all became his instant slaves and their enthrallment has even grown deeper. Now the only thing that can remove Donald's tiny hands from the party base is to make sure he's in prison, secretly of course.

Donald is now a liability to them in Georgia and he will continue to be one for them long into the future, even if he is muzzled and in prison. The base of the party has been poisoned to death, don't let their recent rally at the polls kid you, they are on the way out, election cycle by election cycle, they will go the way of the whigs. Power abhors a vacuum and they will be quickly replaced by another conservative alternative party with, money, common sense and brains.

he cheats bad on golf and i read he carries extra balls for those places he can't get out of then looks around (so no one sees) and throws the ball back into play..i believe it was a caddie.

but everyone knows he does this and it's part of the game with him..you pretend you don't see it.
If they lose Georgia, Lindsey would be come an anonymous back bench republican senator, not a committee chair. He would be irrelevant and that is almost as bad as losing the election for a narcissist like Lindsey. I don't know how people in Washington could have any respect for him after this sad episode in American history, Lindsey will have to eat this for the rest of his life and it will get worse for him as time goes on and more comes out. Lindsey should be in for a hard time socially, this shit is well beyond the old forgive and forget kinda shit with trying to subvert democracy for a psychopathic moron who killed a quarter million Americans, so far. His first private meeting with Joe will be a reaming of epic proportions, Lindsey should be trailing blood running from his asshole as he leaves the oval office.
If they lose Georgia, Lindsey would be come an anonymous back bench republican senator, not a committee chair. He would be irrelevant and that is almost as bad as losing the election for a narcissist like Lindsey. I don't know how people in Washington could have any respect for him after this sad episode in American history, Lindsey will have to eat this for the rest of his life and it will get worse for him as time goes on and more comes out. Lindsey should be in for a hard time socially, this shit is well beyond the old forgive and forget kinda shit with trying to subvert democracy for a psychopathic moron who killed a quarter million Americans, so far. His first private meeting with Joe will be a reaming of epic proportions, Lindsey should be trailing blood running from his asshole as he leaves the oval office.

and yet i thought the SCOTUS statement was the most sad episode; i mean how could you possibly top that? but here we are.
and yet i thought the SCOTUS statement was the most sad episode; i mean how could you possibly top that? but here we are.
If Lindsey runs in six years he will face the organization and disciples of Stacy Abrams and there will be many in a South Carolina too. She did more than organize and work, she inspired a generation of women and when this pandemic is over, they will start the ground game up on steroids and it will expand spontaneously, I'm sure she either has or will write the book on how it is done. She broke the solid south and if Georgia can go, so too can SC, or you can moderate their politics by putting the fear of Jesus into them at the polls.

I think women are gonna change America after this little fiasco, Donald and covid will leave a trail of grassroots organizations in every state in the union, mostly run by women. Women are way better than men at this social warfare shit and large portions of law school graduates in the past couple of decades are women and that's where a lot of politicians come from, the legal profession. This was happening before and would happen anyway, but Stacy Abrahams is writing the book for how it is done, no matter what the cause or concern, as long as justice and right are on your side and you make sense to regular folks.
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Jailer : Hey Baby Brain , if you want tonight’s bologna sandwich dinner tonite , you gotta do one thing ....

Trump : Tell me , I have the best brain

Jailer brings in box ( Stürmwiggen end table from IKEA ) and a hex key.
Jailer : Hey Baby Brain , if you want tonight’s bologna sandwich dinner tonite , you gotta do one thing ....

Trump : Tell me , I have the best brain

Jailer brings in box ( Stürmwiggen end table from IKEA ) and a hex key.
Just ask him to do simple math or solve a simple logical puzzle. Ikea is overkill, way over the top, Donald has trouble playing checkers and would be easy to beat, chess would be beyond him, because he either cannot see, or discounts future possibilities. Donald can't do the abstract thinking thing, his only real talent is lying, cheating and fucking over suckers.
Jailer : Hey Baby Brain , if you want tonight’s bologna sandwich dinner tonite , you gotta do one thing ....

Trump : Tell me , I have the best brain

Jailer brings in box ( Stürmwiggen end table from IKEA ) and a hex key.
If you wanna piss off Donald and really see him triggered, publicly call him a moron and say he has an IQ of 78 and shows it. Donald will lose it and in an equal arena, he will snow flake out when challenged and storm off the stage, or he would physically attack. After the verbal assault of ad hominem attacks, hold his feet to the fire with the simple test of intelligence or even basic knowledge and see him squirm in avoidance and distraction.

You could easily bait Donald in debate about the German attack on pearl harbor, he is that fucking ignorant and stupid.
I never understood the IQ thing. I don't think I have ever actually taken a IQ test and would have no clue what I would be.
Twitter already stated that they only allowed him to Tweet his BS & violate their rules is because he was a Head of State & implied that once he's out of office the party is over.
That would wonderful.

He's had that account long before he was President, and was tweeting batshit crazy things then.
Jailer : Hey Baby Brain , if you want tonight’s bologna sandwich dinner tonite , you gotta do one thing ....

Trump : Tell me , I have the best brain

Jailer brings in box ( Stürmwiggen end table from IKEA ) and a hex key.

no, no..not the dreaded hex key..why is it there's never one around when you need it?

when the mover you hired all of a sudden while taking your bed apart says..'oh no'.
I never understood the IQ thing. I don't think I have ever actually taken a IQ test and would have no clue what I would be.
An IQ of 100 is an average IQ, half the population fall below and half above in a bell curve distribution pattern. It is a moving target and over the decades people get "smarter" and the tests and scoring are adjusted. These tests challenge several different areas of cognitive functioning mostly for educational and employment purposes, the US army was real big on IQ testing before WW2.

A more accurate view might be we have many micro abilities and the aggregate make up our overall cognitive abilities, most people are good at somethings and shitty at others or aspects of them, many have special talents, others like the severely autistic (idiot savant) can tell you the day of the week in 25 years from now in a second, but not much else.
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