Need some experienced or expert eyes

man, I am reading every kind of material and bible was one of them, which is recommended from many. Second, I am a newbie trying to learn some shit and you are talking about gender saying that this post is waste, which I ask nothing about. Third, I am an English teacher, pass me on that English lesson.
I will stand corrected when you send a shot of the section that specifically lead you to sex the plants.
I definitely came to help but holy shit lol I can’t believe what you say you learned from that so called bible. Maybe you took the info wrong? Idk man, but I assure you I came to help address the original post. But it’s confusing as hell. Not trying to give you an English lesson. The author or that bible may need one.. or you need a comprehensive lesson on how to take in the info. Could be either or, but I’m on your side... regardless of the “all natural” ass that I am.
I will stand corrected when you send a shot of the section that specifically lead you to sex the plants.
I definitely came to help but holy shit lol I can’t believe what you say you learned from that so called bible. Maybe you took the info wrong? Idk man, but I assure you I came to help address the original post. But it’s confusing as hell. Not trying to give you an English lesson. The author or that bible may need one.. or you need a comprehensive lesson on how to take in the info. Could be either or, but I’m on your side... regardless of the “all natural” ass that I am.
I dont think anyone was asking about the sex of the plants except you. What are you talking about?
I dont think anyone was asking about the sex of the plants except you. What are you talking about?
The OP mentioned guessing the sex going off the info in said bible.. so I had to call that out. I wanna help, but if the OP says he has a bible.. anything we say will be a contest to what’s in it.
Ok.. I tried to stop you there. You were jumping out the window with the assumption. Way too early to tell.

The issue here is that I want to hear someone's opinion about the breed. The info about gender was ony an assumption of mine. To conclude, I GOT SOME SEEDS AND WANT TO LEARN ABOUT THEM. I am not saying that "you tell me what it is! bla bla...." If you cannot make some guess from these photos just close the tab and move on, man. You don't need to give lecture to me about it.
The issue here is that I want to hear someone's opinion about the breed. The info about gender was ony an assumption of mine. To conclude, I GOT SOME SEEDS AND WANT TO LEARN ABOUT THEM. I am not saying that "you tell me what it is! bla bla...." If you cannot make some guess from these photos just close the tab and move on, man. You don't need to give lecture to me about it.
I get that... but I would rather you not went off something telling you that growth within the nodes means it’s going to flower soon.
The issue here is that I want to hear someone's opinion about the breed. The info about gender was ony an assumption of mine. To conclude, I GOT SOME SEEDS AND WANT TO LEARN ABOUT THEM. I am not saying that "you tell me what it is! bla bla...." If you cannot make some guess from these photos just close the tab and move on, man. You don't need to give lecture to me about it.
And when he tried to help you, you insulted him. That's not a good way to get help around here.
@HydroKid239 has only been trolling this forum for a few months. Take his advice for what it's worth.
Of course you can only speak on what you troll yourself. Do some more.. you will see I’m only out to help. I believe the OP is either reading something suspect... or taking the info wrong. The OP doesn’t need a super hero @Boatguy .. we are in seperate talks aside this thread.. but thanks.
I didn't mean to insult anyone, sorry about that @HydroKid239 if I was understood that way. I was just trying to say that your reply is irrelevant.
That’s cool. But I’m still curious about what you are reading on the side. I honestly came to help. If I came off combative... trust me it was towards the reading material you spoke of. Wasn’t a personal jab. :peace: