If you want a real mind fuck, read Wisdom Of Solomon. It is one of the 14 books that were removed from the Bible. Before you dive in deep believing what the British crown used to keep its people in control (kjv) read those removed books and remember that people for 1500 years considered them part of the Bible as a whole. Religion is just stories from people like us. Information gets misconstrued and misunderstood and not one single word of what "Jesus said" was written by him. At the least was 2nd and 3rd hand writings. I'm not just some asshole rambling, I grew up in a hard-core Christian household. I started searching for answers when EVERYONE (pastors, decons, life long religious people) kept giving me the same cop out, "you have to have faith". Or "if God wanted us to know he would've wrote it in the bible". Sorry no I really sound like an asshole rambling lol
Not sounding like an asshole at all - Genuine exchange of questions and information welcome - pick it up or put it down, up to the individual.
I agree - those are total cop outs. I'll tell you right now that I don't have those answers either. --- That's why it's called Seeking.
Actually, I'll one up that - Wouldn't it be much simpler for
Him to just appear and we ALL see? Maybe He could make it a bit easier here?
Apparently not the way it works though - we get to puzzle it out as we take a few spins around the sun before our bodies become fertilizer.
But IMHO, that's the fun of it, isn't it? The seeking.
Anyway, your well thought out, heart felt choice of faith, or lack thereof is your call - nobody else's.
Neither is mine.
The KJV (and the crown) is not the version where the Apocrypha were removed - that was Luther vs. Rome. The original KJV included the Apocrypha, but then removed them later, following Luther's example.
IIRC, The Apocrypha are not found in the Septuagint either, since they were penned much later. They are interesting reading though.
2nd & 3rd hand writings - They were called Scribes - a specific trade. Paul used at least one extensively; this is pointed out by Paul himself when he writes, "See what large letters I use as I write to you with my own hand!" (Gal. 6:11 - NIV). Paul was a tent maker, not an author by trade.
Most likely neither David nor Solomon actually wrote any of the Psalms or the Proverbs either - they were kings; they had professional Scribes taking dictation and chronicling events constantly.
Lawyers and doctors still use Scribes extensively today - and few people would say that they are inaccurate.
Do you think that CEOs write all their own correspondence? Of course not. They have other people write it for them - sometimes they might not ever see it. But it's still from the CEO.
Interesting point here - this thread specifically asks Christians about their thoughts on Christians smoking weed; yet (as it always does), the conversation devolves into attacks on the Christian Faith - even though that was never the intent of the thread.
I've always wondered about that - it was one of the reasons I finally looked into Christianity myself - albeit with different results than you.
-- Looks like I'm the one rambling.
On topic --- Family is down, just me & the dogs by the fire place typing away on RIU.
Time to get away from the screen and have a bowl by the fire before bed.