Drying out!!


Have 2 plants cut put in wardrobe box to dry w fan not blowing against them!! Sunday will make 2 weeks!! Do I need to finish trimming and put in mason jars for a week and taking lid of for 15 min twice a day?? Any other thoughts?? Thanks!!!!
Have 2 plants cut put in wardrobe box to dry w fan not blowing against them!! Sunday will make 2 weeks!! Do I need to finish trimming and put in mason jars for a week and taking lid of for 15 min twice a day?? Any other thoughts?? Thanks!!!!
I find that if the stem snaps completely it’s too dry I like to take them down right before they all start snapping when about have of them are snapping but not breaking off completely. When you put them in the jar you want them to be around 65% on your in jar hygrometer that’s a perfect level of humidity for starting a quality cure. I believe any less than 65% and your cheating yourself out of a perfect cure. Your in jar hygrometer will tell you if it’s over 65% they need to dry a little bit more before going into the jars for cure.