Clone stem turning to mush?

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I've been experimenting with refrigerated clones to see how long they could be stalled then rooted.

7/8 weeks ago I cut a handful of clones put them in a zip lock bag then into the fridge.
Last week I put one Into a bubbler to root it but the stem turned to mush, I re cut it then put it back in the bubbler but today again its went mushy?

The clone itself looks just fine from above all considered I thought rooting it was a formality, there's nothing to indicate that the bottom isn't as it should be imo it looks fine from above.
This is its 3rd cut I've no option but to just leave it now and see what happens, I've added a touch of H2o2 I doubt it'll help but it's not doing any harm.
Any suggestions for the cause and the cure?


Well-Known Member
I’d sanitize the bubbler system and give it another shot
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Mak'er Grow

Well-Known Member
Could it be that when the clones went from fridge/zip lock baggie (closed environment) to the bubbler (open air environment) they weren't acclimated?


Well-Known Member
I've been experimenting with refrigerated clones to see how long they could be stalled then rooted.

7/8 weeks ago I cut a handful of clones put them in a zip lock bag then into the fridge.
Last week I put one Into a bubbler to root it but the stem turned to mush, I re cut it then put it back in the bubbler but today again its went mushy?

The clone itself looks just fine from above all considered I thought rooting it was a formality, there's nothing to indicate that the bottom isn't as it should be imo it looks fine from above.
This is its 3rd cut I've no option but to just leave it now and see what happens, I've added a touch of H2o2 I doubt it'll help but it's not doing any harm.
View attachment 4731861
Any suggestions for the cause and the cure?
Whats the temp of the water??
If this is an experiment then you know that 7 weeks is too long to hold onto cuts maybe ????

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
This is interesting. I would like to know more about everything you've done so far.

From the beginning and how.

Experiments require methodology and that's the area most mistakes are made.
I've not been the most methodical tbh I thought the rooting was a formality, it was packed up over 7 weeks ago, taken out re cut and clonex then put into the tub, the tub is far from ideal but it's rooted 2 clones with nice healthy root's.
I've added a bit H2o2 ??? you never know, what I can't understand is the clone is responding to light it's perked up holding itself firmly?

I got my bubble cloner finished tonight so I'll try another but not submerged.

@Bernie420 the nutrient temperature is 20/21c.


Well-Known Member
you should cut the bottom of the stem before you take to cloner. don't add h2o2 just make sure to sterilize the cloner and keep changing out the water


Well-Known Member
perhaps this is why they say over 30 degrees of temp change in 24 hr is a bad thing
Best answer yet I think.

Putting clones in a ziplock, spritzng them with water and placing them in the fridge can make clones last for months.
I used to ship clones across the country using this method, obviously not refrigerated, and the times I got clones back, they rooted about 75% of the time iirc.
Ithe was the dark days of The War on a Few Drugs. You had to be damn carful who you transacted with.


Well-Known Member
Best answer yet I think.

Putting clones in a ziplock, spritzng them with water and placing them in the fridge can make clones last for months.
I used to ship clones across the country using this method, obviously not refrigerated, and the times I got clones back, they rooted about 75% of the time iirc.
Ithe was the dark days of The War on a Few Drugs. You had to be damn carful who you transacted with.
I've dabbled with refrigerated clones. Only for a few weeks tops. Ziplocks failed miserably. My solution was using a 50/50 just moist mix of perlite and vermiculite in a plastic container. Just covered and 34F kept fine for 2 weeks. Similar to storing flytraps for the winter. Just make sure equipment is clean. Fresh fill in tank and dip the stems in 3% H2O2 before you recut it. Superstition. But hygenic none the less. And the heat acclimatization is spot on. Let the cuttings est in a cool location for an hour or so. Keep trying.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
The plant/cut looks fine its holding itself upright it doesn't make sense, the stem feels as you'd expect but the submerged section rots?

Temperature... When I 1st removed it from the fridge it was left sitting for 3/4 hours, I removed put it in a glass then went fishing lol
I then put it in the clone tent using the dim area of T5s 21/23c over 24hrs, since Saturday its moved home to led and 18/19c, idk if submerged is the problem, I don't think so but I'll try one with just the bubble spray catching it, I've been lowering the led daily, the last time I used it I made the biggest plant in the photo sick so I'm cautious of lowering to quickly, hence the low temps.

I'm happy enough using H2o2 for the peace of mind with the bonus of elevated oxygen lol.
Still looks well Viable.
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Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Is what's wrapped around the stem wet? If so, that may lead to stem rot.
It' was getting moved from a submerged bubbler to one that only the bubble spray catches it, the tissue was only a temporary holder.
I've put in another 3, the back left is the 1st one that's been out for a while Its clearly responding to the light.
I've used water and a few ml of H2o2.

When I opened up the bag there was one totally dead and two others with the stem end dried out, I recut them at a fresh bit and gave them a dab of clone...
fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
It' was getting moved from a submerged bubbler to one that only the bubble spray catches it, the tissue was only a temporary holder.
View attachment 4733670
I've put in another 3, the back left is the 1st one that's been out for a while Its clearly responding to the light.
I've used water and a few ml of H2o2.

When I opened up the bag there was one totally dead and two others with the stem end dried out, I recut them at a fresh bit and gave them a dab of clone...
fingers crossed!
I’m pulling some clones out of the fridge. They have been there about 8 weeks. I am going to leave them under a dimmed led for about 30 mins then I’m going to recut.. apply h2o2 and clonex, then dip in water. I will not add any heat yet. There’s 5 of them. May the force be with me. I’ll let ya know how it goes. I’m not using a cloner.. just h2o2, clonex and tap water. Here goes nothing :D bongsmilie

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I can't remember where I updated the fridge clone post, I thought I had?
She's a fine specimen after her brush with the fridge lol
It's been in 12/12 for the last 10/12 days.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I’m pulling some clones out of the fridge. They have been there about 8 weeks. I am going to leave them under a dimmed led for about 30 mins then I’m going to recut.. apply h2o2 and clonex, then dip in water. I will not add any heat yet. There’s 5 of them. May the force be with me. I’ll let ya know how it goes. I’m not using a cloner.. just h2o2, clonex and tap water. Here goes nothing :D bongsmilie
All the best buddy, I'm sure you'll do fine with them :weed:...


Well-Known Member
Some will turn to mush even without putting them in the fridge. I use a clone king and I have come to these conclusions, one your stems are not wide enough, 2 the foam holders are squeezing the stem to hard I actually cut mine a bit wider, or 3 your stem is to long and it’s sitting in the pool of water, its only supposed to sprinkle the stem. But that’s the checklist I made for myself and after 10 days this is what I get... and I’ve never tried to refrigerate them before I’d rather just let veg and train as long as needed.

