Time for a change from cch20 rdwc to the bucket company


Well-Known Member
I finally got my veg tent up and running with life in there and damn it feels GOOD!!!!
some of you might be thinking wtf why would I switch from such a great setup onto something else...The answer is efficiency and slim lining my setup...Now I loved my rdwc setup it was killer and a wonderful setup however I wanted something else so here we are....Enter THE BUCKET COMPANY
And man I'm I happy that I made that change well so far that is wait until harvest and then we can talk..But as for everything else it's wonderful I'm using 20% the water and nutes I was using and I don't have to worry about 50 or 150gal of water leaking into my finished basement and leaving me with a waiting pool to stand in...So before anything bad happened I sold it and moved on as I wanted to be able to automate it still as I am disabled and chronic pain is a m.f to say theee least.. and with this new setup is ideal and perfect for me.
Esp when they come out with the new lids w net pots in them and then it will be the setup that I bought as it will have netpots then vs mesh bags which is wonderful for Coco and soil but not so much for gs-1 media as just a lot of work for me to clean vs a small 4 or 6in net pot and the lids will have dozens of tiny holes so the water will flow from above and on entire roots and is gna be dopetastic..I also designed the system so I can shut off any bucket I want or turn it down watering wise..Plus I can remove that bucket from system running actually if I needed too and a lot less piping and cleaning in-between grows now which is major for me and I cut veg down by having a few more plants now and all still legal most of all...
So here's the setup veg
4.5x4.5ft with the bucket company medical planters 1.2gal buckets
Hlg qb132 v1 3500k x4 mean well 240w driver only will be getting a scynce led raging Kush alpha for it here in a month or so hopefully and they will be for bloom too
Ac infinity t6 fan and filter.
Jaebo DC 1056gph pump
I have a 500gph needle wheel skimmer pump for my res for d.o and circulation NO AIR STONES YAY
20gal res

Bloom tent 8x4 green cube
The bucket company medical planters 3gal buckets
Hlg qb320w v1 x4 mix spec 2700&3000k + 2 meizhi r300 LEDs w red and far red w ir so I use those 2 they do 140w ea..Will be changing to raging Kush alpha soon when they come out
Hyperfan 8in
Hygger 1350gph DC water pump
Stay tuned it's about to go down and got more to come well after lights gna start on a new automation setup all controlled by my phone with cameras that have tilt, pan,zoom etc it's going to be terptastic STAY TUNED ABOUT TO GET SKUNKY N FUNKY LOL IMG_20200905_081344.jpgIMG_20200904_092429.jpgIMG_20200903_182703.jpgIMG_20200903_150701.jpgIMG_20200831_121634.jpgIMG_20200831_120819.jpgIMG_20200825_214349.jpg
You def need to plan it out or your going to be changing it I actually changed mine a few different times before I settled on the one I have and I'm doing...As I can take any bucket out of the system at any time with a plant in it and no problems...Which is big but also draining etc and make sure you have a vent line on your drain it's a must have I'm not a huge fan of those elbows right off the bucket I mean I use them for veg for now but bloom I wouldn't roots can and will get stuck and that bend is a lil sharp...Which is one of the reasons I did a hybrid drain as I did hose from the bucket to the drain manifold and then I can remove the bucket without having to unduo the nut inside which is a pain in the ass esp w a plant and all of my manifolds move up and back independently too which is huge for moving plants etc makes things easier ...Sure can't wait to get my lids and go aero for it that's for sure
im terrible with diy stuff but need to automate. leaning towards bucket co aswell can we get an update !
Ya I haven't updated since there was just 2ppl interested and have it on other forums i use too but update all is well doing wonders
Day 18!!! Runtz, topanga and a sin IMG_20201102_194110.jpgIMG_20201102_194120.jpgIMG_20201102_193418.jpgIMG_20201031_205227.jpgIMG_20201031_205130.jpg
That is beautiful! im a rookie and when my 4x8 tent comes down (half way through flower) i plan on getting 12 x 3 gal buckets with manifolds aswell, and their runoff kit, can you tell me what else i will need (res pump timer etc of course but if you dont mind listing or leading me to where you have listed already!) id like to get it reset asap and didnt give myself as much time as i should have
And it's not really diy they have wat u need just all depends on ur goals and plans along w media and if u plan on changing it in the future too ..Bucket co has a building program u can use on ur pc only to map your system out u can do hose/PVC/john guest fittings which I like best pry but also thee most expensive too..So all depends on u and your setup and just pm me if u have questions etc thanks
That is beautiful! im a rookie and when my 4x8 tent comes down (half way through flower) i plan on getting 12 x 3 gal buckets with manifolds aswell, and their runoff kit, can you tell me what else i will need (res pump timer etc of course but if you dont mind listing or leading me to where you have listed already!) id like to get it reset asap and didnt give myself as much time as i should have
So just FYI I'm pry going down to a 10 site instead of my 12 site as it's a bitch getting to the back plants wen u have a row of branches to weave thru to get to even more branches etc so I'm gna do 5 like the pic I'm gna add so then I have access to the back plants now not much but I'm small i don't need a lot of room and doesn't take to long so not a issue I also have a small 10in isle too that I can squeeze into when I need too and it works out...
Now I also have these tbc scrog nets and have the 4x4 ones and im not entirely sure I like them as they have this green banner that goes around the outside and it's quite wide and I'm not sure how I like it actually on it blocking light to the plants that's a fact....So Im about to take the 2nd net off and replace it w reg 4in trellis netting that I have I'll keep the PVC uprights to wrap the trellis around it and problem solved as the bottom scrog isn't a issue so ya I def have to do that or the outside branches and below the banner will suffer...IMG_20201102_194120.jpgIMG_20201104_075728_523.jpgIMG_20201104_075728_522.jpgIMG_20201104_075728_542.jpgIMG_20201104_075728_544.jpg
So I no longer feed like that I actually don't even have this setup anymore I went to Rockwool actually...but lights ON ONLY ...thee only time u feed at night is if u absolutely have too as If the plant would be wilting by morning and I water 1-2hr after the lights turn on and same for before the lights go off.. I'm currently using a nearpow seconds timer it has 20 schedules it can do which is perfect they are under $20 too can't beat it but ya I changed my entire setup from what this one was actually I kept the tent and changed the rest lol and nothing wrong with it other than it was a pita to clean and maintain and reset vs a single tray and tossing the Rockwool or Coco mesh bags away and keep it moving