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Stoner Hippies with Blue Hair Fer Biden!!! Kids In Cages! Put Orange Man in Jail!!! He Bad!! Bad Bad Man.....Hondura fer Biden!
Are you ok, do you want to actually have a conversation or are you just here to troll?Stoner Hippies with Blue Hair Fer Biden!!! Kids In Cages! Put Orange Man in Jail!!! He Bad!! Bad Bad Man.....Hondura fer Biden!
I watch that over and over. I believe her to be as cold hearted as he is but perhaps not as enthusiastic about anything but herself.
I came to troll, its almost election....Its trolling timeAre you ok, do you want to actually have a conversation or are you just here to troll?
Yep, the mighty blue wave is rolling over the country, Donald fucked up badly on covid and the red states who supported him are paying the price the most, as are his fans at the death cult super spreader rallies. Freezing, roasting and giving your fans covid ain't a winning strategy. Donald is a moron and so is anybody who would vote for him, they failed the national IQ test.Stoner Hippies with Blue Hair Fer Biden!!! Kids In Cages! Put Orange Man in Jail!!! He Bad!! Bad Bad Man.....Hondura fer Biden!
Right on, it must suck to have to troll for such a turd, but whatcha going to do. Are you a paid variety, a cultist, or just some kind of random crazy?I came to troll, its almost election....Its trolling time
Stoner Hippies with Blue Hair Fer Biden!!! Kids In Cages! Put Orange Man in Jail!!! He Bad!! Bad Bad Man.....Hondura fer Biden!
I think thee might be more to this when Trump is away. While Don is trying to find the hole on his golf course someone else is finding another hole...
Depressed Trumper I'd say, merca is going down the toilet bowl of history, leaving just America behind. Donald drew every scumbag in the USA to his banner and many will go down clinging to it, like the stars and bars. These people and the conmen who control them are about to be removed from the bigger social conversation. They are not partners in a more perfect union, but and obstacle to it, in short a problem, no longer just another point of view that cannot be supported by the facts.Right on, it must suck to have to troll for such a turd, but whatcha going to do. Are you a paid variety, a cultist, or just some kind of random crazy?
Oh shit red hairi really hate to take the wind out of your sails but Julianne and I are the same age and I've been told by many I resemble Annette Benning..Blue hair isn't what it used to be..as for 'kids' and 'orange'..knock yourself out. we don't treat our citizens this way and your half hearted attempt at trolling is weak.
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i think she found out Stormy was true. i bet he "begged and begged and promised and promised that it wasn't true. i wouldn't do that when you just gave birth to my lovely slow Barron".I believe her to be as cold hearted as he is but perhaps not as enthusiastic about anything but herself.
i think she found out Stormy was true. i bet he "begged and begged and promised and promised that it wasn't true. i wouldn't do that when you just gave birth to my lovely slow Barron".
Never understood why older men such as Mick Jagger etc continue to father kids when they're in their 70's. It's like they have to keep proving their virility and cannot accept that they get older like the rest of us.his sperm was old and inferior..men shouldn't father children after a certain age just like women.