The UK Growers Thread!

You lost mate ?

And @Lpt u proly be fine tis up to you tho

Not at all lost and hope those whom regard them as "pigs" never need them.

It is their job ffs and it like saying if your best mate works for them he is a pig too.

Small minded bullshit, grow up and its not their fault some courageous folk amongst us do decide to to hold up the law as their job, their bread and butter. Unlike plebs who would rather sit back and contribute to their nightmare bread and butter job.

I suppose you think the poor policeman who was dragged to death for a few miles recently was a "pig" too. Tell that to his family why don't you.

"pigs" ffs, grow up new boy and learn some basic respect.
Also so sorry you find it "uncomfortable" reading something on the internet. get a grip man, privileged white middle class by any chance?
Also prehaps if you find it so "fucking shamefull" calling pigs. pigs you should watch what you call other members of society.. after all pleb, chav and doley are disrespectful and uncalled-for.

Obvious fact, I don't lie.

Suchlike characters are so easy to recognise.

Playing the victim still doesn't make the police "pigs".

It's all in the upbringing and basic respect. Some have it some don't and those that don't will always be underachievers.

As I said, easy to spot an elephant in the room.
Not at all lost and hope those whom regard them as "pigs" never need them.

It is their job ffs and it like saying if your best mate works for them he is a pig too.

Small minded bullshit, grow up and its not their fault some courageous folk amongst us do decide to to hold up the law as their job, their bread and butter. Unlike plebs who would rather sit back and contribute to their nightmare bread and butter job.

I suppose you think the poor policeman who was dragged to death for a few miles recently was a "pig" too. Tell that to his family why don't you.

"pigs" ffs, grow up new boy and learn some basic respect.

Learn some basic respect? You don't know me. You don't Have a clue what I'm about, you've jumped to some mad assumptions I'm a disrespectful underachiever Chav/pleb etc Its pretty odd behaviour, as is catching so many feels about reading police being called pigs.
genuine question; what did you want from quoting my post about pigs, expressing such concern?
An apology or something?
just for the record if your best mate is a police man yes he's a pig, ACAB.
Learn some basic respect? You don't know me. You don't Have a clue what I'm about, you've jumped to some mad assumptions I'm a disrespectful underachiever Chav/pleb etc Its pretty odd behaviour, as is catching so many feels about reading police being called pigs.
genuine question; what did you want from quoting my post about pigs, expressing such concern?
An apology or something?
just for the record if your best mate is a police man yes he's a pig, ACAB.

No your best mate or even you wife.

It happens you know yet they are still "pigs" to you not me.

They provide a vital service and notice you kept away from calling the poor police officer a "pig" who recently got dragged to death by a gang of thieving plebs.

Enough of your shit for me because no respect for those who protect you.

I can have my opinion and you can have yours.

As you were.
No your best mate or even you wife.

It happens you know yet they are still "pigs" to you not me.

They provide a vital service and notice you kept away from calling the poor police officer a "pig" who recently got dragged to death by a gang of thieving plebs.

Enough of your shit for me because no respect for those who protect you.

I can have my opinion and you can have yours.

As you were.

They certainly do not protect me of any of the communitys im part of.
I've had quite my fill of your shit too kid. Didn't mean to turn a decent thread into some bs about pigs... Yes quite as we were
Mate it’s a Cannabis forum and I’d say 99% of the members on here have had more than enough negative experiences to warrant it.

Enough said really.

I'd love to see the poll you conducted to get to 99%. Get real.

You will find that the older members, not the "long term members" of a few months, have a wide range of topics to discuss and they are discussed freely without abuse. Like adults and when we feel it is uncalled for we can say it you know. Proper long term member do actually have great respect here and are very helpful but every now and then there is a few new "long term members" who do not deserve any attention in my book.

It's a very good forum but it does have the odd new visitor fucks it all up. Don't be that guy!

I do not agree that police should be called "pigs" and that is my opinion. When the "pig" calling plebs target and kill our police I'll shout as much as I like because I have the right to do that.

If you don't agree with my opinion then tough.
I'd love to see the poll you conducted to get to 99%. Get real.

You will find that the older members, not the "long term members" of a few months, have a wide range of topics to discuss and they are discussed freely without abuse. Land when we feel it is uncalled for we can say it you know. Proper long term member do actually have great respect here and are very helpful but every now and then there is a few new "long term members" who do not deserve any attention in my book.

It's a very good forum but it does have the odd new visitor fucks it all up. Don't be that guy!

I do not agree that police should be called "pigs" and that is my opinion. When the "pig" calling plebs target and kill our police I'll shout as much as I like because I have the right to do that.

If you don't agree with my opinion then tough.
Hahahahaha!!! I wasn’t even trying to be a cunt but your teasing it out of me.

Weed and police don’t mix simple, do you want a poll for that too!

Couldn’t give two fucks how long you’ve been a member either mate.

You sound like the kind of guy to drop flowers and chocolates at your local police station to thank them for all the “hard” work they do terrorising tax payers.

Obviously there are good coopers but the day to day face the the public deal with are complete muppets at the best of times.

That’s enough opinionated bullshit for me today and all you’ll get out of me, thanks for giving a “new long term member” your attention.

Happy growing buddy
I'd love to see the poll you conducted to get to 99%. Get real.

You will find that the older members, not the "long term members" of a few months, have a wide range of topics to discuss and they are discussed freely without abuse. Like adults and when we feel it is uncalled for we can say it you know. Proper long term member do actually have great respect here and are very helpful but every now and then there is a few new "long term members" who do not deserve any attention in my book.

It's a very good forum but it does have the odd new visitor fucks it all up. Don't be that guy!

I do not agree that police should be called "pigs" and that is my opinion. When the "pig" calling plebs target and kill our police I'll shout as much as I like because I have the right to do that.

If you don't agree with my opinion then tough.

Fuck me, how high is your horse?
All of your topics can be discussed freely without abuse, go discuss them right away no one has abused you unless you are a pig? In which case your definitely in the wrong place. Not sure police are welcome in this forum about a drug that is illegal in most of the world. I'm not sure the chief of police would like it.

Clearly this long term title and it's corrosponding amount of months it upsetting you why not message an admin and see if they will give you a veteran title? Then All the veterans can give the zero attention to new members just like you like. Apart from when they step out of what you consider ok then your allowed to put them right.

and as for "plebs" targeting police? Do you live in Henley-on-Thames or some shit? The police are out here world fucking wide targeting/ persecuting/insitgating the working class and in many cases killing them.
You must of never had a single dealing with the UK police? Because, they may be some good coppers in it for the right reasons but let me tell you there are some bad ones, really nasty bad ones . Real rotten eggs out for harm and abuse. And if the good % cannot stop the bad ones then it's a gang of bad ones end off ACAB ever last one of them even brother-in-law coppers that turn a blind eye to your grow.
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Regardless of what your thoughts are about the police, I am not sure what your interjection was or is trying to prove kk26. This is a UK based thread on a weed growing forum (that is chiefly based in the US where it is still federally illegal to grow weed), which I assume is an activity you yourself condone or partake in, too which end has me thinking you are purely trolling as this argument will have no positive friendly outcome.

Sheesh, some people just like a scrap I guess.
Hahahahaha!!! I wasn’t even trying to be a cunt but your teasing it out of me.

Weed and police don’t mix simple, do you want a poll for that too!

Couldn’t give two fucks how long you’ve been a member either mate.

You sound like the kind of guy to drop flowers and chocolates at your local police station to thank them for all the “hard” work they do terrorising tax payers.

Obviously there are good coopers but the day to day face the the public deal with are complete muppets at the best of times.

That’s enough opinionated bullshit for me today and all you’ll get out of me, thanks for giving a “new long term member” your attention.

Happy growing buddy

What silly inmature comments.

In your world let fuck the poli e off then see how you survive big lad.

Typical chav, spouting bullshit and making up silly numbers to prove your nonsense.

Soft lad with a big mouth.
Fuck me, how high is your horse?
All of your topics can be discussed freely without abuse, go discuss them right away no one has abused you unless you are a pig? In which case your definitely in the wrong place. Not sure police are welcome in this forum about a drug that is illegal in most of the world. I'm not sure the chief of police would like it.

Clearly this long term title and it's corrosponding amount of months it upsetting you why not message an admin and see if they will give you a veteran title? Then All the veterans can give the zero attention to new members just like you like. Apart from when they step out of what you consider ok then your allowed to put them right.

and as for "plebs" targeting police? Do you live in Henley-on-Thames or some shit? The police are out here world fucking wide targeting/ persecuting/insitgating the working class and in many cases killing them.
You must of never had a single dealing with the UK police? Because, they may be some good coppers in it for the right reasons but let me tell you there are some bad ones, really nasty bad ones . Real rotten eggs out for harm and abuse. And if the good % cannot stop the bad ones then it's a gang of bad ones end off ACAB ever last one of them even brother-in-law coppers that turn a blind eye to your grow.

Oh the grammar. This is the future of the UK

Illiterate mouths with no brain.
Regardless of what your thoughts are about the police, I am not sure what your interjection was or is trying to prove kk26. This is a UK based thread on a weed growing forum (that is chiefly based in the US where it is still federally illegal to grow weed), which I assume is an activity you yourself condone or partake in, too which end has me thinking you are purely trolling as this argument will have no positive friendly outcome.

Sheesh, some people just like a scrap I guess.

No trolling, just my opinion amongst the plebs who hate the police.

The sensible having a different opinion to the low life plebs who make their job harder.

My opinion and I can do exactly that.

Besides, why jump in, trolling it seems or winding it up.

Shall we do without the police then because it seems that way.

Your plebby "pig" harting new friends know when they cross the line hence the reason for no comments on the officer who recently died at the hand of a plebby set of stealing cunts.

Also personal interaction with the police, I thank them no end because if it was not for organ donation and a forced retirement by an officer pursuing some plebs, a certain someone would not be alive today. They are human like you are supposed to be ffs. you call them. "pig" and spout shit nonsense.

I really hope you NEED them one day for whatever reason.

Now, shall we take them all away and see how far we get with plebby attitudes and selfishness.

As for the bullshit numbers indicating that we all hate them, get fucking real and grow up. Listen to that shit, it's comical.

Before all the shit replies come, i are fuck all because this country is what it is now because of plebs and chavs and I can have my opinion.
Oh the grammar. This is the future of the UK

Illiterate mouths with no brain.
Gramma is evolvin son best get use 2 it. Point is u understood wat I waz sayin.

Typical internet eejit resorting to insulting grammar to try and save face. your argument is futile and your points are invalid, go get your Eton head back into your books about how great the police are.
Talking ill of the dead is not my style. No matter how hard you push for it to try and prove some point.
More people have died at the hand of the pigs since this conversation started.

Why do you think pig is such a common name for them? Not just pigs but they have a plethora of derogatory names, why would this be?
nobody calls the ambalance crews or the fire brigade any nasty name do they?
They got that name by being the biggest most corrupt gang in the world causing nothing but problems for the lower classes and never touching the rich elite. Look into it you may find out that your piggy best mates are actually part of a disgusting underworld far darker than you would care to imagine.

Having wasted too much time writing to you I think @DST hit the nail on the head and I've been trolled haha damn
Talking ill of the dead is not my style. No matter how hard you push for it to try and prove some point.
More people have died at the hand of the pigs since this conversation started.

Why do you think pig is such a common name for them? Not just pigs but they have a plethora of derogatory names, why would this be?
nobody calls the ambalance crews or the fire brigade any nasty name do they?
They got that name by being the biggest most corrupt gang in the world causing nothing but problems for the lower classes and never touching the rich elite. Look into it you may find out that your piggy best mates are actually part of a disgusting underworld far darker than you would care to imagine.

Having wasted too much time writing to you I think @DST hit the nail on the head and I've been trolled haha damn

Oh dear, just imagine the person behind this mouth.

Yeah but no but!

You da man!
As for the bullshit numbers indicating that we all hate them, get fucking real and grow up. Listen to that shit, it's comical.
whats comical is that amongst the peer group that was being quoted only 99% hated the subject matter.
anyway, have fun pointlessly arguing, folks will soon ignore you.