Rollitup Endorsements - Biden For President

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WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is preparing a 2021 legislative agenda with two “great, big initiatives” — expanding health care access and rebuilding American infrastructure — that are longtime Democratic priorities aligned with Joe Biden’s platform and taking on fresh urgency in the COVID-19 crisis.

Pelosi said the bills, from the party’s own top 10-list of legislation that has already passed the Democratic House this session of Congress, “fit comfortably” with what Biden is proposing in his “Build Back Better” platform. They are bills that “we will pass again in a new Congress,” she said.

“Those are two great big initiatives that we have — and we welcome — to rescue our country from a pandemic, from an economic downturn,” Pelosi told The Associated Press in a recent interview.

The California Democrat is preparing the new year agenda as Democrats are heavily favored to retain control of the House in next week’s election and Democratic nominee Biden seeks to deny President Donald Trump a second term. Pelosi and Biden are decades old friends who are in touch as needed as he campaigns for the White House.

“You always have to be ready,” Pelosi said. “It’s not as if you are assuming anything, it’s that you’re assuming that it’s possible.”

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The Democratic leaders’ priorities are aligned in many ways even as there are stark differences within the party’s liberal base and more centrist lawmakers on health care, infrastructure investment and other big issues.

A prospective Democratic agenda is coming together even as Pelosi and the Trump administration are still negotiating a potential coronavirus aid package that has stalled before Tuesday’s election.

Pelosi said expanding the Affordable Care Act and making infrastructure investment to begin to “build back” the country in a “green and sustainable” way will be on the to-do list next year.

She pointed to the first nine bills of this Congress that were approved by the House as part of its “For the People” agenda that helped the party win majority control in the 2018 midterm election.

They included a transportation and infrastructure bill and a measure that would require the federal government to negotiate with the drug companies for lower prices and would provide some new prescription discounts to people using Medicare.

Biden’s proposals go further on several fronts. For example, his health care proposal would add a “public option” to the Obama-era health law, which he helped pass while serving as President Barack Obama’s vice president.

While Biden’s plan goes further than the House Democratic bill, it’s not as far-reaching as some of the “Medicare for All” proposals sought by liberal lawmakers.

The other Democratic bills on Pelosi’s list include legislation to overhaul the immigration system with a path to citizenship for those who are in the United States illegally and to require background checks for gun purchases.

Biden said during the second presidential debate that an immigration overhaul would be part of a first-100 days agenda.
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Jack Nicklaus was one of my favorite all time golfers......until yesterday when he endorsed the traitor and urged all of his twitter followers to do the same.
Fuck you Jack, and the orange dick you're sucking.
Jack is just one of many in his generation who grew up ignorant. About 70% of all old white men are like him. I have a hard time getting all that angry at my grandfather when he says dumb shit. I'm more upset about Lil Wayne. He can't claim ignorance.
Jack is just one of many in his generation who grew up ignorant. About 70% of all old white men are like him. I have a hard time getting all that angry at my grandfather when he says dumb shit. I'm more upset about Lil Wayne. He can't claim ignorance.
It doesn't matter what generation he grew up in........I was raised by a white racist and chose to not be that way.
Don't make excuses for bigots who choose to be that way and vote for a racist president because of how and when they grew up.........there's no excuse for ignorant bigotry.
Jack is just one of many in his generation who grew up ignorant. About 70% of all old white men are like him. I have a hard time getting all that angry at my grandfather when he says dumb shit. I'm more upset about Lil Wayne. He can't claim ignorance.
It’s more than dumb shit though unfortunately.
It doesn't matter what generation he grew up in........I was raised by a white racist and chose to not be that way.
Don't make excuses for bigots who choose to be that way and vote for a racist president because of how and when they grew up.........there's no excuse for ignorant bigotry.
Racism is a lack of intelligence and empathy imo and it comes in all colors for certain.
Can't because if the 2nd Ammendment. I really like The Big Guy but it's a single issue vote. I'm totally with My Chairman on everything else though but sadly, he lost me here.
Right. For me, it's the kidnapping thing. I can't tolerate a person that takes away nursing infants from their mothers. Maybe it's just the morals in me. It's not just that, though, there are many issues to vote against Republistools.
Right. For me, it's the kidnapping thing. I can't tolerate a person that takes away nursing infants from their mothers. Maybe it's just the morals in me. It's not just that, though, there are many issues to vote against Republistools.
Jack is just one of many in his generation who grew up ignorant. About 70% of all old white men are like him. I have a hard time getting all that angry at my grandfather when he says dumb shit. I'm more upset about Lil Wayne. He can't claim ignorance.
I read a bit and picture of Lil Wayne with Trump and he is an idiot . I bet he wants some publicity because He got jealous of Ice Cube getting recognition . I was so disappointed with Ice Cube getting all political in stupid ways supporting Trump and then got even more upset when I read that Kamala Harris had tried to have a meeting with him like a month ago and he had no interest talking to her. Lil Wayne is a loser. I had more respect for Ice Cube but not now.