Mould on leaves 2 weeks from harvest

Doesn't appear to have enough airflow from what little I see. I like to see the plants shaking from indirect pulling of air as opposed to direct onto the plants.

....why do you not have a dehu?
You deserve thumb up for being brave to grow in this environment, but for next run you should really work on it. Clean it, sterilize, run sulphur evaporator before you start, get rid of mold on the walls, painting them and prepare them nice place to live. Dehumidifer will be your best friend since you do not want to grow for mold and rot. If your outside RH is high exhaust fan wont help. You can get good dehumidifer for 140€, avoid the cheap and week ones, you need at least 20l/day. Good luck
Yes, definitely will do man. Was never meant to be a full time location for them but then they shot up. Am currently sorting out another room inside for them to go into. Seems I might need to push that along.
I've never heard of a Sulphur evaporator. I might have to Google that one..
Holy shit be careful if you do sulfur.... Even if you're careful you're still probably going to ruin the taste and smell of your end product. But maybe you won't fuck it up like I did years ago ; ) GL!
Is your excraction fam going at night too?

Also if your night time temp drops too much is can cause condensation.

Adding a heater could help.
I run the light 12/12 at night to balance the temps. Usually around 70 to 80 F during the day sometimes a lil higher on a hot day and 77 F during the night when the light is on.
Extractor is not running during the day.. I will change that right now tho
Doesn't appear to have enough airflow from what little I see. I like to see the plants shaking from indirect pulling of air as opposed to direct onto the plants.

....why do you not have a dehu?
Definitely will look in to installing a stronger extraction fan to get this pulling of air
Holy shit be careful if you do sulfur.... Even if you're careful you're still probably going to ruin the taste and smell of your end product. But maybe you won't fuck it up like I did years ago ; ) GL!
And no dehu due to finances but thanks man
I run the light 12/12 at night to balance the temps. Usually around 70 to 80 F during the day sometimes a lil higher on a hot day and 77 F during the night when the light is on.
Extractor is not running during the day.. I will change that right now tho

Lights out without a exhaust fan you will be seeing very high humidity.
I can't grow without a dehumidifier. Never could. Average is about 60% room. With the plants and heat, that spikes to 70+ in the tent. And as soon as the lights go out, the temps drop and the relative humidity climbs to 80/85% even with fans.
I run a small ecoair unit with ioniser. Just bought a new one becuase my dessicant one sucks power like an extra light.
Even a cheap used one is better than none.
The built in inoiser really helps.
Looking at the plants I’m going to add a different perspective. Your plants look over fertilized with nitrogen and overwatered. Your mold spores on the surface may be coming within the soil and root structure.
Holy shit be careful if you do sulfur.... Even if you're careful you're still probably going to ruin the taste and smell of your end product. But maybe you won't fuck it up like I did years ago ; ) GL!
I was meaning before the grow starts, now for sure not!
I can't grow without a dehumidifier. Never could. Average is about 60% room. With the plants and heat, that spikes to 70+ in the tent. And as soon as the lights go out, the temps drop and the relative humidity climbs to 80/85% even with fans.
I run a small ecoair unit with ioniser. Just bought a new one becuase my dessicant one sucks power like an extra light.
Even a cheap used one is better than none.
The built in inoiser really helps.
Thanks man. Will definitely look into it
Looking at the plants I’m going to add a different perspective. Your plants look over fertilized with nitrogen and overwatered. Your mold spores on the surface may be coming within the soil and root structure.
I have been thinking the same. I feed about a liter once a day with guano super bloom. Plants are in 5 gallon cloth pots, And I think your bang on cause when I ran outta super bloom(for flower) I used super grow(for veg) in its place for about 4 days about a week ago. Could you suggest a solution. Maybe cut back on the feeding/watering.
Tall sativas are in cannaterra (coco, perlite and moss mix), the indica is in soil, cause thats how it was giving to me. I dont water the indica as often. Every two days. But I read somewhere its that plants in a coco perlite medium can be saturated.. another sign that suggest you are right and I just noticed the other day is, some leafs curling up. But yes, like I asked, any suggestions?
Also keep things clean and sterile in your room. From the pics it looks like that step might have been missed.
Will be cleaning and painting a new room for them asap. Then I need to figure a way to deal with run off. Got a few ideas floating around in my head. thanks heaps
Holy shit... I just had a plant get gray mold... it was weak an stressed... but it was the only one I put Great White in... : O
@J.Heke.NZ so obviously no more nitrogen. And as far as the water/feeding with coco I’m not your guy. But I can see the plant looks heavy and overwatered and the mold signs is very bad. Your rh at 75/80 isn’t 100. On the cost I would have 70 ambient and won’t mold at 80 as long as air flow is good. So that rh didn’t make me think its a humidity problem, like I said it’s not at 100. Lol. I would feel to see how heavy my pots are before I’m watering and sticking my finger in. Water when dry to the middle of the finger.