
You sounded dead serious when you say that ? What can you possibly pull out of that , that will actually help with ANYTHING ? We prolly need to finish studying what we can get to instead of wasting money on bullshit starwars shit. WOW.
This doesn't deserve a response.
They say that Starlink satellites can be more dangerous than regular space junk because they can crush into spaceships that deliver cargo to ISS or fly to Mars for example, but that is not true. I consider Elon Musk is doing its best to spread the Internet through the world and when the mission is complete we just have to get directions carefully before each mission.
They say that Starlink satellites can be more dangerous than regular space junk because they can crush into spaceships that deliver cargo to ISS or fly to Mars for example, but that is not true. I consider Elon Musk is doing its best to spread the Internet through the world and when the mission is complete we just have to get directions carefully before each mission.
Why namely Starlink satellites? All satellites can be dangerous I think. However, it doesn't mean that we need to refuse the use of them. Moreover, I disagree with the statement that sats are more dangerous than space junk. Where did you hear it?