Electrical question


Well-Known Member
Question for all you sparkys out there. I'm adding more grow equipment to my setup. It's all located in the same room so I'm like 95% sure those outlets are probably all on the same breaker. So I want to see if I'm safe running where I'm at with the new equipment or if I need to modify my electrical setup.

The current circuit I'm working with is on a 20 A breaker. First the outlets are old as hell, I'm guessing they are probably 15 A outlets. Is that a problem being on a 20 A breaker? I know very little about electrical or code but I thought I had heard that was bad?

Total amp draw from the equipment I have I calculated at 18.437 A. ampdraw.PNG Definitely going to need to add more fans for the new tent so the total will be slightly higher. Actually I just thought about the fact I might need to run some type of AC in the summer. That will definitely need it's own power then. But for now is that too much draw for a 20 A circuit running almost the entire day?

If it's too much then my electrical upgrade options may be limited. My electric panel is full and has no spare breaker spots.


Thanks for any ideas.
You should aim for running 80% (or less) the total capacity of your circuit, esp since you are saying it's old. Are you sure it's a 20 amp circuit? Are you certain that it is wired with 12 gauge wire? I would double check these things, and also, I would say that's too much for a single 20 amp circuit. Would it work? Probably...but we should always aim for safety first. I would spread some of that amperage to other circuits. Start by mapping exactly which outlet goes with which circuit.
So how hard would it be to run new wire to your grow room? I would run three new 20a circuits. One circuit just for a big window ac unit and two for the grow. Best to stay under 80% capacity as the other guy said. If its a simple unfinished basement to a room above, thats a piece of cake and you should get an electrician scheduled right away. Another option is fishing extension cords through furnace ducting to get to an unused circuit. But make sure you are using heavy duty 20a extension cords.
So how hard would it be to run new wire to your grow room? I would run three new 20a circuits. One circuit just for a big window ac unit and two for the grow. Best to stay under 80% capacity as the other guy said. If its a simple unfinished basement to a room above, thats a piece of cake and you should get an electrician scheduled right away. Another option is fishing extension cords through furnace ducting to get to an unused circuit. But make sure you are using heavy duty 20a extension cords.
I'm literally 5 ft away from the electric panel. I could easily run new wire. I don't know how electrical inspections are running right now with COVID though. Also as I said my break box is full, so I don't know what the next step would be.
You should aim for running 80% (or less) the total capacity of your circuit, esp since you are saying it's old. Are you sure it's a 20 amp circuit? Are you certain that it is wired with 12 gauge wire? I would double check these things, and also, I would say that's too much for a single 20 amp circuit. Would it work? Probably...but we should always aim for safety first. I would spread some of that amperage to other circuits. Start by mapping exactly which outlet goes with which circuit.
Yeah it's definitely a 20 A breaker. Only been in the house about a month so still figuring everything out. Slowly labeling what each breaker controls as I've been working on stuff. Everything I've seen for wiring has been at least 12 ga wire. I've already replaced all the outlets and switches on the first floor. A lot of them weren't wired using the side terminal screws.

I included the picture of the panel, I don't have any available breaker slots to run new outlets on a new circuit.
So how hard would it be to run new wire to your grow room? I would run three new 20a circuits. One circuit just for a big window ac unit and two for the grow. Best to stay under 80% capacity as the other guy said. If its a simple unfinished basement to a room above, thats a piece of cake and you should get an electrician scheduled right away. Another option is fishing extension cords through furnace ducting to get to an unused circuit. But make sure you are using heavy duty 20a extension cords.
10 AWG pulled to new 20 amp circuits is easy if comfortable with home wiring. Call an electrician if not. Cheaper than a fire or death. Using 10 instead of standard 12 AWG will reduce your resistance. Dropping amp draw, heat and fire potential. Check to make sure outlets are dead after tripping the breaker. Anything with a light and a plug will tell you. It is as simple as pulling the breaker out of the box. With main disconnected. Attatching the pulled 10AWG Romex to breaker after replacing plugs. Replace breaker and turn main back on. Have someone watching for issues in room when you do. No issues. Rplace outlet covers. You will need another circuit for an AC unit.
10 AWG pulled to new 20 amp circuits is easy if comfortable with home wiring. Call an electrician if not. Cheaper than a fire or death. Using 10 instead of standard 12 AWG will reduce your resistance. Dropping amp draw, heat and fire potential. Check to make sure outlets are dead after tripping the breaker. Anything with a light and a plug will tell you. It is as simple as pulling the breaker out of the box. With main disconnected. Attatching the pulled 10AWG Romex to breaker after replacing plugs. Replace breaker and turn main back on. Have someone watching for issues in room when you do. No issues. Rplace outlet covers. You will need another circuit for an AC unit.
New circuits arent an option for him.
It would be a good idea to replace the old breakers also, less chance of them tripping out or even worse, not tripping when needed. Not much to add than what the guys already said. 12 gauge will be fine as it is a short run.
It's not a new circuit. It is an upgrade from current bare minimum by replacing existing Romex and outlets. Really simple. Cheap if copper wasn't so pricey. LOL.
I get that but he needs like 50 amps going to the grow if he is going to add window ac.

Slimline breakers
Install 2 of them and that will give you 2 open spaces for the new circuits
I seen those at the store a while back. I completely forgot about them. Yes the slimline breakers will let you pull two 20a circuits from any breaker spot.
I get that but he needs like 50 amps going to the grow if he is going to add window ac.

I seen those at the store a while back. I completely forgot about them. Yes the slimline breakers will let you pull two 20a circuits from any breaker spot.
Sadly that will be a side panel and an electrician and inspection sticker to meet code any where. Just opinionated a safe set up for current situation. AC complicates things.
Sadly that will be a side panel and an electrician and inspection sticker to meet code any where. Just opinionated a safe set up for current situation. AC complicates things.
Nah with the slimline breakers he can add 3 more circuits. Still have to pull a permit. But not nearly as expensive or complicated as a secondary panel.
They don't make them for all box styles. He looks good. $1500 to replace mine so I could add more as I needed. His looks newer. I hope he can use them.