Hardest start ive ever had

Dark spots have appeared on my leaves and taken over the full leaves any idea what this is. Thanks had nothing but trouble since sprouted


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Temp, humidity?
What light , distance?
Water your using, ph?
Does soil have nutes in it?
Yeah soil had nutes in it as soon as they popped up they stopped growing so i checked the run off and it was reading 350ppms and the ph was 6.5 so i flushed to about 85-90ppms my tap water is 036ppms
I got 600 watt hps running at 400watts and 2 x meizhi 300 hanging half a meter maybe more away with a temp at 26.8 and humidity at 40%
Yeah soil had nutes in it as soon as they popped up they stopped growing so i checked the run off and it was reading 350ppms and the ph was 6.5 so i flushed to about 85-90ppms my tap water is 036ppms
I got 600 watt hps running at 400watts and 2 x meizhi 300 hanging half a meter maybe more away with a temp at 26.8 and humidity at 40%
You do not need all that light for that little seedling. I think you're frying it. Flushing was a bad idea.
Meizhi are only around 110 actual wattage thats why i thought id turn down hps and put in 2 leds to get a bit more blue spectrum. Ohh well you live and learn lol thanks buddy
Thought that 350ppms in my soil for seedlings was a bit high so i brought it down
And also when i transplanted from the riot root into the soil it came out lovely and green and soon as it went into soil thats when it started to turn yellow and pale but since the flush its bounced back a little and more sturdy looking and got some more colour back
Just change medium and buy nutes. Shits going to be painful the whole time I’m guessing.
Just change medium and buy nutes. Shits going to be painful the whole time I’m guessing.
Got nutes buddy dont really wanna put any near it at the moment but think ill just order new seeds and if those dont recover then ill go with the medium i always buy this stuff im usingbthe hydro store recommended in future ill stick to what im familiar with
Got nutes buddy dont really wanna put any near it at the moment but think ill just order new seeds and if those dont recover then ill go with the medium i always buy this stuff im usingbthe hydro store recommended in future ill stick to what im familiar with
What soil are you using though, what’s in it or left in it? Don’t listen to the store, read up and ask questions.
The soil is burning it imo. What I would do would depend completely on time...if this was transplanted more than 2 days ago, it may well make it through by watering only for a while.

If it looks like that and you just transplanted in less than 48 hours I would pull it and transplant to milder soil.
At least you're learning from your mistakes-try growing it with zero nutes for the first week or two, under fluros, then slowly step up the nutes and light. Also keep the day/night temps perfect for the little ones and most importantly DON'T OVERWATER. You probably set it back when you tried to "flush" it.