Rollitup Endorsements - Biden For President

This trump troll won't leave brother.
He'll follow his king's lead like all the magats, and claim it's a fixed election.
Even though all of the fixing and cheating so far has been by usual.
Hey, if he's here he isn't standing in front in a ballot drop off box with a MAGA hat and a gun. I'm willing to bet this antisocial idiot doesn't even vote, it's just here for reactions. His only use is to wipe yer ass with.
I didn't say the world was ending fool. Im done arguing with useful idiots as you say. Your making alot of assumptions and putting words in my mouth typical left wing moves. Anyone that comes to a cannabis site to debate politics is either to stupid too get the point or banned from other sites for promoting false ideals
Watching this snake squirm and strike out as he is flushed down the toilet will be fascinating and terrifying at the same time. It just appears to be fizzling out for Donald, if he is rejected by a landslide he will try to get retribution on the public for it. I figure his biggest concern is trying to get his ass out of the jamb it is in now, after Nov 3rd America will be dealing with a dangerous and desperate cornered rat.

Donald's legal fate will be in his face soon after he loses the election, it will be increasingly discussed on TV news shows, so he should get the full implications of what he's in for. Donald is about to become America's biggest loser, not just the election either, but the orange jumpsuit kind of loser, from the White House, to the courthouse then finally to the big house.
Will he finally wear something that coordinates with his face and hair? Lol
So biden loses you're leaving right

You won't have to worry about someone leaving if Biden loses, Because another 4 years of Trump and most American's will be eating out of a Garbage Can and living in the Streets.
I certainly hope that won't be true, But Trumps has done nothing but run anything he touches into Bankrupt Business or worse. He's Scammed his way through life and stole more money than most will make in 10 lifetimes, He's lied, Stolen, more than likely Killed people in his way to the top of the bottom. All his is, is a charlatan.
I swear to God, I just watched Obama, Biden and now Trump, today, and he just tries to do stand up. He’s in it for the laughs. He never says anything of substance, CHINA HAS RIPPED US OFF FOR YEARS, is all he can say.
This is why I believe we have coronavirus btw. Mark my words.
Anyway, this big dumb orange morherfucker is doing jokes. The plague, and then onto Biden’s mental acuity.
He’s even got videos. Wtf Obama literally sweat his ass off here this morning. Hot humid Florida morning.
Anyone who votes for trump is, honestly in my opinion, unamerican.
I swear to God, I just watched Obama, Biden and now Trump, today, and he just tries to do stand up. He’s in it for the laughs. He never says anything of substance, CHINA HAS RIPPED US OFF FOR YEARS, is all he can say.
This is why I believe we have coronavirus btw. Mark my words.
Anyway, this big dumb orange morherfucker is doing jokes. The plague, and then onto Biden’s mental acuity.
He’s even got videos. Wtf Obama literally sweat his ass off here this morning. Hot humid Florida morning.
Anyone who votes for trump is, honestly in my opinion, unamerican.
Trump knows he lost, but like everything else the rich spoiled brat has ever 'achieved', he is relying on others that know he is corrupt enough to look the other way as they take what they want.
I mean how much more proof do people need to see how little Trump cares about his supporters?
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It was 34 degrees when President Donald Trump ended his campaign rally in Omaha, Nebraska’s Eppley Airfield Tuesday night and boarded Air Force One.

Over the course of the next four hours, thousands of Trump rally attendees were stranded outside of the event — waiting for buses that were delayed due to what the Trump administration told an Omaha reporter was a traffic jam.

Aaron Sanderford, a reporter at the Omaha World-Herald, was told by Trump officials that buses were having difficulty traveling through the access road to the rally site — which was “limited to one direction.”

The report was corroborated by CNN correspondent Jeff Zeleny, who said that thousands continued to be stuck nearly an hour-and-a-half after Trump left Omaha and called the scene a "cluster."

“We need at least 30 more buses,” he quoted an Omaha officer as saying.

While the available buses were navigating the narrow, heavily-impacted roads, attendees were at risk of freezing in the cold. Officers in police cars drove some individuals back nearly four miles to the lot where their cars were parked, Sanderford reported.

At least seven people per Omaha Scanner, a local police tracker — were reported by airport medics as being transported to a nearby hospital. Others, officers allegedly said per the scanner, were showing signs of hypothermia, including fatigue and confusion.

Trump's campaign rallies have come under scrutiny during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as the president staged unmasked, undistanced rallies. A USA TODAY analysis found that five counties that held Trump rallies had higher rates of COVID after Trump showed up.

Trump’s campaign made stops nationwide. Coronavirus cases surged in his wake in at least five places.

Sanderford reported that the crowd in Omaha was almost fully cleared out by 1 a.m. the next morning.

Omaha police did not immediately respond to a request for comment from USA TODAY, nor did representatives from Eppley Airfield or the Trump campaign.
