Will a metal halide buld still work if its cracked?


Well-Known Member
WOW...you my friend are insane. Bulbs are a-LOT cheaper than your house or apartment. Do let us know how it turns out though... :-P

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
OK... I think I'm just high... but I have to get to the bottom of this....

WTF??? I'm so high I'm actually picturing BBB driving around town in a car that has a fishbowl filled with water sitting under the hood in the 'eyeball' niche of the headlight.

I've GOT to be reading it wrong... but then again it says 'not ticket worthy' so I'm actually believing bigbudballs is driving around town with a goddammed fishbowl in his car's headlight.

put in a goldfish in there.


Well-Known Member
wow so are you saying when you took off the glass you just left the coils and such attached to to the wire in to you ballast to the wall....... umm ya that pretty insane because im kinda think i read some where that the electron that make the light pruduce a light when clashing ...(i think if i was a good gass they wouldnt of ever put the glass on)so uv yes may be good to your plant but it may just releasing chem. all over the place


Well-Known Member
WTF??? I can’t believe someone –Rep me for this post:


Uhhhhh my post was meant in good humor…. hence the BIG rofl smiley at the end!

Of course the gutless wonder left it without signing a name…..

To the douche bag who left this: pull your head out of your ass and get a sense of humor! :finger:

hey f g im gonna hit you with + rep cause that makes no sense it was funny i got a chuckle and loved the giant rofl guy, never seen him b4 so you get rep 4 makin me laugh :peace: