Get several of them cheap Accurite (the red or black ones) digital thermometer/hygrometers from H. Depot. And put them in various places in or near the drying buds. I hava a room with net racks and drying lines strung across the ceiling. I wet/fresh trim and dry trim depending on bud size and my mood and how bad the patients need the flowers. The end final cured product the same for me. Anyways with the digital themometers your looking for 50 to 60% relative humidity and temps between 68 and 75 degress. 70 being the sweet spot. I have a window mount ac unit and a dehuey for where Iam at (Michigan). Usually only the dehuey unless harvest is in tje middle of summer. In that case I might need the ac on as well. It all depends on where you live. Some growers in hot dry regions might need an actual keep it in the sweet zone. Anyways get a small circulation fan as well but not blowing directly on the buds. Keep it dark bit it doesnt habe to be pitch black like the 12 hours off in the grow room. Just no direct bright light. If you keep the Accurites in the 50 to 60% rh and 68 to 75 degree zone..should take any where from 5 to 8 days for most bids depending on size. They can feel crispy dry on the outside but still me moist inside the flower. The only way to tell is when they are outside crispy..bag or jar them up. And within a day you might find they are moist and spongy again. This is where you work the bag opening or jar lid to "sweat" the last bit of moisture and bring out tje smell. The curing process is just another form of final drying. Its more of a feel thing and you will get your particualrs down after a few runs. The important thing to remember is the digital thermometers and keeping the numbers in those sweet spot zones. Just like when the plants are growing..when drying and curing...the flowers love consistency. Good luck. Its not hard.