Missing Nutes or 'just' other damage ? First timer


New Member
So Ive started this seed not really knowing much about growing or plants in general with a 15W growlight LED (yep its all blue an red light :/ ).The strain is either white russian or critical something..
Ive noticed a slight discoloration of it's first true leaves even before the second set of true leaves came through. The second set looked good tho so I was thinking 'maybe it was just too close to the light or it's too hot' but now that the 2nd set of leaves is even bigger than the first and it's growing another set or 2 at the same time it turns out the 2nd set develops the same symptoms the first one did. This seems to go to the extent that the tips of the leaves just go pure white under the LED and seem to look yellow with ever so slight brown edges under normal light.

To be honest I probably messed this poor thing up a bunch in many different ways already. It was probably way closer to the light as it should have been (cuz I was thinking 'shitty light+ almost no heat emission=better be as close as possible) from day 1 . I downloaded a LUX meter app a couple of days ago and readjusted it to be at just around 5000LUX now. I might have watered it a little more than I should have as well - now Im weighing the lil thing after I water about 30% of soil volume and see run-off and wait until it gets back to 60% of that weight then water again . Even with temperatures Im not really sure. Ive read it should be between 20-25C a bunch so thats what I did at first but then Ive read that growroom temperatures can be quite a bit higher so now Im having it between 25-28C. For soil I just went to a gardening center and got potting soil . Got some perlite now as well and a bigger pot in case I need to transplant it to a bigger pot sometime soon. I didnt really get to test the water Im feeding yet but it's R.O water (cuz thats what I drink..). Ive been using a room fan on swing to provide moving air but how do I now what the right setting would be for that so it was probably too strong or too light as well .

Anyways Ive got a better setup coming in for it soon but Im still very curious as to what it's missing or what caused the 'damage' in the first place (partly to educate myself and partly so I dont hurt this poor thing any further). I have a cal/mg sub and a general fertilizer that says 'NPK .4/.4/.4' on it but havent used any of it yet. I could get nutes from the gardening center . They have B1-B4 (with B4 being for orchids it says) nutes there.

Im adding pics under different lighting in different stages so you can make yourself a better picture. Plant is pretty much exactly 2 weeks old in the latest pics.
Thank you in advance for reading through my mess and trying to help.


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What water is she getting?Do you know the pH?

Not Sure.It's from an R.O water machine (which I have cuz the tab water isnt good for consumption here). I just bought a cheap testing kit from an Aquarium store yesterday. Turned out yellow but there's no yellow. My best guess is around 6 since yellow is something between green and red ?


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Well your gonna have to translate that for us.

'Cultivatesoil: For Flowers, vegetables and fruit trees. Ingredients : Mushrooms, Sawdust , Coconut fiber.Organic matter 82%. NPK Values as seen. Moisture 55.9%. PH 5.5 . Conductivity = 0.5ds/m' Besides that the bag doesnt have any info my wife thought was worth translating.
So Ive started this seed not really knowing much about growing or plants in general with a 15W growlight LED (yep its all blue an red light :/ ).The strain is either white russian or critical something..
Ive noticed a slight discoloration of it's first true leaves even before the second set of true leaves came through. The second set looked good tho so I was thinking 'maybe it was just too close to the light or it's too hot' but now that the 2nd set of leaves is even bigger than the first and it's growing another set or 2 at the same time it turns out the 2nd set develops the same symptoms the first one did. This seems to go to the extent that the tips of the leaves just go pure white under the LED and seem to look yellow with ever so slight brown edges under normal light.

To be honest I probably messed this poor thing up a bunch in many different ways already. It was probably way closer to the light as it should have been (cuz I was thinking 'shitty light+ almost no heat emission=better be as close as possible) from day 1 . I downloaded a LUX meter app a couple of days ago and readjusted it to be at just around 5000LUX now. I might have watered it a little more than I should have as well - now Im weighing the lil thing after I water about 30% of soil volume and see run-off and wait until it gets back to 60% of that weight then water again . Even with temperatures Im not really sure. Ive read it should be between 20-25C a bunch so thats what I did at first but then Ive read that growroom temperatures can be quite a bit higher so now Im having it between 25-28C. For soil I just went to a gardening center and got potting soil . Got some perlite now as well and a bigger pot in case I need to transplant it to a bigger pot sometime soon. I didnt really get to test the water Im feeding yet but it's R.O water (cuz thats what I drink..). Ive been using a room fan on swing to provide moving air but how do I now what the right setting would be for that so it was probably too strong or too light as well .

Anyways Ive got a better setup coming in for it soon but Im still very curious as to what it's missing or what caused the 'damage' in the first place (partly to educate myself and partly so I dont hurt this poor thing any further). I have a cal/mg sub and a general fertilizer that says 'NPK .4/.4/.4' on it but havent used any of it yet. I could get nutes from the gardening center . They have B1-B4 (with B4 being for orchids it says) nutes there.e

Im adding pics under different lighting in different stages so you can make yourself a better picture. Plant is pretty much exactly 2 weeks old in the latest pics.
Thank you in advance for reading through my mess and trying to help.

I'll start by saying as a fellow grower, considering myself novice being only in the cannabis cultivation industry for almost 3 yrs I'm going to do my best to help you. Thank you for providing so much information!

I downloaded a LUX meter app a couple of days ago and readjusted it to be at just around 5000LUX now.
If you want to test light intensity you'll want to get a real PAR meter not those apps, they simply don't work. A better tool for you to consider would be an Infared Heat Gun, you can buy them for 20-30 bucks on Amazon or local hardware shop/harbor freight. You want to measure your leaf Surface and the ideal LST (Leaf Surface Temperature) is going to be between 22-27 C with the lights on. LED lights tend to effect the leaf surface temperature much less than say an HPS or HID light which puts out UV Radiation that actually will cause the leaf surface temperatures to be sometimes 2-3 degrees hotter than the room in celcius. Sorry Merican' here. Trying my best.. lol

Ive read it should be between 20-25C a bunch so thats what I did at first but then Ive read that growroom temperatures can be quite a bit higher so now Im having it between 25-28C.
20-25 C (68-77 F) is certainly the golden zone for temperatures. You should be in the 20-22 C range lights off and especially with LED you want to be in the warmer 23-25 C range. It appears you're using "Blurple" LED lights which usually are fan cooled and actually blow warm air down onto the plants at times. I would consider distancing the light at least 1 foot or ~30 cm away from the top most part of the plants.

For soil I just went to a gardening center and got potting soil .
Usually standard potting soil isn't going to work for cannabis at all. This may actually be your downfall.

I didnt really get to test the water Im feeding yet but it's R.O water (cuz thats what I drink..)
If you're using Reverse Osmosis water you're going to want to be supplementing (adding) CalMag to the water. I prefer the Botanicare CalMag+ option. Affordable and works every time. Been using it religiously for 2 years every watering @ 5 ml/gallon / ~1.5 ml/liter.

Ive been using a room fan on swing to provide moving air but how do I now what the right setting would be for that so it was probably too strong or too light as well .
You ideally want really good circulation not direct wind blasting onto the plants. The leaves breathe from beneath the leaf itself, there are stomata that open to intake co2 & expel oxygen and h2o. Keep the air in your grow space moving but don't directly hit plants if possible. You want good air circulation top to bottom. Personally I use oscillating fans and point them around the room to create a stirring effect that doesn't directly impact my plants.

I would personally get some bigger pots, buy some cannabis-specific soil if you can and honestly that should solve your issues. Seems like you're keeping everything else in check. I will mention that standard potting soil from hardware stores etc usually is actually really "hot" or strong for cannabis plants, especially seedlings. I would transplant into something more accommodating. Keep us updated!