The Last Debate or Donald's Last debacle?

How will the debate go tonight?

  • Donald will win

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Joe will win

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • It will be another shit storm

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Donald will storm off the stage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Joe will go for the kill shot and prosecute Donald

    Votes: 3 17.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Yes but fluoride is good for your teeth but that doesn't mean you should drink it fool??? Do you inject lotion when your skins dry? Mouth wash also good for teeth but we dont put it in the water supply. You a spewing ignorance fool. Flouride is a drug. Its the only drug thats forced down the throat of every poor man,woman, and child in America. Do a little research before you start talking out your ass boy
Easy there big fella, I’m just shittin with ya and couldn’t give 2 fucks about what you think.


Well-Known Member
Do you support drinking fluoride? Just curious whats your point? If ima anti-fluoride jack off whats that make you and the people who drink it knowingly or unknowingly? Knowledge is the foundation of change but i. Sure its the calcified pineal gland speaking...
anti-vaccer? his point is we have them all which can make life a little difficult for others.


Well-Known Member
Yes im a real person bro not a troll , not trying to troll. I really dont use social media haven't for at 3 years... i do agree that putin is working woth trump. But you must understand this is not new or unique to trump or this election
Why does trump working with putin trigger you so much? If it was someone from Ukraine would that be better or France even better right?

Only because hes a politician dude of course
That is not good enough for me, I have known too many good people in my life to think that way.


Well-Known Member
Yes but fluoride is good for your teeth but that doesn't mean you should drink it fool??? Do you inject lotion when your skins dry? Mouth wash also good for teeth but we dont put it in the water supply. You a spewing ignorance fool. Flouride is a drug. Its the only drug thats forced down the throat of every poor man,woman, and child in America. Do a little research before you start talking out your ass boy
forced? drink bottled water if your panties are in a bunch.


Well-Known Member
You act as if voting by the citizens has any effect of the presidency you fools... ever heard of electoral college? Stop wasting your time and start voting in your local and congressional elections then you attempt to make a difference but it starts in the local elections for judges and prosecutors, state representatives, governors,congressman and the Senate. Those are the people that write the laws the president is a puppet. That cant do shit with out Congress and Senate
You ignore the range of directors, administrators, cabinet secretaries hired by each administration - and the policies that are set by each administration. You ignore the importance of the president’s role as commander-in-chief of the military, and his role as the nation’s premier representative on the world stage and the importance to the US of US foreign policy.

You are correct, though, about the critical importance of state and local elections, and the influence of the people who win those elections: they are CRUCIAL to the operation of the nation.

Agreed. But id go a step further and say all of fluoride drinking America is doing swell
...and this is straight out of the John Birch Society talking-points handbook (FTR: I only drink distilled water, but fluoride is the least of the reasons).

As much as you think it matters who the president is you have no control as the popular vote doesn't matter you fool. Dont you see its all an illusion to take your eye off the ball. But keep at it
I’m sorry you hate our constitution and our way of life...good thing you don’t live here, huh?


Well-Known Member
You ignore the range of directors, administrators, cabinet secretaries hired by each administration - and the policies that are set by each administration. You ignore the importance of the president’s role as commander-in-chief of the military, and his role as the nation’s premier representative on the world stage and the importance to the US of US foreign policy.

You are correct, though, about the critical importance of state and local elections, and the influence of the people who win those elections: they are CRUCIAL to the operation of the nation.

...and this is straight out of the John Birch Society talking-points handbook (FTR: I only drink distilled water, but fluoride is the least of the reasons).

I’m sorry you hate our constitution and our way of life...good thing you don’t live here, huh?
I dont hate any thing. Most definitely live in the USA


Well-Known Member
If the Republicans since the 80's hadn't been such trolls to science and nature we would be in such a better place today. The Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only power structure made so many bad decisions in the name of doing things their way.
Racists since the 50s, if you please (they were largely democrats then): the Supreme Court decision to integrate public education started a revolt among the owner class that has accelerated ever since; and almost all of the Tea-Party/pseudo-patriot hogwash since is directly traceable to a single economist, James Buchanan. Look him up.

He called his crypto political movement “public choice economics”, and it debuted on the national stage with Ronald Q Reagan...and the story tells itself from then to now.

Not a fan of capitalism, personally, it’s benefits are heavily oversold by those who make the most bank from it...largely, those who have taken up Buchanan’s “taxation is theft” shibboleth.


Well-Known Member
No one on the thread has given any argument for theyre views just a bunch of people with trump derangement syndrome . Ready to blow joe Biden only because hes going against trump like seriously though ill have to unwatch this is a fruitless exercise.


Well-Known Member
I think its hilarious that as soon as someone dosen't support Biden they are a racist trump supporter, my self, my wife and children are Latinos and find trumps veiws repulsive.
There are many different kinds of Latinos, some even support Trump, those who perceive themselves as more European than native American, it is the root cause of much strife in south and central America, the rural native vs the more urban European who still hold economic power, it's more a question of self perception than genetics in most cases.