Just switched to DWC and need a little help.


Well-Known Member
Awesome man the first thing my local dro store tries to sling at me is rockwool cuz they cost more, luckily i have a cool salesman and he told me about these plugs. I see them catching on now and according to the salesman they were made for dwc hydro setups.


Well-Known Member
Don't they grow like 3" inches or is that the jiffy peat bag? I don't know. I will ask them. I tried a rockwool one time and the roots turned on me and started coming back out the hole sucked big time I don't want to go through that again.


Well-Known Member
Jiffy peat plugs bro, yes they sell bags and such for soil type growing but just ask for the plugs. If they have wool they are going to have the plugs as well.Ill drop a pic of a few seedlings i got going right now in plugs so u can see what im talking about.JUst gotta get some batteries when i venture out.


Well-Known Member
kool thanks man. you have a grow going? come check my grow. just a bag seed in a dwc almost 5 weks of flower. when she is done I am going with auto white russian.


Well-Known Member
I usually just grab some jiffy pots at Wally world if you go tone aroudn Im sure they will have some.


Well-Known Member
Cali ur thinking of the jiffy peat moss pellets u can get that expand and things when watered. Im talking about jiffy peat spongue plugs u can get at ur hydro store or online i guess if a stores not close. But they work wonders in dwc.

On another note, please tell us thats a pic of u in the avatar?


Well-Known Member
Ya my hydro shop is a rip, so I try to advoid them at all cost. Ill check online for those. thx ;-)


Well-Known Member
No problem im sorry u didnt have much success with ur project, and since u didnt answer then im just going to believe cuz thats what i wanna do that thats ur booty in the avatar! lmao sorry just blazed.


Well-Known Member
i searched every walmart home chepo and lowes in my area nothing. fucking yuppy stores they never have anything you need.


Well-Known Member
I ordered dro supplies online for a long time till i found one literally less than a mile from my house! Unfortunetly ur not going to find these sponge plugs at the chepo stores i guess. Search ur area for a dro store or ur going to have to order these plugs online!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys... I have been doing alot of work in the room so once we are done with the new adds and adjustments i will start my journal... stay tuned. :)