Donald, ivanka, Jared and Eric


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Screen Shot 2020-10-23 at 9.41.44 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-10-23 at 9.42.08 AM.png
Donald Trump Jr. on Thursday drew quick ridicule for trying to portray himself as a scrappy go-getter despite the fact that he was born into wealth and literally works for his father’s company.

The eldest Trump son tried once against to attack Hunter Biden by claiming that the Democratic presidential nominee’s son had everything handed to him.

“My father gave me an opportunity to work my way up in his company,” Trump Jr. wrote. “Joe gave his son China.”

Given how Trump Jr. would not be where he is today without his famous father, his latest tweet attacking Joe Biden’s son was instantly mocked for its complete lack of self-awareness.

Check out some reactions below.

Journalist Jennifer Hayden tweeted: “The most hilarious tweet I've ever read on this site. He really worked his way up the ladder after college, from VP to Executive VP. This guy gets it.”

Writer Touré added: “The lack of self-awareness is stunning—’I worked my way up through my father’s company.’”

Columbia University professor Shamus Khan wrote: “I feel like the only way you could think this is if you were actually this dumb.”

While journalist Oliver Willis replied: “Is this what he told you?”

Others were confused about the China link, in light of the news earlier this week that the president has a bank account and paid more than $188,561 (£144,199) in taxes in the country between 2013 and 2015. The president paid just $750 (£573) in taxes in the US in 2016 and 2017.
“Does that mean Hunter got your dad's secret Chinese bank account? And the taxes he paid to China?” tweeted journalist Robert Schlesinger.

While David Binkowski replied: “This you?” and linked to an article about president Trump’s Chinese bank account.


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Donald Trump Jr. on Thursday drew quick ridicule for trying to portray himself as a scrappy go-getter despite the fact that he was born into wealth and literally works for his father’s company.

The eldest Trump son tried once against to attack Hunter Biden by claiming that the Democratic presidential nominee’s son had everything handed to him.

“My father gave me an opportunity to work my way up in his company,” Trump Jr. wrote. “Joe gave his son China.”

Given how Trump Jr. would not be where he is today without his famous father, his latest tweet attacking Joe Biden’s son was instantly mocked for its complete lack of self-awareness.

Check out some reactions below.
Coke eyes

Freedom Club

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You seem the type to fall for this. Want to buy some swamp land too?


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Well-Known Member
oh hell yes..see? you could have held out for her.

O'Day has mentioned 'the receipts' about 20 times and yet what is she waiting for?
i don't understand. how do you get a receipt for being a closeted lesbian.

eric trump banging somebody while married to lara is the best news. she's cunty.


Well-Known Member
funny how you reacted to this link. It is obviously authentic and not a fake story, neither are the pictures fake.

#WhereIsHunter killed his fathers career
Because it is impossible to know if some random video on a person's website who has enough money, and complicity with Trump's trolls to make really good fakes, is real or not. Remember all the fake shit that the Russian military threw at Clinton for Trump's election chances?

And even then, it has nothing to do with the actual target of Trump's troll army, who has had a long ass career of proof that they are not crooks trying to profit off their political office.

Trump and all his minions are proven liars and should not be trusted, as much as you seem to want to.