Trump May Leave Country When He Loses

He won't be leaving the country, he'll be fleeing the jurisdiction.

Nobody will take him in. Once he loses the election, he becomes useless to everyone.

They all know the SDNY is ready to pounce on him and the state of New York is investigating him too. All of his appeals are about used up.

It's over for him. Nobody is going to take him in and get sanctioned to death by the entire planet.
No matter where he goes, anywhere in this World, he will ostracized.
For the rest of his days on this planet Earth he will/is being seen as an abject failure as a Human Being.
He knows it/I know it & the entire World community knows it.
Very fucking nice, indeed :) :) :)
They have a lot of windows in Russia
There's an old saying in Russia: in Moscow they like to lock doors.

It's hard to understand unless you've been to Russia and had it explained to you by a Russian.

In Russia, the typical apartment has two front doors; an outer door and an inner door. We're not talking about screen doors. They're both full blown, solid steel doors. Each also has multiple locks. It makes it worthless trying to break a door down. You'd be better served trying to bust your way through the three layer concrete and masonry wall with a sledgehammer.

But the odd part is that the windows are quite easy to get into. They open outward and have only a flip lock. So if you ever make it in to a Russian apartment, the easiest way back out is, unfortunately, out the window.

That's why all these people are "falling out of windows" in Russia. There, it's the perfect crime because everybody knows there's no way you can simply "kick the door in".
Canada, of course! Harry and Meghan are there. can you imagine him terrorizing the provinces? i can see him becoming a poutine lover though.
They have a lot of windows in Russia
Door knobs too. Will he be taking his trophy babe, Ivanka?
“Could you imagine if I lose?” Trump said Friday evening at a campaign rally in Macon, Ga. “My whole life, what am I going to do? I’m going to say, 'I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics.' I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country. I don’t know.”