
That late in flower you want to focus on dry backs. Pull the terps make the flowers fat and let the nutes work out of the medium. Maybe he is overwatering. Maybe put a fan to blow on the top soil and let the lower roots drink.

One main thing that is missing to diagnose this is his environmental conditions. RH & Temps. But the flowers do look heafty.

I hope you figure it out - Good luck :eyesmoke: :peace:
I was feeding emerald harvest and stopped about 5 days ago that was it’s last feed. It’s halfway through week 7

Keep feeding ... that plant has weeks to go.
You are shooting self in foot by starving the damn thing.

BD is mostly sativa .... sativas run longer . They need time to fully mature.
Forget the breeder bullshit harvest estimate. That time line is under optimal ( in house breeding tests of strain ) NOT what normal growers will be able to match most times. Your harvest , plant performance , yield , environment and skill ALL play into your end result.
Keep feeding ... that plant has weeks to go.
You are shooting self in foot by starving the damn thing.

BD is mostly sativa .... sativas run longer . They need time to fully mature.
Forget the breeder bullshit harvest estimate. That time line is under optimal ( in house breeding tests of strain ) NOT what normal growers will be able to match most times. Your harvest , plant performance , yield , environment and skill ALL play into your end result.
Oh shit.. I didn't even see it was dream. This ^ :eyesmoke: :peace:
With all due respect, if people here are suggesting feeding more fertizer, before being aware of at least the fert used and amounts, you're talking out your arse.

Could have fed over 1000ppm 5 days ago and nobody here can say otherwise.
The first post is a joke, right? Anyone with good grow like this really shouldn't be thinking there's a problem. Did you create this thread just to show off those plants? I can't help but be suspicious because we don't usually see such good plants in this forum.
If this is for real, then just water and let them die, then harvest. but I find it hard to believe these plants are thought to have a problem.
Not at all first time grow and everything was going ok up till now. They look a lot worse than what the photo is showing
Sorry for shit details as said before its first grow and first on here. The temp is 23-26C/58-62RH lights on, 15-18C/50-55RH lights off.
All good amego! You are in a really good range, if anything a bit cold at night, but hell they are doing just fine in that environment! I think it's all pretty much answered by now, so take the advice and finish em up. Happy harvest and send a last Pic when you do. We'll done for a first grow!
Your details are KILLING THE PLANT!

Do what this guy said. I wouldn't consider them doing just fine, but I agree with finishing them up

All good amego! You are in a really good range, if anything a bit cold at night, but hell they are doing just fine in that environment! I think it's all pretty much answered by now, so take the advice and finish em up. Happy harvest and send a last Pic when you do. We'll done for a first grow!
With all due respect, if people here are suggesting feeding more fertizer, before being aware of at least the fert used and amounts, you're talking out your arse.

Could have fed over 1000ppm 5 days ago and nobody here can say otherwise.

If he was feeding 1000 ppm , he wouldn’t have issues ... as most flowering can run 1000 - 1500 ppm during stage.
Not at all first time grow and everything was going ok up till now. They look a lot worse than what the photo is showing

Sorry for shit details as said before its first grow and first on here. The temp is 23-26C/58-62RH lights on, 15-18C/50-55RH lights off.

The specific Emerald Harvest kit you're using, and supplemented amounts will help a lot.

Feel the need to say, i'm absolutely not suggesting water only from here on and never did. Just that with the given information and photo, it is better to try plain water and run to waste. Before assuming a deficiency. Always safer to go less, before more.
One watering between two feeds is nothing.

If you've noticed them drinking less, then that could also be an indication too.
Could also be nothing, being cold and only a few weeks away.
But his “ leaf issue “ indicates potassium deficiency. Margin yellowing and “ necrotic “ brown mimics burn.
Common mistake to think burn. Flowers are hungry for more potassium.

Bump flower feed to compensate or introduce a slight pk bump.