Day 2 of transplant shock


Well-Known Member
Overwatering is always a concern when you transplant to a bigger pot. In the future, soak the big pot all the way through a week or so before you transplant. I like to veg in solo cups until the plant has several nodes and is super healthy, then transplant to the bigger pot that was soaked a week before. There will be some danger of overwatering until the root ball fills out, then it's almost a non issue. Did your plants ever perk up? Watering with some added liquid kelp has been proven in studies to reduce transplant shock and increase biomass.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering is always a concern when you transplant to a bigger pot. In the future, soak the big pot all the way through a week or so before you transplant. I like to veg in solo cups until the plant has several nodes and is super healthy, then transplant to the bigger pot that was soaked a week before. There will be some danger of overwatering until the root ball fills out, then it's almost a non issue. Did your plants ever perk up? Watering with some added liquid kelp has been proven in studies to reduce transplant shock and increase biomass.
Idk i watered them for around 20minutes and I didn't see any rising up. I had to go to class so I won't know until much later tonight. I didn't water the plants directly were the ball is. I watered around. Dont get me wrong, im sure I got some in the root ball, I just know not to water directly on the plant.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering is always a concern when you transplant to a bigger pot. In the future, soak the big pot all the way through a week or so before you transplant. I like to veg in solo cups until the plant has several nodes and is super healthy, then transplant to the bigger pot that was soaked a week before. There will be some danger of overwatering until the root ball fills out, then it's almost a non issue. Did your plants ever perk up? Watering with some added liquid kelp has been proven in studies to reduce transplant shock and increase biomass.
I know the small guy was def. Suffering from shock. The other guy who looks better, idk. It took him almost 2 days to start drooping. He's a gorilla glue prob by seed stockers. My two that I didn't post, you can see my last post to see them, they were doing pretty good infact I think there leaves are up now. They had a very very slight droop. Those are my zkittlez from fast buds, supposed to be easy grow. The guy who looks the worst is my gelatto prob from seed stockers will have to check. The gorilla and gelato were both freebies. I know I would never buy the gorilla glue from seed stockers. I had four freebies in total of gorilla glue and only one germinated!!! I wrote the company and got i think 3 free sent to me, but im pretty sure they may be from a different company or something, because why did the first one I germinate, it germinated. Seems to me like there is a problem with there seeds, and they gave me a batch that they know doesn't have issues


Well-Known Member
Water just at base of the plants
I dont have a dish to water at the bottom. Mabe I should have used my aqua bulbs . I found out how they worked last grow. I would never tell a grower to just not watch them or gone on vaca thinking your aqua bulbs will save the day. Odds are you will prob kill them that way. They are pretty hand though once you get used to them.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
To OP.

You want to get your pots soaked and ready before transplanting.

Soil works best around the 25% water mark - so if it’s a 10l pot use 2.5L of water if the soil is dust dry. Most soil has some moisture so I like to water it at around the 15% volume of the pot before transplanting.

Then I water them in a little once transplanted and leave.

Here is a couple of autos 6 days after transplanting them.



Well-Known Member
The auto would have done better if you avoided shock by not transplanting.

To your concerns I would suggest following Kushmans watering method with transplants which is to water a "cylinder a bit wider than the plant itself", all the way to the bottom of the pot, expand the cylinder for a few waterings until the whole pot is watered each time (maybe 2 or 3 interim waterings before complete).

The key as shown in the beautiful pics above, is to clearly understand wet dry. Wet is the reward to the plant and they love it after going almost dry. Repeat.


Well-Known Member
When you transplant to a dry pot, that dry soil is gonna suck all the water out of that plug. I did like 50,000 mums this year and had to soak every pot before transplanting the plugs and it really will make you a believer if you don’t.


Well-Known Member
So 2 of my four look healthy. The third one started to look kind of unhappy today which is weird because yesterday he didn't look unhappy. The forth one looks like he'll, but that was expected since it was a bitch getting him out of the pot what do you guys think. I still hope the third will pull through nicely, he only started to droop like that today, and I can see his small starting circular leaves are turning yellow. The major droop one looks pretty much the same as yesterday. I definitely learned how to transplant better next time around.
I dont bother with transplanting. In my opinion it serves no purpose.