PH, EC, and TDS meters

when i first got my Milwaukee, i contacted them to ask about the best way to store the probe. tech support said rinse off in white vinegar and store in distilled. same probe from about 8 years ago. still accurate as hell.
That’s interesting. The bluelab manual specifically mentions not to soak or store the ph pen in RO, Distillied or De-Ionized water because it causes the water in the reference bulb to change chemistry and kills the probe.
That’s interesting. The bluelab manual specifically mentions not to soak or store the ph pen in RO, Distillied or De-Ionized water because it causes the water in the reference bulb to change chemistry and kills the probe.
Anyone running that blue lab monitor with high frequency ballasts have any EC reading issues? I run a grow boss and my ballasts boost my EC by 300 when powered, I know running remote ballast isn’t helping but, Annoying..
That’s interesting. The bluelab manual specifically mentions not to soak or store the ph pen in RO, Distillied or De-Ionized water because it causes the water in the reference bulb to change chemistry and kills the probe.
that's pretty much waht everybody told me when i said i store mine in distilled. lol. i'm not gonna mess with it since it's been fine for many yrs now.
Anyone running that blue lab monitor with high frequency ballasts have any EC reading issues? I run a grow boss and my ballasts boost my EC by 300 when powered, I know running remote ballast isn’t helping but, Annoying..
that's a big difference. weird for sure.
I'm still on my first Bluelab Guardian. It's only had 2 new EC probes, 3 new pH probes and 1 new unit.

It saddens me that only half the people here will get the reference..
that's a big difference. weird for sure.
Yeah I wasn’t very impressed, it’s a nice monitor otherwise but I have to use my hand held still, I even bought a different ballast thinking a higher end one would shield better, nope.. I routed and moved my lighting electrical, getting close to firing it back up so we will see, I even wrapped the ballast in copper lol, it’s the remote wiring though so it didn’t help.
Yeah I wasn’t very impressed, it’s a nice monitor otherwise but I have to use my hand held still, I even bought a different ballast thinking a higher end one would shield better, nope.. I routed and moved my lighting electrical, getting close to firing it back up so we will see, I even wrapped the ballast in copper lol, it’s the remote wiring though so it didn’t help.
i'm guessing it's not on the same circuit as the ballast?
i'm guessing it's not on the same circuit as the ballast?
Oh, you want to hear something really messed up, when the old lady goes to bed and sets her phone on the night stand. Another 100ppm up. She thinks I’m trying to kill her with radio waves now :lol:
gotcha. i guess building a faraday cage around the monitor would be out of the question. lol.
Haha I considered running the wiring to the hoods threw copper water line, it’s more annoying then anything, will see if getting the lines higher will help, but running Lucas, I’m not checking ppm a lot anyways. This next run on the FNB should go even better, just not sure about the co2, I went in and sealed the room, 2x20lb tanks, rain tubes, growzone controller, wish me luck, going in hot lol!
Generally pH meters need to be stored with KCl solution to preserve the probe. But hey, if it's still working after 8 years, thats gotta be a record for a pH probe, then you gotta be doing something right. I have been told by the Apera rep that distilled water is the worst to store their probes in as it leeches ions from the KCl from the probe or some shit. lol
Interesting that they told you that distilled water would do that. I thought only deionized water would have that effect. Honestly though, a lot of people think deionized and distilled water are interchangeable terms.
Interesting that they told you that distilled water would do that. I thought only deionized water would have that effect. Honestly though, a lot of people think deionized and distilled water are interchangeable terms.
Their reasoning as it was explained to me, is that there is an amount of KCl in the probe as a reference. Storing the probe in KCl solution keeps this reference undisturbed but using pure water will "leech" the KCl from the probe.

I used to store my pH probes in tap water, they would last a year or so. I have been storing in KCl now for a few years and haven't had a pH probe die on me yet.
I just ordered up the Bluelab 'Growers Toolbox', scheduled to arrive on Monday. Used to have their combo meter - I regret selling that.

Just moved to a new city with pretty crappy water quality and am getting back into the hobby with another Stinkbud style setup. I need to figure out the water chemistry here.