If The Egyptians Built The Pyramids, Why Doesn't It Show This In The Hieroglyphics?

The only race that even tried to remain pure were the saxons. They killed everybody, men, women and children. Raping was forbidden, and a capital offence.

And that might not be true either. There's a lot of debate over how the Norsemen invasion of Britannia took place. My guess is that some instances were peaceful and others slaughters. There is a history of both trade and war between the Picts and the Norsemen.
And that might not be true either. There's a lot of debate over how the Norsemen invasion of Britannia took place. My guess is that some instances were peaceful and others slaughters. There is a history of both trade and war between the Picts and the Norsemen.

I cannot believe you quoted what I wrote about SAXONS, say it is wrong and go on to talk about norsemen. Norsemen were Vikings from Scandinavian countries. The SAXONS were germanic.

AND THEY DID SLAUGHTER EVERYBODY, pushed the celts into the hills... these days known as Scotland and Wales.
both races were very waring..... my blood lies in the veins of all norse men who lived an have yet to live...plunder an pilidge my brothers....the saxxons are ok to....
So you have been to every planet in the solar system, or the universe for that matter to verify the fact that there is no life there?

Im not saying they dont exist, its 100% sure that they do exist if the universe is indeed "infinate" and they will exist in all forms bug style civiliztion style plant style microbe style who knows

Im just saying chances are we will never be lucky enough to make contact cuz I mean shit we been here in a puny short time compared to the earth and we will be gone very soon comparativly speaking.

theres probably uncountable cizilitations of alians that have come and gone before we were even here.

I think though that there must be lots of planets out there that have alians on them with another planet right next to them in the same solar system with alians on it too!! that would be crazy!!!

who knows, probably there was weird animals on venus before she went into melt down too. oh well maybe its good we would never see them

who would wanna fight a planetary war with a nieghboring planet eh?:mrgreen:

I think I would dodge that draft:roll: yeesh.
both races were very waring..... my blood lies in the veins of all norse men who lived an have yet to live...plunder an pilidge my brothers....the saxxons are ok to....

AZ, no one in your past ancsetors of norse men ever decided to do a little of the hibiddy-dibbidy with with a cute little spanish or italion gurl?

they must have a lot of will power:blsmoke:
theres probably uncountable cizilitations of alians that have come and gone before we were even here.

who would wanna fight a planetary war with a nieghboring planet eh?:mrgreen:

I think I would dodge that draft:roll: yeesh.

AHA--So you do think that at one point or another aliens could have visited this planet!!!???

I for one would not want to be in any war, much less one with another planet, but I think that if we were faced with this threat that we would quickly throw all of our differences aside and band together.

hey if you wanna continue this, lets do it here:


I don't wanna hijack the pyramid thread with chatter about aliens!
Thought this might be interesting:


(June 6) - Satellites hovering above Egypt have zoomed in on a 1,600-year-old metropolis, archaeologists say. Images captured from space pinpoint telltale signs of previous habitation in the swatch of land 200 miles south of Cairo, which digging recently confirmed as an ancient settlement dating from about 400 A.D.

The find is part of a larger project aiming to map as much of ancient Egypt's archaeological sites, or "tells," as possible before they are destroyed or covered by modern development.

"It is the biggest site discovered so far," said project leader Sarah Parcak of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. "Based on the coins and pottery we found, it appears to be a massive regional center that traded with Greece, Turkey and Libya."

Another large city dating to 600 B.C. and a monastery from 400 A.D. are some of the four hundred or so sites that Parcak has located during her work with the satellites. The oldest dates back over 5,000 years.

Egypt contains a wealth of already identified archaeological tells like these, but even they represent only about 0.01 percent of what is out there still uncovered, Parcak said.

Most of the ancient settlements still buried are at risk of being lost to looting and urban sprawl. Residential sites, where the Egyptian empire's millions of citizens lived during its heyday, are especially vulnerable, archaeologists say.
"There are thousands of settlements that Egyptians don't even know are there," Parcak told LiveScience. "Nothing will ever destroy the Pyramids or the Temple of Luxor, but these huge settlement sites where we get a lot of information are being threatened. And that's how we find out how people lived."

The satellite technology lets archaeologists such as Parcak—the first to use space imagery in Egypt—identify points of interest on a large scale.

"Basically, I'm trying to distinguish the ancient remains from the modern landscape," she said. "A site is going to appear very differently from space." Archaeological sites absorb moisture in a different way, she explained, and tend to be covered with specific types of soil and vegetation.

The subtle differences would take much longer to identify on the ground, said Parcak, so Egypt's government uses her catalog to identify sites and excavate there before development takes over and destroys the site for good.
Hopefully we'll turn up some interesting writings. Criminal cases were well documented and it gives you an insight into the Egyptian mindset.
No Takers?

As far as the light source, at least when they were building the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, they used a lamp with a pre-measured wick that would last as long as thier work day. When the wick was gone they stopped for the day. At least thats what I've read. I can't comment on the soot though as I have no idea.

As far as the post about not having hieroglyphs on the walls of the tombs about the pyramid/tomb building, that is because it didn't have anything to do with the way to afterlife or the status of the person that would be buried. It was the eygyptians belief that many prayers and actions were necessary to reach the afterlife. It would have been detremental to the dead if the rituals and prayers were not done. It seems they believed by writing these things on the walls and on the sargophygus (<-spelling) it would make sure the dead could remember and recite correctly through each stage of the afterlife. As the eygyptians progressed thier religious beliefs did also, as a result different type of burial chambers were imposed and different prayers were needed, etc. The book "The Book of the Dead" explains alot of the meanings on this subject and tries to shed light on what thier beliefs were. But it was originally written in the early 1900's and alot of the speculation could have changed some, but it was an interesting read none the less.

For how the pyramids were built is definitely amazing, however there is alot of theories in that regard, most of which have already been posted here so I don't need to get into that.
decent enough point i also have heard the wick thing....an yes the prymaids are a magnecfent thing...well at least the great prymaid of giza is....thats the only one that i concern myself with...that an the spinx
What do you mean a chamber baneath the sphinx....Some believe there is a hall of records beneath the sphinx.