How far would 4 bud plants odor travel in a tree house

and atleast 2 or more people a week come to buy hay and my mates dad does work there for hours making hay so I just want to make for sure we will be safe

Your fine. Especially if your handling hay. You kind of outdoor smells going on.
About 34.678123ft give or take a few mms

Seriously, if you know only even a tiny but about growing you would know the answer. You do know the answer for certain.

You are just looking for the answer you want to hear and you will go off half assured that there will be no smell and all is fine and dandy.

It's not and you know this in your heart of hearts.
jackass answer
You'll be fine with just 4 plants. My plants usually put off more smell at night than in the day. Just play dumb and say there must be a skunk nearby.
yea... a dead one. Tell them you buried it.. but it still stinks.. and you will move the body in a couple of months. So they gotta get used to it. Start selling little tree air fresheners out in front of the hay business and have them staple it to their mask on the outside. You could even install it for a service fee.
I grow a couple on my backyard, sometimes I can smell theM down the street people always sniffing and shit as they walk or drive by. I just nod and point at the neighbours and shake my head.