New to this need help

I'm having a lot of natt issues right now currently working on the front door are they okay I put sand on top of the soil but one was crawling on the plant. Aslo I had some 10 15 10 i use on my tomatoes so hopefully that will feed them for now


Well-Known Member
Yep just add to water and Ph it. In your current setup it looks like your going for a "drain to waste" program. General hydroponics has some really good info on their website. If you use their schedule, the amount they recommend should be used as a max. Some plants can take it most will get nute burn. Just add a clarification, your king's mix, what is it made of? I found some and it looks like it is just coco coir. Is this correct?
coco fiber, aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, perlite, coco chips, bat guano, feather meal, kelp meal, fish bone meal, gypsum, dolomite (PH adjuster), and basalt


Well-Known Member
It's the whole "feeds for 2 weeks" thing that gets me. It doesn't just evaporate after 14 days. You are using tiny amounts of water right now and even in those small planters, there is no way she has used everything it provides. Nor have you been watering so much as to wash out the nutrients. I'm just advising caution with the nutes.


Well-Known Member
Kinda looks like the beginning of a calcium deficiency, they have ready made for sale, search cal-mag. Or you can make it at home, at least the calcium part, eggshells (about a dozen) and vinegar(about a cup). Let it sit for a day, strain the solution of its bigger pieces and boom calcium for your girls.
Another possibility, what does the underside of the leaf look like? It could be mites. Get as close a view as you can, jeweler's loupe can do it, microscope does it better, these little bastards are tiny and difficult to spot. It it easier to see their eggs.
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Kinda looks like the beginning of a calcium deficiency, they have ready made for sale, search cal-mag. Or you can make it at home, at least the calcium part, eggshells (about a dozen) and vinegar(about a cup). Let it sit for a day, strain the solution of its bigger pieces and boom calcium for your girls.
Another possibility, what does the underside of the leaf look like? It could be mites. Get as close a view as you can, jeweler's loupe can do it, microscope does it better, these little bastards are tiny and difficult to spot. It it easier to see their eggs.
Hey man thanks this has me all worried the plant looks so good