First Time FIMing - Concerned I Did it Wrong

Ukulele Haze

Well-Known Member
Greetings everyone,

This is my first post on rollitup. I've had four successful grows before, but they were all Autoflowers. I did not perform any training whatsoever on them but did defoliate. pH adjust, and use nutrients. After a long growing hiatus, I lucked out one day recently and found a developed bagseed in a quarter of really potent Wonka Bars I got from a dispensary. I decided to try cultivating the strain in my grow tent.The seed popped the soil on August 21st, 2020 after being planted for only two days. I named her Wilma because Willie is a guy's name. Unfortunately, I tried to do LST for the first time ever last Wednesday October 6th, 2020 and it did not go well. At that point, the plant was only two weeks old. I lost half of the leaves. Thankfully, it seems to have recovered quite well.

Today October 11th, 2020, I thought about trying topping after reading about it. But, I also read that FIMing is less risky for younger plants. Considering my plant is pretty small right now, and already went through trials from the botched LST attempt, I thought FIMing would be a safer bet. Now that I have (hopefully) done it, I was wondering if someone could please analyze the attached photos to help me determine:

1) Whether or not I FIMed correctly
2) Whether or not I FIMed at an appropriate time (not too early)

I am open to any advice or suggestions anyone might have for me. This is my first time trying Photoperiod cannabis. The goal is to test out new techniques, so I might also look into purchasing a SCROG net.

Thanks everybody for your time.

- Ukulele Haze


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Here are some photos I took today (two days after the procedure). I was concerned I did not remove enough material up top for a proper FIM. But, I think I am seeing some new growth at the nodes. The plant does not appear to be stressed to me, either. What do you guys think? Looking OK?

Thanks again,

Ukulele Haze


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The platform software for viewing photos is absolutely crap, can't you add a full image?
Full image.
Hi Star Dog,

I apologize. I did not know that was an issue with this website. Here are some photos. The first picture is from Sunday, right after I attempted FIMing. The bottom two photos show the cutting site two days afterward. If a more "zoomed out" shot might help, please let me know; I have those too.





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Doesn’t look like you went low enough to get the results that you’re wanting. You can try again when it grows out the next nodes.
Thanks that's better, to my eye you maybe didn't nip it down far enough :-(
Fwiw I I'd normally leave the leafs and only take out the centre leaving around 3mm of the growth tip.
It'll be fine though.
Doesn’t look like you went low enough to get the results that you’re wanting. You can try again when it grows out the next nodes.

I had a feeling something wasn't right about it, yeah.

Thanks that's better, to my eye you maybe didn't nip it down far enough :-(
Fwiw I I'd normally leave the leafs and only take out the centre leaving around 3mm of the growth tip.
It'll be fine though.

You're welcome Star Dog. Maybe I will try the F.I.M. method you suggested next time I want to try it - it sounds intriguing.

I don't think you can F.I.M a F.I.M ....

I never thought about it that way, but you make a good point! :lol:

Thank you all for taking the time to put in your two cents. Ultimately, it bothered me too much, looking at the part of the plant I cut incorrectly. So, I decided to go ahead and Top it about 12 hours ago. I know I risked stressing the plant more. But, so far, she seems resilient. Hopefully I at least got the Topping right (photos I took just now below). I made sure to sterilize my snips first.



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hi , this last grow i missed a fim on 3 out of 4 plants . I re-fimmed again that 3 with 100% sucess . What i did different this time is that i cutted right when u feel with ure fingers a bit rigid , u can feel some juice when u cut there .

To check if it worked look for at least 2 ramifications coming out of the fim, could be more 3 ,4 etc.. , if it comes like a normal tip grow u failed and only slowed down growth
Just for fun, I thought I would post an update photo. This way, anybody interested can see how my Wonka Bars Bagseed grow is going. Pictured here is 33 days from breaching the soil. The plant is a hair under 13 inches high. I noticed the first signs of her sex yesterday when I did LST. Wilma Wonka's (hopeful) clone is on the right. Just screwing around/experimenting with stuff:


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Greetings everyone,

This is my first post on rollitup. I've had four successful grows before, but they were all Autoflowers. I did not perform any training whatsoever on them but did defoliate. pH adjust, and use nutrients. After a long growing hiatus, I lucked out one day recently and found a developed bagseed in a quarter of really potent Wonka Bars I got from a dispensary. I decided to try cultivating the strain in my grow tent.The seed popped the soil on August 21st, 2020 after being planted for only two days. I named her Wilma because Willie is a guy's name. Unfortunately, I tried to do LST for the first time ever last Wednesday October 6th, 2020 and it did not go well. At that point, the plant was only two weeks old. I lost half of the leaves. Thankfully, it seems to have recovered quite well.

Today October 11th, 2020, I thought about trying topping after reading about it. But, I also read that FIMing is less risky for younger plants. Considering my plant is pretty small right now, and already went through trials from the botched LST attempt, I thought FIMing would be a safer bet. Now that I have (hopefully) done it, I was wondering if someone could please analyze the attached photos to help me determine:

1) Whether or not I FIMed correctly
2) Whether or not I FIMed at an appropriate time (not too early)

I am open to any advice or suggestions anyone might have for me. This is my first time trying Photoperiod cannabis. The goal is to test out new techniques, so I might also look into purchasing a SCROG net.

Thanks everybody for your time.

- Ukulele Haze
HOLY SHIT! I grew a Nemo too! lol