How far would 4 bud plants odor travel in a tree house

how far would the smell travel with 4 gorilla glue plants in a tree hut 20 foot up and a hay shed 65 foot away from the tree where people come to buy hay, is this too riskie ?

About 34.678123ft give or take a few mms

Seriously, if you know only even a tiny but about growing you would know the answer. You do know the answer for certain.

You are just looking for the answer you want to hear and you will go off half assured that there will be no smell and all is fine and dandy.

It's not and you know this in your heart of hearts.
how far would the smell travel with 4 gorilla glue plants in a tree hut 20 foot up and a hay shed 65 foot away from the tree where people come to buy hay, is this too riskie ?

I grow in my backyard in summer. The answer to your question is not that bad. Depends on the climate too. On those hot summer days I can sometimes catch a wiff when I'm in front of my home, 40 feet away but nothing intense. Once fall hits and it's cooler and the flowers are ripening, the odor doesn't travel as far. You'll be fine. I'm in a non legal state too.
Also, it's only 4 plants. If you had 8-10 hanging flower that might be a different story. It's it's fall in your region and cooler you'll be fine.
I used to hang-dry in our treehouse when I was a teenager my friend's parents would never go down there. I think you'll be ok with 4.
and atleast 2 or more people a week come to buy hay and my mates dad does work there for hours making hay so I just want to make for sure we will be safe
Anyways.. with it being 20ft up.. I wouldn't worry. The hay gives off a smell itself. If there's enough hay over there.. even the wind shouldn't give you issues. Go for it. Maybe get a hanging 4-6 tier drying net. You could always wrap a sheet around it to cover it up from anyone's view.
Anyways.. with it being 20ft up.. I wouldn't worry. The hay gives off a smell itself. If there's enough hay over there.. even the wind shouldn't give you issues. Go for it. Maybe get a hanging 4-6 tier drying net. You could always wrap a sheet around it to cover it up from anyone's view.
We made a flat platform at the top of a 20 ft hedge its has branches growing all around it and you can't see it from the ground we are just worried about the smell and people catching a woof and get suspicious
We made a flat platform at the top of a 20 ft hedge its has branches growing all around it and you can't see it from the ground we are just worried about the smell and people catching a woof and get suspicious
Well how many ppl know it exists? (The platform) The less the better. Who's gonna know where to look? I'd just play stupid and say I don't smell weed.. I smell horse shit.
Well how many ppl know it exists? (The platform) The less the better. Who's gonna know where to look? I'd just play stupid and say I don't smell weed.. I smell horse shit.
Just me n 3 brothers but the dad has seen us up in the tree but there was a shit tree house up already but we told him we where making it better and we made it hard as to get up then you have to come up a locked flap
How's the winds up there? usually blowing in the direction of the visitors? and are you growing them up there? or...
How's the winds up there? usually blowing in the direction of the visitors? and are you growing them up there? or...
The wind normally goes the other way to where the people go to buy hay and yeah we where planning to grow it on the platform, we are gonna make it hard as to get up
The wind normally goes the other way to where the people go to buy hay and yeah we where planning to grow it on the platform, we are gonna make it hard as to get up
Just be aware of how tall you are able to grow the plants. You want to stay under whatever walls you may have.