how do "YOU" feel about Obama with Marijuana laws????


New Member
It's not just the pharmaceutical companies, it's also the petrochemical industry and the logging and paper industry. There are more industries that would suffer under legalization but those are the big 3.

Just think of the jobs created by legalization, a whole new cash crop, it could very well bail this country out of the mess it's in.


Active Member
just remember henry ashlinger started because of the morphine addicts that would cry in pain because they needed more. This was in the slums when he first immigrated here. in his final days he just sat in a morphine high. hippocrit?


New Member
Don't you think he fully intended for his lies to result in a brainwashed and divided society? I think if you told him that it would make his day.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Here is some recent info from ASA regarding Obama's stand on Medical Marijuana:

1. President Elect Barack Obama Statement on DEA Raids of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries, as of 11/03/2008

On Tuesday, Barack Obama was elected to become the first African American President of the United States. His campaign succeeded with a message of "Change". We'll be unsure of what this means for ASA until our staff has an opportunity to meet with his transition team. However, the following reply from the Obama Campaign to an inquiry from a prominent medical cannabis advocate on November 3rd, represents his current stated position. We felt it appropriate to share with you.

Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting Obama for America to inquire about the Senator's position on allowing severely ill patients to use marijuana for medical purposes.

Many states have laws that condone medical marijuana, but the Bush Administration is using federal drug enforcement agents to raid these facilities and arrest seriously ill people. Focusing scarce law enforcement resources on these patients who pose no threat while many violent and highly dangerous drug traffickers are at large makes no sense. Senator Obama will not continue the Bush policy when he is president.

Thank you again for contacting us.


Obama for America
This position is the direct result of activists from across the country communicating with the Obama Campaign in public and in private. You've met with his staff, you've written letters and emails, you called his campaign office, and this statement came from the action you took. It is evidence that the work you put in does have an impact. For the first time in the history of ASA, our executive branch target for a federal medical cannabis law is with a President who at least seems willing to listen. ASA will do everything in its power to hold the new President accountable. But keep in mind as we move forward together, that we can't do it without you.



New Member
so u just kinda chill in the political threads?:blsmoke:
Exactly. I did make a couple of closet grows, and got some good advice from this site, thought I'd sell a bit and suplement my retirement. Had to curtail that effort though as my grandaughters were getting curious and going to school where the Nazi teachers encourage them to rat on family. I gave most of it away to my neighbors that were very grateful to get quality pot for free. I'm trying to convince one of my neighbors to take up my equipment and grow his own as he spends about 3-4 hundred a month on pot, I guess he is paranoid or something. Christ I'd sell him everything for 200 bucks, cost me over 600, and that includes about 1,000 seeds, white widow and the midnight stranger + two other strains I got from a site off of RIU, geeze it's such a deal. Heck, I even told him I'd set it up and get him started, show him how to germinate etc. But I am a political junkie, It interests me, and I love to get others opinions on a subject and either agree or argue. I did love the growing though. Even though I didn't smoke, a powerful smelling flowering pot plant is a beautiful thing. I used to love to sit in my office and breath in the skunky smell, check on my plants and feed them, yeah, it was uplifting. If it ever became perfectly legal, I'd grow it just for those reasons and give it away cheap, for enough to cover my costs.


Well-Known Member
Here is some recent info from ASA regarding Obama's stand on Medical Marijuana:

1. President Elect Barack Obama Statement on DEA Raids of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries, as of 11/03/2008

On Tuesday, Barack Obama was elected to become the first African American President of the United States. His campaign succeeded with a message of "Change". We'll be unsure of what this means for ASA until our staff has an opportunity to meet with his transition team. However, the following reply from the Obama Campaign to an inquiry from a prominent medical cannabis advocate on November 3rd, represents his current stated position. We felt it appropriate to share with you.

This position is the direct result of activists from across the country communicating with the Obama Campaign in public and in private. You've met with his staff, you've written letters and emails, you called his campaign office, and this statement came from the action you took. It is evidence that the work you put in does have an impact. For the first time in the history of ASA, our executive branch target for a federal medical cannabis law is with a President who at least seems willing to listen. ASA will do everything in its power to hold the new President accountable. But keep in mind as we move forward together, that we can't do it without you.

Wow Potroast! That is some great news!