Recommendations for bud trimmer.


Active Member
Hey guys

Ive been trimming like crazy and it absolutely sucks. Tops i will still hand trim but the mediums and smalls take too damn long. Currently im using a trim bag to get them but they have to be super dry to work. And if too dry they kind of break apart

Looking for someone that has experience with a good trimmer. Gonna need a heavier duty one. Ive tried a friends triminator mini dry and it kinda sucks, same issue as trim bag
Hey guys

Ive been trimming like crazy and it absolutely sucks. Tops i will still hand trim but the mediums and smalls take too damn long. Currently im using a trim bag to get them but they have to be super dry to work. And if too dry they kind of break apart

Looking for someone that has experience with a good trimmer. Gonna need a heavier duty one. Ive tried a friends triminator mini dry and it kinda sucks, same issue as trim bag
Get yourself a wife, lol.
Been looking into a trim-daddy. A user on here I've spoken to has one and likes it a lot. Another should be getting theirs in any day now.

Trimming sucks. Better to spend time with the family if you can find a reliable machine.

I've used the shake trim bags, and bowls before. They suck, do not waste your money on any of those.
Ive been trimming like crazy and it absolutely sucks.
You have to change your mindset. You've already mentally submitted. Someone mentioned wife. Its a must that happens.15- 30 10 hour days till you zombie out, weekends off , 4 times a year. And stop that much amount of beer drinking at the trim table and also stop day dreaming while trimming. only think bud and scissors. Hope this helps.
To each their own but I would never want to use one of those machines to trim buds. It seems like a sin to take months of work and throw it into a machine that will literally beat the trichomes off of the buds. A good machine will make nice manicured buds but knock off the very reason you grew it to begin with.
literally beat the trichomes off of the buds.
You can see it with the naked eye! A USB scope and look at hand trimmed next to machine trimmed, same flower and the trichome heads will be missing on the outside of the nug. Some machines do try to reclaim this material but really I hate to see beautiful flower go through a machine but I am one of those that never wants to touch the flower while trimming, hold it by the stem and always cut to leave a handle to hold while trimming.
You have to change your mindset. You've already mentally submitted. Someone mentioned wife. Its a must that happens.15- 30 10 hour days till you zombie out, weekends off , 4 times a year. And stop that much amount of beer drinking at the trim table and also stop day dreaming while trimming. only think bud and scissors. Hope this helps.
I get you dude but honestly no thanks. Im like the other dude i got about 40 a month to trim. No one has time for that
I have a centurion trimmer it works pretty good it was pretty expensive tho. Ive also used a twister machine.
I normally hang and hand trim the top half of the plants and run the bottom half thru the machine.
there is a pretty clear differents between hand trim vs machine. but the machine gets it done if you have a lot to do with little help.
What I like about the GreenBroz is there’s only 1 moving part... the blade. It’s just a box, a base plate, a blade, motor, and a switch. No belts, pulleys, guides, delicate parts, Etc. Its whisper quiet, can’t hardly hear it running. No suction, and all your trim falls neatly into a pan that slides out from the base. Blade never needs sharpening, and you can clean it in about 6 minutes. It does about 70-80% of the work, the rest is up to you to hand finish and remove crows feet, very tight sugar leaf, etc. Claims for 3-4 lbs an hour are bullshit though unless you get your buds down to 6% moisture content. I prefer around 10%. It takes 30 minutes a load to do. So really about a .lb an hour. Blade speed is very gentle at 20 RPM’s.
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Green bros definitely sounds good. But god 10k for a machine. Im looking at the twister t6, centurionpro, and lastly the trimpro rotor(cause its cheap). Anyone with experience with this