Aussie Growers Thread

nice and healthy beernutz.

what strains are you doing for you’re outdoor?
Did you end up keeping the 3bk’s??
Still not 100% sure yet mate just seeing what seedlings look the best in a week or 2
There will def be a gorilla breath in there
The 3bks I lost my seeds in an order and don't have any more
Pineapple chunk
Wonder woman
Arcata ghost
Blue fire
Are some of the others to choose from
Got some nl#5xberry lights regs as well just not sure if they make my yard cut I've only got room for 3 big trees
Bagseed Guy here with update.

We're having beautiful weather - most days maxing around 24-26 and night mins 11-15c.

The older plant images 1 & 2 went out in August as a seedling. I tipped it just as the first pre-flowers appeared at 3-4 leaf stage. I'm thinking the plants at mid flower stage. I'm guessing it's looking good to pull an ounce off next month. I've also picked out a small nanner from among the pistils with tweezers.

The bottom image is of a plant which went out early September and clearly not tipped, it also broke into flower after a week or so - probably because the days were still shorter than the nights - or possibly they're just seeds from an auto? I'm adding a dynamic lifter solution every other watering - now each 3 days. I reckon she looks quite elegant pot to tip - 70cm.

All comments welcome.
Plant1.JPGPlant1 buds.JPGplant2.JPG
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Till then just Gunna go to Tafe n better myself n shit
Did cert to in construction n skid steer n excovator chainsaw ticket n doing conservation n land management next then horticulture
Seems you're getting your shit together, mate & have a plan for the future - good to hear!

Just about everyone here will go "off the rails" occasionally (me included.....).

Stick with it & stay focussed on your future with all the new skills you're learning. You never know where it's gonna take you....
My memories of you in the past were that you were kinda "scattered", trying to learn as much as you could (all good), but you wouldn't apply it & stick with it to a conclusion. Can I guess at Asperger's?? No indictment here, just an observation.

Stick with ONE thing so you can learn from the experience & then test/adjust for the next time. 'Same goes for the skills you're learning now - master ONE thing, then learn another & master it.

Then (& ONLY THEN) move on to the next thing to learn.......
Hey fellas, can anyone point me in the direction of CBD oil for a family member not well?
Pm dm 1:1 whatever it's called.