Greetings Happy To Be Here

Love the vibe man. I would love to try a BHO extraction one day. The only thing I’ve made from flower is ice water hash and cannabutter. Cheers
I believe in better living through science. My forte is blasting, degassing, filtering, polishing and processing BHO. I have been for many years and continue to learn. Hoping that the community here and I can garner from each other and move forward. Be calm and never surrender.
On more of a rosin kick myself lately but you'll find lots of like minded people on here- WELCOME!
I am old school and some times feel like my bag of tricks needs a serious upgrade. Rosin is new and puzzling. People groove on it but it is everything that I try to avoid except the thickness. The red colour from the heat, and really that much wax is overkill. Not to mention the misguided phobia of dark extracts from the general population of dabbers. If I make a batch that is brownish with little or no opacity, even though it is the bomb, most consumers will turn their noses up and walk. I spend hours filtering and polishing and then it is acceptable. ARGH!!! FFS!!!!