Help with clones - no roots

PH on clones is higher then plants need to in the 6.3 range.
also you need to gel your cutting as soon as you make them to stop Embolism or air thats stops the clone from getting any nutes.
temp need to be 75 to 78.

I use a CFL closer but your lights may be stronger. We don't want too much strong light as we don't want much vapor from the leaves.

Go out to homedepot and buy a cheap CFL ballast for like 15 dollars and a couple blue spectrum T5 CFL bulbs. Prob cost you 20 dollars total.

They are weak enough you can hang them close.
Most don’t have a light above there cloners. They just get ambient light from the room. Your trying to grow roots not the plant.They started yellowing because of too much light,there eating themselves.Less light makes them think grow roots.
Most don’t have a light above there cloners. They just get ambient light from the room. Your trying to grow roots not the plant.They started yellowing because of too much light,there eating themselves.Less light makes them think grow roots.

ok thank you i only used them as thay came with the Propagator should i keep 1 of them on and 1 off sorry i am new to all this
A Dome is not recommended in an aero cloner.
Yellowing is most likely too much light, clones only need low intensity light, too much light & they will try to grow, feeding off themselves.
PHing non rooted clones is not required & does nothing, no roots = no feeding

sorry i done it with a normal Propagator but not a X-Stream - Aeroponic before so i tho i would try and see if this is any better
At this point yes leave them up high,one or both doesn't really matter.Your now armed with better knowledge,a lot of us killed our first attempt at clones.Try and try again.
Sometimes i have several clones going,in a glass of water,rockwool in a dome,bubble cloner.They all work.Ive noticed clones from a dirt mom can be finicky since the stems are woody.Hydro clones root the fastest with there hollow stems.
You can always cut a few more and try again,i like to put them in glass of water for 3-4 hours before they go into the cloner.
Sometimes i have several clones going,in a glass of water,rockwool in a dome,bubble cloner.They all work.Ive noticed clones from a dirt mom can be finicky since the stems are woody.Hydro clones root the fastest with there hollow stems.
You can always cut a few more and try again,i like to put them in glass of water for 3-4 hours before they go into the cloner.

so would u say i need to get rid of them

and next time dont use the dome at all with it i tho the humidity had to be high
Just keep an eye on the older ones for mushy stems they start to turn tan coloured. Throw them away if that happens and clean the cloner.
1 week 1 day from cutting

ok just check i did everything you told me

thay look dry on the top my humidity is 65/75 %

but thay have start to get roots on them :)


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Theres 100% humidity by the stems ,thats all that counts.Once they root u can foiler feed but not before.
ok bud why would the top look like there dry and what would you do about that ?
There not dry,otherwise they would be dead/droopy looking.You hit them with light too hard right after you chopped them.Hard to recover from that.Youll get better at it just keep trying.
hello all day 5 and still noting showing

i use

X-Stream Aeroponic Propagator Kits with Secret Jardin TLED, Clonex Gel & Mist

I use a $10 dome, walmart cloning powder I bought in 2006, heat with a mat for 2 days, drop humidity to 80% for a week, no peek until two weeks, 100% success. If I peek I lose clones haha. I'm just in it for my own stash but I'm sure there are better ways to do it for faster results. Good job on seeing roots. I use a $5.99 blueish grow light, 2' T-8 from walmart, again. It works better than LED or T-5's as it doesn't throw heat. I keep it 1/2" from the top of the dome.
I use a $10 dome, walmart cloning powder I bought in 2006, heat with a mat for 2 days, drop humidity to 80% for a week, no peek until two weeks, 100% success. If I peek I lose clones haha. I'm just in it for my own stash but I'm sure there are better ways to do it for faster results. Good job on seeing roots. I use a $5.99 blueish grow light, 2' T-8 from walmart, again. It works better than LED or T-5's as it doesn't throw heat. I keep it 1/2" from the top of the dome.

nice i wish i never watch youtube vids but i will get better for next time
nice i wish i never watch youtube vids but i will get better for next time

I may have lied. I got one tray with no roots on 4 clones, two weeks and a day. Oh-oh. I will fess up if they don't make it by this weekend. Seems like when you brag it bites you in the ass.