Well I never saw anyone compress an oz or 2 as thats about pointless but if your trying to compress a lb into a brick for transport depends on where your putting it.You can make rolls like 2 inch round like toliet paper roll size or a 1.5 to 2 lb bricks the size of well bricks.Both fit nicely in gas tanks or false car cirlings or hidden interior walls.An easy process for bricking involves a little welding and either a hydralic push or large screw style clamps modified a little.To brick it weld a small steel box the size of the brick you want.Weld it good and use heavy guage steel as the pressure you need is great.You then have to cut a steel top plate that barely fits down into the box you welded together.This top will be attached to either the hydralic ram or the adjustable part of the pipe clamp.You fill the box with weed hand stuff it as good as you can then compress it with the top via hydalics or the clamp getting tightened down.A similar easier way is to get a 2 inch steel pipe with a threaded end.Get a end cap screw it on the thread real good and tight.Cut the pipe to whatever size rolls you want and again you can use a pipe clamp that screws down.Make a steel circle that fits inside the pipe snuglly.You thenfill the pipe as full as you can then tighten down the clamp pushing the steel circle down the pipe compressing the weed inside.Repeat as needed.Weight it wrap in plastic wrap good 3 layers.Dip in motor oil , roll it powder detergent wrap in plastic warp againj.,oil, detergent, plastic, 1 layer aluminum foil then use brown packaging tape or if crossing a border use reflective metal tape to reflect xray scans.This is just what I would do if I ever had thought of doing this kinda thing but since I dont its all just hypothetical and unless your transporting pounds of commercial un needed info.