What has Trump done to this country?

So my mom called me from the assisted-living facility and said she watched the debate and was shocked

She's never seen Trump in action until now

She said she wants to vote, and I told her that I get her ballot here and will help her with it

she said "you know, I've voted republican for years..." and I said "yeah I know, mom"
Haha I figured he would, now who wants to make a bet he barely gets sick ? I bet he is is just faking this to get people less scare of Covid and make Biden’s talk of lockdown look even crazier, kinda brilliant tbh
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Let me think.
What happens 3.5 million times a year?
Uh, Trump tells a fucking lie?
Or, is it the infection rate in this country of it's citizens with COVID-19, at least as so far as of today is concerned, because of Trump's murderous incompetency?
Nah, it can't be the infection rate because it's fucking double that number, so it must be Trump's lies.
Am I right?
Search google . The answer is there on the internet somewhere . That is how I learned about it . You just have to ask the right question . That is how google works .

Might be a way to shirk the last debates cuz he bombed . Wouldn’t put it past the white house to garner sympathy votes .

His secretive visits to walter reid may have some “ under lying “ conditions we don’t know about ... more than tiny hands and micro penis issues. He’s overweight , and generally looking out of gas. Debate night he looked sweaty / greasy probably feverish .

Time for a pint. Cheers.
Funny how everyone likes to say how fat and unhealthy Americans are(for good reason) and are suprised when a bunch die during a respiratory virus, could he have handled it better sure, would less have died if they were overall healthier for sure, but we are where we are and Biden’s plan will cripple this country especially when he taxes all the big dogs out to other countries

American Corporations (are people too) would abandon the USA? Hum.
Perhaps you shouldn't put so much faith in them.
Okay. I'll admit to being a white guy with a fairly privileged upbringing. I have the advantage of having been exposed to a lot of things many people never have the opportunity to be exposed to. As far as that goes, I'm willing to share what I've learned with anyone willing to learn.

Honestly, I was stoned through much of junior and senior high school but a couple of things I came away with...

You can say what you want but unless you can back it up with facts, data, substance, it's just talking...

Facts are verifiable and ALWAYS true. For everyone. I can say, "Today is Thursday, October 2." However, that is not a fact. For someone in another part of the world right now, It's already Friday, October 3. For my tomorrow, this statement is no longer true. This was a difficult concept for me but once I accepted it and tested it, it became clear.

Primary and seconday sources:
Primary sources are the people who have first hand knowledge of a subject or event. People who were there when it happened.
Secondary (and tertiary and quarternary...) sources are people who were told about an event or who came later.
"Real News" typically requires more than one primary source.

Data and experimental results:
Data is an observation of some phenomena. It should be quantifiable (measurable).
Experimental results are bullshit unless they are replicable - someone else should be able to apply the same conditions and arrive at the same result within an acceptable margin of error.

Anecdotal evidence:
This is where stuff gets fuzzy... there may be a lot of people experiencing a particular result from, let's say, DTW in coco coir. That in itself doesn't make it fact. That's just the beginning. This gives us the basis for making and then testing a hypothesis (an educated guess).

We don't have to know why something works to know it works:

What you think, what you've been told and what you know to be true are often very different things.

Let's face it, most of what you read or see or hear on the internet is just bullshit. I hope everyone can thoughtfully apply these simple concepts.
Nice to meet you. Good points.

Oh so your Canadian eh ? You must have missed Biden saying he would shit the country down COMPLETLY for atleast 6mths if the “scientist” told him too....they both seem to be talking a lot about “scientist”....what do you think a complete shutdown would do to the already fragile and in bad shape economy?? They want people to be completely dependent on the government, Drrr Biden Harris 2020
Where did you learn that scientists want people to be completely dependent on the government? Because I call bullshit.

Remember the patriot act after 9/11? notice how whenever they government gets some power or control they never give it up ? They don’t take steps backwards so if most the country is unemployed or lost their business and dependent on the government you think they will give up the control they got during this pandemic especially when they know we need them? nahh, it’s truly mind boggling how short sighted some people can be
Kind of like how when you learn something that is a danger, you would be wise to always be looking out for that danger?

Are you the hard tard who says defund the police then wants to vote for Harris LOL

Tuesday he was on stage W/ Biden ,yelling . Buckle up here we go w/lots of “ what if’s “ super spreader scenarios in tow . Craziest of times !
Im trying to not think about it. I might go unplug for a while and read a book.

This virus could give a shit less what we all think about it and will do what it does. I know I really truly hope Trump and everyone around him, as well as Biden and all those around him stay healthy and nobody dies.

Trump doesn't deserve to be morned before he has a trial. And Biden needs to crush Trump so the world can see Americans are not citizens of a dictatorship. That our country is in our hands, not our politicians, and to not judge us by the idiots that con their way into office.
American Corporations (are people too) would abandon the USA? Hum.
Perhaps you shouldn't put so much faith in them.
It’s called capitalism, read about and you might understand..so your saying don’t put faith in them and tax them till they leave and we get no tax money from them and no jobs, I swear some of you are really dumb
Nice to meet you. Good points.

Where did you learn that scientists want people to be completely dependent on the government? Because I call bullshit.

Kind of like how when you learn something that is a danger, you would be wise to always be looking out for that danger?

didn’t say scientist want people to be dependent, and your all for the NSA still looking through all your emails n social media ? Wow yea your not for a dictatorship