Who supports Trump here

It's like the term liberal, the right re contextualized it to the point where most Americans don't even know what it means. I like to do this too, take the term "sexual deviant", I apply it to those who have an abnormal interest in the sex lives of others, such as those with issues with gays or LGBTQ folks. Re contextualizing words changes their meaning and turns the tables on your opponents.

The last thing racists and the right want is for the idea of liberty or liberalism to take hold, it means equal rights for all in the end and they will endure corrupt irresponsible government so that it does not happen. It would mean forming a community with those they fear and hate for no real reason. They would rather suffer and die, and often do, because they don't want healthcare, the brown folks might get some. It's the basis of libertarianism philosophy in America (independence, not community) and bolsters the usual rationalizations of simple greed they call an ideology, they don't want to share with those they hate and fear. Many of these people don't even want simple toleration and that is not enough to build a community that cares for each other, more than mere toleration is required. It's quite simple, human communities are bound by love and we feel pain when we are excluded from the community. Patriotism is about love, for ourselves, families, neighbors, communities and countries, love always puts others first, so do heroes.
It's OK to call someone, retarded or a tard, if they are acting in an antisocial manner, not as a slur against their intelligence, but their character. It's a bit more complicated than that, Trump is a moron with an IQ of 78 and while I don't normally denigrate someone's intelligence, I strangely feel no remorse. Many who follow Trump are either actually morons or have made themselves idiots by being completely controlled by their conditioning and shunning reality (fake news).
I agree with @VILEPLUME on this one. Maybe I’m more sensitive than others about this but I find it an offensive slur.
I agree with @VILEPLUME on this one. Maybe I’m more sensitive than others about this but I find it an offensive slur.

Thanks man. Before covid my wife and I did pet therapy at a retirement home, but it also had some young mentally ill people. Hard to hear people use that slur knowing the hardship others go through.

Some comedians use it like Tom Segura, but I know he is joking. Others use it to put down others. I guess it depends on the context.
I agree with @VILEPLUME on this one. Maybe I’m more sensitive than others about this but I find it an offensive slur.
It's a case of a word being recontextualized, is the term socially retarded offensive? Morally retarded? Imbecile, idiot and moron were once formal classifications of intellectual impairment, today they describe moral failings. It is the intention and context that count, it is inappropriate to use such a term to describe the intellectually impaired, with certain notable exceptions. Not many want to hurt the intellectually challenged or their families by using the term in reference to them. It has become a pejorative, probably because it was more often used to describe moral failings, or as an insult to assholes.

Where do you draw the line with the idiots and morons who regularly show up here, what more appropriate response to Rob most times than the economical TARD! Not many of the people who are hurt by the term are around these parts and it is never used to describe them or their loved ones.
You want to see some mentally deficient motherfuckers, just watch these republican talking heads spin Trump's covid infection on TV this morning.

As though we didn't watch the piece of shit downplay the virus and wearing masks for 6 months.

What goes around, comes around.

Do they need help shoving a breathing tube down his throat yet? I'll stay at a Holiday Inn Express tonight to learn the procedure. It's the least I can do.
You want to see some mentally deficient motherfuckers, just watch these republican talking heads spin Trump's covid infection on TV this morning.

As though we didn't watch the piece of shit downplay the virus and wearing masks for 6 months.

What goes around, comes around.

Do they need help shoving a breathing tube down his throat yet? I'll stay at a Holiday Inn Express tonight to learn the procedure. It's the least I can do.
No more rallies for two weeks at least, thousands of lives saved, there is one positive. I figure Donald will try to break quarantine if he is not too sick and feeling sorry for himself. He will get effective antiviral treatment early so his prognosis might be good, even if his physical condition isn't. He will deny getting antiviral treatment and say it was his superior genes...
Nothing about this matters (IMO) outside of more chaos being caused by Trump's idiocy until Biden and his wife/close workers all test negative over the next couple weeks.

We don't know what we don't know, but Trump is a super spreader of both the virus and the propaganda about it, and it is entirely possible he assassinates his political 'enemy' with this virus.
You want to see some mentally deficient motherfuckers, just watch these republican talking heads spin Trump's covid infection on TV this morning.

As though we didn't watch the piece of shit downplay the virus and wearing masks for 6 months.

What goes around, comes around.

Do they need help shoving a breathing tube down his throat yet? I'll stay at a Holiday Inn Express tonight to learn the procedure. It's the least I can do.
hold that thought... no Melania can do em in while he’s sleep and the world can say it was from corona. lol She can save everyone time.
They will probably make a movie of his life and it will end on some Chernobyl shit... Trump entering Wuhan himself to find the core of Corona to destroy it himself and dying in the process.
hold that thought... no Melania can do em in while he’s sleep and the world can say it was from corona. lol She can save everyone time.
They will probably make a movie of his life and it will end on some Chernobyl shit... Trump entering Wuhan himself to find the core of Corona to destroy it himself and dying in the process.
October Surprise: Discovery that Trump sucked corona out of Putin's ass that day in Helsinki. The old Trojan Horse maneuver.


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